HomeProphetic ScrollsProphetic Scrolls 92

Prophetic Scrolls 92

Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby

THE SIGN – The great red dragon (satan). – “In Rev. chap. 12, two wonders appeared in heaven! The one that we are going to revelate is the second wonder; but first let us lay this descriptive foundation shown in Rev. 17:10-12, wherein it reveals a total of 7 particular kings in world history that governed past empires from Egypt to Rome, etc. . . . “The angel said 5 kings had fallen, one is; which was Rome at the time of John’s writing then at the very end of the age ‘the 7th head’ would appear! He would reign for about 42 months, be wounded by the sword (Rev. 13:3-5) be possessed by a satanic prince from the bottomless pit and become the ‘8th head’ (Rev. 17: 11) reigning for the last 42 months!” – Now let us explain and prove this symbolic forecast step by step that occurs as the age transpires into its final hours in the next paragraph!

RETURNING TO REV. CHAP. 12 – In verse 3, “we see the wonder of the fiery great red dragon having 7 heads and 10 horns and 7 crowns upon his heads! – Now in John’s day only 6 heads had appeared, now we see the ‘7th head’ crowned! – The anti-christ has come into power with his ‘satellite kings.’ It is now the beginning of the first part of the 7 year period! – Then in the midst of this (verse 5) we see the first fruits caught up!” . . . Verse 9, “tells us the story of the dragon, that old serpent the devil coming down!”… Verse 12, “shows the beast from the bottomless pit possess him (the anti-christ) after the translation! He has a short time! At this point the world then enters the last 42 months!” Verse 15-17, “reveals the anti-christ armies pursue the remnant of the Woman’s seed 1efl’-in- great tribulation!” – “Now let’s go over this again – what has occurred? – It depicts that right after the translation (verse 5) that a satanic prince enters the anti-christ and he becomes the ‘8th head’ at this point! – Notice in verse 3 he has the 10 horns (10 kings) with him, but they are not crowned then!” – “Then verse 12 shows it is the time that they are crowned, but this is revealed later in Rev. 13: 1. It says now the 10 horns are crowned! – Now he speaks as a dragon!” – “See it’s simple, no crowns are on the 10 horns in chap. 12, then ‘after the translation’ in verse 5, we see the satellite kings with the beast are crowned in Rev. 13: 1 !” . . . “it is at this point that he turns from a deceiving lamb to a dragon, and the whole earth goes through a blood bath and ‘the mark’ of the beast is issued!” (verses 14-18) – “Soon he will stand before Armageddon as the earth is turned into atomic vapor and dust!” – Rev. 17: 11 “shows you that the 7th head is now the 8th and final form of the beast system! – Note: See, during the 7th head he deceives, during the 8th head he marks the earth! “

THE ANTI-CHRIST AND THE GREAT CITY – “His world of electronics! It is claimed that some day people could vote, do their shopping and pay their bills from their easy chair! – And then later for the worshipping of the beast and his image over view data screens to be hooked into the home television in a computer network!” – “The anti-christ will institute this under his regime, and no one will be able to buy or sell without loyalty to the beast!” – “Electronic screens like the view data will revolutionize the way business is done in the world!” “Evidently religious and commercial Babylon will be controlled from his Middle East headquarters near the Euphrates!” . . . “Zech. 5:11 certainly depicts the movements and activity of religious and Commercial Babylon! – And from the seed sown by satan in early times has come all the evil of mystical and commercial Babylon! – Rev. 18:10 reveals this great electronic city suffering judgment from the Almighty! Isa. 13: gives a viewpoint at the very end of the age (verse 9 tells us when it is).  Verses 19-22 reveal he shall overthrow it like He did Sodom and Gomorrah! It says it will never be inhabited. And we know after the first overthrow of Babylon it was inhabited so this is speaking of the final end!” – Isa. 14:4, “speaks again of this golden city!”

