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Prophetic scrolls 86

Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby

THIS SCRIPT WILL DEPICT some unusual, strange and also some supernatural facts of which some people do not know about, or they wonder about! And in some instances it looks very odd in¬deed, but the Lord has a definite reason and after it is cleared up will build faith in the individual who receives the revelations! ¬Some incidents you may have often read; others you possibly haven’t! – “Some real eye openers that many overlook! – For in¬stance, the words “eternal” and “everlasting” are mentioned often in the Bible, but the word “eternity” is only mentioned once! (Isa. 57: 15) This word was reserved for Himself because He was “before all” in eternity!” — “The longest word in the Bible is Maher¬shalal-hash-baz (18 letters) Isa. 8:1” —“Reverend is only mention¬ed in the Bible once!” (Ps. 111:9) and Grandmother was mentioned once! (II Tim. 1:5).

AND NOW SOME OTHER FACTS: Women who had to shave their heads before they could marry!” (Deut. 21:11-13) — Judges 20:16, “An army with 700 left-handed men!” — ‘The man who lived to be 120 years of age, but never grew old!” (Deut. 34:7) — “The man who had his funeral services conducted by the Lord!” (Deut. 34:6) — two men who left the world and returned for a visit” (Luke 9:28-31) “And should be the ones who return even again! (Rev. 11:3) — “One of the most unique miracles was when the clothing or shoes did not wear out for 40 years!” (Deut. 29:5 – Nehm. 9:21) —‘The case of the donkey talking! Num.22:22-32) — In another case it is recorded that another beautiful creature spoke to Eve, animal nature, but intelligent! (the serpent) Gen. 3:1, and he had a seed (offspring) verse 15! See Script #80!” — “in II Kings 6:1-7, gravity was overruled by Elisha’s faith” — “Who was born before Adam was born?” – Cain! – “Adam was not born, he was created!” — “A miracle that happened over 12,000 times!” (Ex. 16:4 -Josh. 5:11-12) — “and where God com¬manded people to actually eat tiny particles of gold!” (Ex. 32:20, 24) m “Also the nobles of Israel saw God standing on a blue pave¬ment of sapphire! (Ex. 24:I0-ll) — Also a prophet leaves in a supernatural fiery ship – space chariot! (II Kings 2:ll).

GEN. 5:27, MAN WHO LIVED TO 969 YEARS OLD! – “This foreshadows that during the millennium men will reach great age again!” (Isa. 65:20) m “Man who had 700 wives and 300 con¬cubines!” (I Kings 11 :3) — “Man whose hair weighed about ²/3 lbs. when it was cut annually!” (II Sam. 14:26) m “A father who had 88 children!” (II Chr. 11:21) m “Army of 185,000 destroyed in one night!” (Isa. 37:36) — Isa. 38:8, “The sun traveled backward!” — “A Bible scroll that was cut with a pen knife and burned!” (Jer. 36:20-23-27-30) — “A harlot, an ancestor of Christ!” (St. Matt. 1:5) — “No taste in the white of an egg!” (Job 6:6) — Deut. 3: 11, One who had a bed 13½ft. long and 6 ft. wide!” — “Where a ferryboat was used! (II Sam. 19:18) — II Sam. 21:20, “man who had 12 fingers and 12 toes!” JUDGES 3.31, “THE MAN WHO slew 600 men with an ox goad!” — Judges 9:5-16, “The man who slew 40 brethren to usurp the throne!” _— “And the trees that prophesied the evil king and the coming of the anti-christ, a “bramble” bush!” (Judges 9:8-15) — Judges 14:8-9, “Honey came out of a dead lion and is eaten!” — Judges 15:16, “a person who slew a thousand men with a jaw bone! He also caught 300 foxes!” (Verse 4) —Judges 16:1,4 “A prophet who had an affair with two harlots! – God did not condone this but it was revealed to show God’s great mercy on the backslider or sinner, because Samson came back to God at the end! (Verse 28) — Josh. 10:13, “The sun stood still a whole day!” –¬”Isaiah walked naked for 3 years!” (Isa. 20:2-3) “probably you are startled!” But they would no longer listen to God’s Word so he give them “a sign’ of their judgment! Ver. 4. – “Also God told the prophet Hosea to marry a whore, because the Lord could no longer speak to them in any fashion, so he gave them “a sign” of what Israel was doing to Him! (Hos. 1:2 – Hos. 3:1-3).


