HomeTranslation AlertsProvidence Of The Holy Spirit 121

Providence Of The Holy Spirit 121


Providence of the Holy Spirit Neal Frisby’s Sermon CD #1863 2-19-83 (PM)

Thank you, Jesus. Jesus is wonderful, isn’t He? Do you feel good tonight in your soul? All right. They gave us a little more light here tonight. It’s wonderful. See the audience? Power of the Lord. Sometimes the light’s so bright you can hardly see out through there, and even like it is, it’s kind of hard. When you do television, why? It’s just a blinding light everywhere. They do that so it shows up nice on the screen. Well, I’m going to pray for you, and I believe the Lord’s going to touch you, and we have seen tremendous miracles the last few nights and testimonies. People have been giving them, but tonight I’m going to try to just pray for people in the Holy Spirit and for healing, too. Then Sunday night, back to miracles night, where I’ll pray individually for you on the platform, and I’ll tell you before, if you’ve been given up by doctors or need something created to believe with me together, and we’ll unite together and believe for a miracle. They come from the Lord Jesus. Amen? All right.

Lord, the people are here tonight. You chose them to come and hear the Word of the Lord and to be visited by the Holy Spirit to guide them and reveal in their heart what their work is for you, no matter what, testifying or just coming and praising the Lord or witnessing. You know all about it, Lord Jesus. Guide them in their work or jobs. Guide them in their daily living. Help them in their families, Lord Jesus, and we believe in our heart and those believing in their heart, it shall be done, and I believe you’ll touch the bodies tonight and cause the pains to disappear, banishing all the symptoms, Lord, to the diseases and commanding them to go, creating a new body. Isn’t that wonderful? We believe that at the end of the age, the body of Christ will be cleansed by the power of the Holy Spirit from disease, and the power of God will come upon His people. Bless all the new ones tonight and reveal your great love that you have never forgotten them at all, Lord, but you are remembering them daily. Isn’t this wonderful? Give the Lord a handclap. Praise the Lord. Oh, praise Jesus!

All right. I have two services tomorrow. Besides these crusades, I’ve been doing my other work in future messages and so forth, too, so I’ll be here for just a little while tonight, but I’m gonna try to get to more people. You can be seated. And then Sunday night, we’ll have testimonies and miracles again, and I’ll be here tomorrow morning, so be here tomorrow morning, and if you missed the last two nights, the people have been coming very well. If you missed the last couple of nights, you missed tremendous miracles and testimonies, and sometimes we had more than we could handle on the testimonies and the way the Lord sent them. Anyway, we’ll get to that, and we will be praying for the sick again on Sunday night, and I’ll be preaching a message tomorrow morning as the Lord leads. So, tonight, you can receive your healing, but we won’t be doing it like we did the last two nights, but I’ll be praying for a Holy Spirit anointing line. We should have one of those in the service.

The last time, I believe, we kind of just did it somewhat, but prayed every night for the sick, and we’ll be praying for you, but you have to come to the line, and as I touch you, so it’ll be for healing and for the Holy Spirit rally instead of individually. That way, I can get you through the line, allowing the Lord to anoint you, and I think you’ll feel real good for the service tomorrow and tomorrow night. Lord bless you.