THE GREAT GOLDEN CITY OF THE ANTI-CHRIST – “Many years ago a man wrote what the city of Babylon would be like if rebuilt again! – Let me say this, there will be a headquarters in the Middle East, but the city of Babylon will be more than this and will take in all commercial cities – and this you are about to read, Let us just use it as ‘all’ trade cities combined as making Great Babylon together as ‘one city’ all over the earth” in trade centers! – Quote: “Babylon the Great will be an immense city, the greatest in every respect. It will be a typical city, the London, the Paris, the New York, the Chicago of its day. It will be the greatest commercial city of the world. Its merchandise will be of gold and silver, and precious stones and pearls, of purple, and silk, and scarlet and costly wools. Its fashionable society will be clothed in the most costly jewels. Their homes will be filled with the most costly furniture of precious woods, brass, iron and marble, with the richest of draperies, mats and rugs. They will use the most costly of perfumes, cinnamon, fragrant odors, ointments and frankincense. Their banquets will be supplied with the sweetest of wines, the richest of pastry, and the most delicious of meats. They will have horses and chariots and the swiftest of fast moving vehicles on earth and in the air. They will have their slaves, and they will traffic in the ‘souls of men.’ That is, women will sell their bodies, and men their souls (male and female prostitutes), to gratify their lusts. (Rev. chap. 18 concerns all that is listed here.) The markets will be crowded with cattle, sheep and horses. The wharves will be piled with goods from all climes. The manufacturers will turn out the richest of fabrics, and all that the genius can invent for the comfort and convenience of men will be found on the market. It will be a city given over to pleasure and business. Businessmen and promoters will give their days and nights to scheming how to make money fast, and the pleasure loving will be constantly planning new pleasure. There will be riotous joy and ceaseless feasting, As it was in the days of Noah and of Lot, they will be marrying and giving in marriage, buying and selling, building and planting. “The blood will run hot in their veins. Money will be their god, pleasure their high-priest, and unbridled passion the ritual of their worship. “It will be a city of music. Amid the noise and bustle of its commercial life will be heard the music of its pleasure resorts and theatres. There will be the sound of ‘harpers and musicians, of pipers and trumpeters’ (vs. 22). The world’s best singers and players will be there. Its theatres and places of music will be going day and night. In fact, there will be no night, for the electric illumination of the city by night will make the night as bright and shadowless as the day, and its stores and places of business will never close, night nor day, nor Sunday, for the mad whirl of pleasure and the absorbing desire for riches will keep the wheels of business constantly moving. And all this will be easy because the ‘god of this world’ – Satan, will possess the minds and bodies of men, for we read in verse 2~ that Babylon at that time will be the habitation of Devils, and the hold of every foul Spirit, and the Cage of Every Unclean and Hateful bird. “The City will be the seat of the most imposing ‘OCCULTISM,’ and mediums, and those desiring to communicate with the other world, will then go to Babylon, as men and women now go to Paris for fashions and sensuous pleasures. In that day demons, disembodied souls, and unclean spirits will find at Babylon the opportunity of their lives to materialize themselves in human bodies, and from the atmospheric heavens above, and from the Abyss below they will come in countless legions until Babylon shall be full of demon-possessed men and women, and at the height of its glory, and just before its fall, Babylon will be ruled by SATAN HIMSELF, incarnate in the ‘Beast’ – ANTI-CHRIST.” This is one man’s conception of what the city of Babylon will be like. A satanic sadistic kingdom – 8th head! Rev. chap. 18 and Rev. chap. 13 depict its final form.

THE EVIL KING – “The ruler of electronics and computers is revealed as sitting in the Temple of God declaring that he is god!” (II Thess. 2:4) – Verse 9, “Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders!”- “Strong delusion will come! (verse 10) – But the Lord shall destroy him with the brightness of His power!” (verse 8) – “His electric Garden of Eden city will be turned into a desert in one hour by a flaming atomic holocaust! (Rev. 18:10,21) – Be sure and study Scroll #91 with this Script! And for your benefit we will insert part of that scroll here!

NOW THE GREEK ALPHABET IS THE IMPORTANT ONE – It was in the Greek that John wrote the book of Revelation including chapter 13. So he evidently had to use the Greek Alphabet in unveiling the mystery! (verses 17-18)

Alpha: α =1         Iota: Ι ι =10  Rho: Ρ ρ = 100

Beta: Β β =2     Kappa: κ.=20 Sigma: Σ σ/ς =200

Gamma: Γ γ =3 Lambda: Λ λ=30.  Tau: Τ τ =300

Epsilon: Ε ε =5    Nu: Ν ν =50      Phi: Φ=500

Delta: Δ δ =4      Mu: Μ μ =40  Upsilon: Υ u =400

Stigma (ϛ =6          Xi: Ξ ξ =60       Chi: Χ χ =600

Zeta: Ζ ζ  =7        Omicron: ο.=70 Psi: Ψ ψ =700

Eta: Η η  =8            Pi: Π π =80     Omega:ω=800

Theta: Θ θ  =9      Koppa C = 90.  Sampsi 9=900

This letter s (called Stigma) is used for the number 6. Why this letter and number should be thus associated we cannot tell, except that both are intimately connected with the ancient Egyptian “mysteries.” The three letters S S S (in Greek :%:%}) ) were the symbol of Isis, which is thus connected with 666. Indeed the expression of this number, X ~f, consists of the initial and final letters of the word XP’CTTOS (Christos), Christ, viz., X and s, with the symbol of the serpent between them, X-~-.. – “We cannot confirm this, but could this be the very mark that will appear (after the elect is gone)! Because this mark represents a number and name! Years ago, Dr. J. A. Seiss commented on this, giving further information, “The ‘mark’ itself is at once a number and a name. The apostle tells us what it is. As he gives it, it is made up of two Greek characters which stand for the name of Christ, with a third, the figure of a crooked serpent, put between them. . , So in the SO’s let’s watch for a great building up in the Middle East, not only commercial, but a military complex! We should be able to see more concerning all this in the 80’s! – Watch the coming Saudi Arabia Empire, for finally they will work with this evil prince as well as the Hebrews too!



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