(MATT 23:24) — “Man ate locusts for food!” (Matt. 3:4) “In another case for a sign a prophet is told to eat the unexpected!” (Ezek. 4:3, 12-13, then read verses 15-17) m HA woman killed a man by driving a nail through his head!” (Judges 4:20-21) — “A time the stars fulfilled providence!” (Judges 5:20) —

GEN 6:2, SONS OF GOD MARRIED THE DAUGHTERS OF MEN: – “The Seth line crossed into the Cain line! – But also something else occurred. Now we know that angels in heaven do not marry, but there is evidence that something else transpired too! – Also giants came forth, larger than any mentioned in the Bible! – Trust to write more on this later!” — “Man used a stone for a pillow!” (Gen. 28:11) m Gen. 38:28-29, “Baby had a scarlet thread tied around its hand before it was born!” – “This strange event happened because Judah deceived his daughter-in-law” “then the daughter in-law deceived him in the disguise of a harlot!” (Verses 14-18) – “This remarkablt’ (‘v em foreshadows that the sinful Jews will be deceived by another woman, tht. harlot ‘.)f Re’ 17: 1-5 – They actually glVt’ their rulIng staff to her and the. am -christ!” (IIThess. 2:4) _u “Now we must remind you that these events were done under the law, and today we have much more insight and anointing under grace!”

SOME ANGELS HAVE 6 WINGS AND SCORES Of EYES! Rev. 4:8, Isa. 6: 1-3 — “There is only one Holy Spirit and yet there are 7 spirits of God revealing the one Holy Spirit in Christ Jesus! It’s like this, there is one root; the same as one bolt of lightning that will fork in 7 different branches of light. The 7 branches of light will still be from the one bolt of lightning!” (Rev. 4:5) —

EZEK. CHAP. 37, “GRAVEYARD FULL OF DEAD BONES RESURRECTED!” — “God appoints a lion to kill a prophet!” (IKings 13 :24-26) — “Woman boiled and ate her son!” (II Kings 6:29) — “The tribe of Benjamin kidnaps wives! (Judges 21: 19-23) The reason this occurred was because the tribe of Benjamin was nearly wiped out for the raping of a man’s concubine!” (Judges 19:25-28) u_ “And the woman was divided into 12 pieces and sent into all the coast of Israel and the tribe was nearly destroyed because of this violent act ! (Verses 29-30) – — “Judges 20:46, 25 thousand died; this left only 600 (verse 47) and the other tribes would not give them wives and that is the reason they got the wives in the manner that they did!” — This is a strange fact and a vile record of abuse indeed associated to destruction! u_ “Speaking in another manner today concerning morals and prophecy, some women are openly trying to break former records of infamous women of Egyptian and Roman Empires” _u According to a magazine, a stripper in New York had an affair with 84 men in a 24 hour period! It is said she resorted to various and unorthodox ways to accomplish the sinful feat! But this she did willingly and was not forced with violence – but for pleasure and immoral record . . . and wants to increase it later! A bizarre fact is, one am0l1g the number included her own husband!” – It seems that people do not care for anything; it’s just as the Bible said it would occur! (II Tim. 3: 1-7) – Perhaps later we can explain details and bring out some more viewpoints of some odd things that are occurring in the nation!” — “Also the reason why they had so much trouble in the Judges, it says, that every man did that which was right in their own eyes! They did not have a spiritual leader at times!” (Judges 21:25) – “But today we have many spiritual leaders, there should be no excuse! But Jesus said like in the days of Noah, and Sodom, so shall it be!” (Luke 17:29, 30) 

DESPITE ALL THIS THE LORD will still have multitudes who will follow Him! Here is another fact, Rev. 21:16-27, reveals a celestial city extending in 3 dimensions – 1,500 miles each way (Note 8 furlongs equal a mile!) The size gives us some indication of the number of its dwellers! Literally millions of the redeemed of all ages will abide here! Amen!”

Scroll #86

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