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Prophetic scrolls 88

Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby

WITH THE EINSTEIN EQUATION “E=MC2” a cataclysmic formula made possible the splitting of the atom and swept the world into an atomic age! Luke 21 :26, powers of the heaven shaken! (Joel 2:3,30) – (Zech. 14:12) “Ever since then men have witnessed multiplied sightings of different lights in the heavens!” (Luke 21 :11) “In this Script we will give the answers to some puzzling questions concerning this, and the two sources from which they come! – Angelic and demonic!” “But first let’s consider Einstein’s theory of relativity concerning time, space and matter! According to him, if a spaceship could approach the speed of light (186,000 thousand miles per second) – then like the other three dimensions time too would disappear! – He felt if men could live through this he would escape into a different dimension! He felt possibly eternity! – But as we know there is only one way intd eternity or eternal life, and that’s through salvation!” (I Thess. 4:17,14) – “But the elect will outdo the speed of light and be in eternity with Jesus!” “Be changed” in the twinkling of an eye! (I Cor. 15:51-52) – “There’s a considerable amount of information in the Scriptures concerning time, space and matter – perhaps we can relate more on this and various subjects later!” (II Peter 3:8) – “Here’s a real mystery solved only by faith!” (Ps. 90:4).

SWIFT CLOUDS – (Read Isa. 19:1, II Sam. 22:11-13) “The Hebrew word for clouds in the Old Testament, and the Greek word for clouds in the New Testament are not always the same! The Bible mentions all kinds of clouds, rain clouds, etc.!” – “Then there is a definite word for the type of cloud associated to celestial chariot transportation!” “The Greek word for this type cloud in the New Testament is Nephele and means a small, thin, flying cloud!” – “In the following Scriptures this type of cloud is referred to.” – Rev. 14:14, “Behold a white cloud, and upon the cloud one sat, like unto the Son of Man having on his head a golden crown!” Rev. 11:12, “They ascended up to heaven in a cloud!” – Matt. 17:5, “While He yet spake behold a bright cloud overshadowed them!” – Acts 1:9, “A cloud received him out of their sight!” – Rev. 1:7, “Behold He cometh with clouds, etc.!” – And in Isa. 66:15, gives this real description, ”’For behold the Lord will come with fire, and with “His chariots” like a whirlwind:!” – “We are just putting the plain Scriptures to bring out some viewpoints, but not to indoctrinate! But there are some real mysteries in the heavens!” “These same types of clouds are used concerning celestial chariots in association with a special order of angels! – Read Ezek 1 :4-5, “He saw a whirlwind, a great cloud – a fire shooting outward and inward in the brightness of amber!” And in Ezek. 10:13, it says, “0 WHEEL!” And now from a former letter we’ll get some real information that will help clarify many things. Read it attentively!

THIS PROPHETIC SCROLL is about a fascinating important subject! Much has been said lately of the signs occurring in the heavens through the newspapers, media, etc. And we will take a Christian approach to this and research the Scriptures! – HI have written on this subject before, and we know the Bible holds the answer to the true and false side of the this phenomena! Prophecy reveals that there will appear incredible sights as the age closes! (St. Luke 21:/1) But we are to stand steadfast and measure the evidence of which power it is by His Word! And the Bible says the Comforter will show you things to come and lead you into all truths!” – “The lights reveal time is shortening, and that it is near the translation and the earth is entering a period of apocalyptic judgments! But first we will reveal the Lord’s true lights, and then we will reveal the evil lights, that appear many times as an angel of light!”

EZEK, 1:4, 13-18. VERSE 16, UNVEILS A CELESTIAL WHEEL WITHIN A WHEEL and cherubims (angels) controlling them! He saw God’s true light (supernatural craft) moving as the speed of lightning. (Read Ezek. 10:9-13, 20-21) – Ps. 68:17, depicts the supernatural chariots of God are 20,000 and even thousands of angels involved!” II Sam. 22:8- 14, “records an incredible aerial phenomenon involving the Lord of Hosts! – Verse 11, depicts celestial flight! Verse 13 reveals bright lights went before him, and as he passed it created a thunderous sound!” – Verses 15, 18, “He sent forth lightnings and turned back David’s enemies! He had definitely seen an aerial wonder of God! – A true sign from heaven!”

II KINGS 2:11-12 “SHOWS THAT ELIJAH WAS TAKEN IN A CEI,ESTIAL CRAFT involving fire and went up in a “spinning wheel” like motion!” – In Gen. 15:17-18, displays Abraham saw an unusual wonder right after God made the covenant with him! He witnessed fire with glory smoke around it; a burning lamp in the air passed before him! – “It was a sign to him concerning the covenant!” – “Also in Isa. 66: 15, portrays the Lord will come with fire and with His ‘chariots’ in whirling motion like a ‘whirlwind!’ And flames (supernatural force) before Him will rebuke the nations!” – Man has invented the “death ray” and laser beam, but God’s lights are more potent and complete in their work! One day man will have a space war at Armageddon, but God’s lights will destroy man’s modern lights (ray weapons) and atomic forces!” Read Zech. 14:12.

