Let us consider prophetic events and some signs around us that point to the soon coming of Christ! – The sign of prosperity!
– “The Scriptures predicted these conditions just before He returns! – It also predicted great depressions and famines in between the times of good fortune! – This is what Jesus said concerning the economics of the age!” (Luke 17:28-30) – “Never in all history have we seen such a prosperity; although there will be coming economic crises and prosperity again under the reign of a world dictator!” – Here is another sign often overlooked! . . . “The Capital and Labor conflict! James 5:1-4 explains this perfectly. This is seen often in third world countries, but it will occur in all nations in one way or another under the mark of the beast! – These conditions described were to occur at the time of the Lord’s coming!” (Verses 7-10)
“The prophecy concerning men’s hearts failing for fear and because of the severe events that are coming upon the earth! (Luke 21:26) – We have seen much of this in the world in our generation! . . . But during the Great Tribulation it will increase many fold, and they will drop like leaves because of the many severe events that will strike the earth!” (Rev. chaps. 6, 8, 16) – “In fact the sign of world suicide that Jesus spoke about is now possible! – The development of atomic and germ warfare causes the realizations of these fearful conditions! – Jesus said, unless He intervened no flesh would be saved! (Matt. 24:22) – This is one more true sign of His soon return! – The Bible predicted also the conditions concerning lawlessness and the youth sign! (II Tim. 3:1-2) – Without controversy, almost anyone with any insight at all can see that this has come to pass and will worsen, as the devil in them will prowl our cities as the age ends! – In many of our great cities people will be almost imprisoned, afraid to go out at night! – The newer cities and buildings will be built on the order of prisons concerning alarm systems and guards, and with electronic eyes and scanners!” . . . “Also even Christians’ homes are faced with difficulty of the times! – Their children see the uncontrolled freedom of the sinners’ children and want more themselves. So let us pray for our youth! – These are the signs of the last days!”
“The sign of the occult explosion, spiritualism and cults. (I Tim. 4:1-3) – All you have to do is to read or see the news to now that this sign is being fulfilled daily. People are dabbling in every type of magic, false doctrine, wizardry, part truth, part fable, part pagan! – According to the Scriptures some would even depart from the faith and be caught in these deadly traps and doctrines of Satan, because they would not listen to the truth, and fell away into apostasy! – No wonder the whore of false doctrines rises to such great power as the age ends!” Rev. 17:1-5, read it! . . . “Also, the Bible gives us another sign as the age closes. It is the sign of the lukewarm church that will be spued out!” (Rev.3:15-16) – “On the other hand the Scriptures also give us the sign of the supernatural revival. Believe me we have seen a marvelous outpouring and tremendous miracles, but yet the latter rain will be more powerful, and a quick short work!” (James 5:7) – “This prophetic fulfillment is upon us now! Oh, what a glorious hour! – Be steadfast with you faith and all things will be possible unto you!”
“The pestilence sign. Very few can deny this sign, especially if some of them knew the Scriptures in the Soviet Union!” – “Now here is some Scriptures for a nuclear fallout in case a plant in your area has some problems! Read the 91st Psalms, for it protects from radiation and all poisons!” – “Verse 1, means those who trust in Jesus shall abide under the shadow wings of the Almighty! – Verse 6, you are protected against the pestilence that walketh! – Verse 7 reveals that no matter how many thousands fall around you, God will have a shield over you for protection! – Verse 10, the plague shall bypass thy dwelling! – Verse 16, and He will satisfy thee with long life and salvation!” – And this is the Scripture that I will claim for all my partners, read it! – Ps. 27:5, for any test or trial of life. One who abides in the above Scriptures are standing on good solid ground!”
“Another significant sign revealing to us that the return of Christ is near . . . is that when we see all of these signs taking place during the time that Israel became a nation, the sign was, this generation shall not pass away until all of these things be fulfilled!” (Matt. 24:34) – “The prophecy concerning the 70th Jubilee! . . . Many believe that when Israel went home, 1946-48, that she entered the hour of the 70th Jubilee. They even printed a stamp with the ‘number 70’ on it, with a harvest field in the background! – Many believe that the translation of the church, the tribulation and the Battle of Armageddon will be over with before Israel enters its next Jubilee! Of course the church leaves earlier than the final part of the Great Tribulation so take this into consideration! – My what an hour!” – “We are living in the days of the last days! – We are entering the very twilight of time! – Praise Him!” – “We could add many more events, but this gives us a quick view of where we are at in our generation!”
In His Abundant Love,
Neal Frisby