NOW WE WILL TAKE INTO CONSIDERATION SATAN’S FALSE LIGHTS; he is the imitator of God’s true lights! – His fallen angels of evil lights will forerun the coming of the anti-christ!” II Thess. 2:4, “verses 9-11 expose his appearance as in lying signs and wonders!” – “People for instance say they have made contact, but always what they reveal are not in line with the Word of God! What they have contacted is negative spirits with all deceivableness! Giving them strong delusion that they should believe a lie (false angel of light)!” Here is a news clip of such an appearance, we printed this once before and we quote: Machado said, I saw people running for shelter, while others were kneeling in prayer. Then I saw it, the ship was like two large plates stuck together with the top plate upside down. It gave off a white-blue light and was gliding over the fields! Then it slowly set down in the field beyond town!” – “Hundreds of people watched in horror when a young man fell to the ground as he approached an Unidentified Flying Object which landed! The fallen youth’s mother screamed as he lay motionless on the ground about 30 feet from the saucer-shaped object near a small Brazilian town! Friends ran to help him while the crowd stood in stunned silence as the UFO took off rapidly!” – “Machado was treated in a hospital for strange inflammation on both legs, which was said to resemble electrical burns! Among the witnesses were a police officer, and dozens of Brazilian Air Force men who reported seeing the UFO in a field!” – “An Air Force investigation showed that the flying saucer sightings were reported in four other areas the same day!” (End of quote). In Luke 21: 11, “it says great signs shall there be from the heavens! This takes in both sides of the good and the evil that will appear!” – “Also it takes in consideration the atomic blasts in the heavens!” (Verse 26) – “Also our future laser beam weapons will shake the powers of the heavens with awesome explosions during Armageddon!”

SOME OF THE ASTONISHING AERIAL PHENOMENA being seen in the different lights is warning that the cup of iniquity is full and that great judgment and destruction is just ahead! This is why the lights are appearing! (Sin is reaching its limits)” – “Right after “the lights” appeared to Ezekiel in Ezek. chap. 1 and as the cup of iniquity reached fullness we see in Ezek. 9:4, 7-9 that God sent destruction!” – In Dan 8:23, “reveals that when the transgressors have come to full the king of fierce countenance will stand up (the anti-christ) and the prince and power of the air (satan) will be with him!” – This is just one deceptive way that satan is preparing for his man of sin!” – “In ancient history when God’s lights began to appear it was just before disaster came!” “It’s the sign of evil dictators, severe economic conditions, great quakes, famines, storms and geological upheavals!” – “The lights warn time is shortening! There will be many strange and unusual signs occurring before the coming of the Great Day of the Lord! Joel 2:30-31” – “l will shew wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood, fire and pillars of smoke! Also preceding this God will do spiritual wonders and great exploits through his people!” (Verse 28-29) All this strange phenomena is in conjunction with the rising of the beast and is an omen of the cataclysmic events predicted to arrive in our age!” – “In doing this the Holy Spirit only gave a few Scriptures, there are many more to substantiate this subject!”

ONE FINAL WORD CONCERNING TRUE LIGHTS AND FALSE LIGHTS! “We know in the garden of Eden there were both kinds. The false light from satan was with the serpent beast, and the light of life was in the tree of life!” In Gen. 3:24 it gives an unusual passage. “After He drove man out, the Lord placed at the east of the garden of Eden cherubims and a flaming sword which turned in every way to keep the way of the tree of life!” – “Cherubims would be like what Ezek. 10:12-13, 19-20 revealed” – A flaming sword which turned in every direction would be a wheel within a wheel, sharp, seeming like edges turning in every way (direction), in circular motion with flaming edges!” – “I’m not saying this is the interpretation, but I thought it good to bring out this point! It could have been just a real flaming sword and angels!” – “According to other Scriptures we do know that God had in similarity celestial patrollers watching the earth, it says to keep, to watch!” – These patrollers were present just before the flood and some strange occurrences took place that you can read in Gen. chap. 6. There are some real secrets in this chapter that some day I would like to explain should the Lord permit! “And now one final Scripture on our subject is found in II Kings 6: 17 wherein Elisha saw the mountain was full of chariots of fire all around him, of course angels of protection in them.” In Scriptural symbolism horses would be symbolic of power! Our fiery vehicles today are referred to as so much horse power in the engines! – Yes, Ezekiel saw God’s fiery glory wheels, and some day we will know the whole story of His wondrous works! – “So let us stand with His Word which is the true light of the Holy spirit, and as far as the aerial phenomena is concerned leave it with the Lord and follow the Bible truths!”

Scroll #88

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