  1. Now, are you ready for your message? How many of you believe in the Lord Jesus with all of your heart? How many believe great exploits are coming? And people sometimes write to me, you know, we see things all the time, but there will be greater things, won’t they? We feel revival, and they go by simply by how the people are reacting to the power of the Lord and how the messages are coming forth. Those are the type of people that’s been in the thing, watching it from the Word and not from the eyes. That’s the Holy Spirit talking right now. Isn’t that wonderful? You know, in the Bible, Nicodemus came to Jesus, and every time it seems like this morning, I marked this scripture, and a wind started blowing, but I believe some of it is accidental, but He never told me that, He just blew the wind. But several times I’ve started on this scripture, and the wind would come up, tonight, it blew my hair around a little bit, as I was coming over, just blowing everywhere. But anyway, that’s kind of symbolic, and Jesus used that. It’s only one of the scriptures I have tonight. Sometimes, evidently, when I read it, it won’t do that, but it’s as if the Lord is symbolizing something. He used it. And we want to get in some scriptures, and then if you want to be anointed by the Spirit tonight, you get in the prayer line for healing of the Holy Spirit. We will pass you through the line, not individually, but just one by one as you go through there. All right, now, in other words, you won’t be able to stop at the microphone and begin to tell the audience tonight, because I want to get on through, I have two services tomorrow.
  1. Now, let’s get into this, John chapter 3, and we begin here. Jesus said, “Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again” (v.7). See; he [Nicodemus] came, he wanted to understand all about it. Jesus is bringing out some viewpoints here, how the providential acts of the Holy Spirit move. “The wind bloweth, where it listeth.” In other words, the wind bloweth, where it listeth. It goes where it wills, but it knows where it’s going, and it is appointed. Watch, “and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit” (v.8). At a proper time, as the Holy Spirit blows over the earth like it did on creation, it breathed, and the waters were created, (Genesis 1) and so forth like that, and it seemed to bring everything out of void, and bring it into construction, the Holy Spirit blowing. Well, to convert the soul, and to come upon His people, Jesus listeth [describes it] as the wind, blowing, and no one knows exactly which way it would come, or where it would go next, because it’s the Holy Spirit’s bid for us to know. He doesn’t reveal every time to man what He is going to do, and as the earth, He blows across the earth, calling those souls, see, and each dispensation, and each generation, He begins to blow. Jesus breathed upon them, and they were filled with the Holy Spirit in the Bible. It said that the Holy Spirit came down upon them like tongues of fire, and set upon them, and shook the ground where they were at, to signify the power going forth to all nations and every nation finally, before the end of the world. Now, as it blows, what it means is, no one knows next where it’s going to exactly move. It blows, and when one is ripe by providence, it’s appointed, the Spirit begins to woo, and it begins to come to the person, and it begins to deal with that person. Sometimes it will deal for years, moving across, and it can move all over the earth that way, and individually and every way you ever think of, and when it’s ripe to harvest, it moves on that one, just right, and that one comes on to the Lord. Sometimes one will backslide, if he is real, he will come back to the Lord before the end of the age. If he’s not, he will finally go off into darkness, into chaos. It was simply a witness. How many of you realize that?
  1. When you testify in your heart, you’re telling the people, not every one of them is going to give their heart to the Lord, but that witness is going to remain forever. Jesus told him [Nicodemus] about how the Spirit of God moved. They didn’t understand. He said, if I tell you of earthly things, and you understand me not, how will you understand the heavenly things that I’m just now talking to you about? How many of you realize that tonight? In other words, it is heaven’s acts. It is an act of the Holy Spirit from heaven, and He’s moving upon His people that He has appointed. No one tells Him where to go. No one shows Him where to go. No one knows exactly which way He is coming next. It’s like the wind. It will go south, and it’ll turn west. It’ll go east, and it’ll go north. No one really knows, but the Lord knows exactly where He’s going. Isn’t that wonderful? And I often think that Satan is confused, don’t you? Not knowing which way that the Lord is going to turn next. It’s like the fire that Ezekiel saw coming out of the north in a cloud, and the Holy Spirit was moving in and out of the cloud like a fire, enfolding itself within, without, coming, and so him not knowing which way, but he sees the acts. He sees the results out, and he will feel it coming sometimes. He will have to get out of the way, because the Lord is moving and bringing in that one that’s just right, and He begins to move. At the end of the age, the Bible said, as the harvest is ripe, He’ll blow, and when he comes, he’ll come with the Holy Spirit, and those that are ready, he’ll take them as the first fruits of the earth, and they’re ripe, and he’ll bring them on in, and he’ll translate them out. So that’s the way the Holy Spirit moves there, but to explain this, if they don’t even understand earthly things, how in the world are they going to understand the things that come from heaven? So, it’s just wonderful.
  1. The Bible said, be filled with the Spirit of God, and so tonight, healing in the Holy Spirit, it is a dual blessing. You know, as you are seeking the Lord for salvation, you might as well go all the way, get the Holy Spirit, get your healing, get your salvation, and get your benefits of the Lord. Forget not the benefits of the Lord, David said. How many of you believe it with all your heart? Do you tonight? All right, “Turn you at my reproof: behold, I will pour out my Spirit unto you, I will make known my words unto you” (Proverbs 1:23). See; I will pour out my Spirit unto you. Then I will make my words known unto you. He will do these things. “Now, if any man has not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his” (Romans 8: 9 & 14). If there’s a negative spirit, it doesn’t belong to Christ. It will prevent you from getting the blessings of the Lord. It will prevent you from getting the treasures of the Lord, all of the Holy Spirit, and the blessings of the Lord. So, you must remember, if you work as the Bible says to work, the Holy Spirit will work for you. He will activate every department of your life. He will not let you down, but human nature will let you down. Human nature will cause you to doubt God through failure. Human nature will cause you to think you’ve got a better way. I know people say they’ve got a far better way than the Lord has. Yeah, but they’re gonna die, He never dies. Can you say amen? He knows there is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but all his ways are appointed to death (Proverbs 16: 25). None of them gives life, only the Bible. And like He said to Nicodemus, ye must be born of the Spirit. Amen. Isn’t that wonderful? Allow the Holy Spirit to take over your life. When you do, you will be blessed. So, it says here, he is none of his if he has not the Spirit of God. For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, being led by the same wind that we were talking about, they are the sons of God (Romans 8:14). Who are the sons of God? They obey the Word of the Lord. They see it from the Word. They don’t see it from man’s views at all, but they simply see it dogmatically from the Word’s view and that’s where the light comes. There’s your elect of God and it said, they are the sons of God. Those are the ones that listen to the words of the Lord. Isn’t that wonderful? There’s power in this. It will cause you to just feel the power of the Holy Spirit and He will begin to move. He lays down that foundation with His Word and it is powerful. Then He comes and He sets up. And the Spirit begins to move on you. And then Ephesians 5:18 & 21. Be not drunk with wine. Hey man, I see him do some silly things on that, haven’t you? Be not drunk. You’ve seen some of them doing all kinds of things. In some of his [Apostle Paul] meetings, he saw the Holy Spirit move on them, they’d fall over, they’d be talking like they were drunk, gibberish, or something going on and Paul looked at them. But bless God, when they straightened up, they had no headache, they got something from the Lord, and they knew where they were going. Isn’t that wonderful? Be not drunk with wine, children. Be not drunk with wine, teenagers, or marijuana, but be drunk and filled with the Holy Spirit, God. When you get full of the Holy Spirit, you can turn down that bottle of wine. You get full of the Holy Spirit; you can turn down that marijuana, cigarette. But you get out there without the Holy Spirit, you can’t turn down anything. And that’s the Lord’s knowledge, right? There’s a way that seemeth right unto man, but the end thereof doesn’t work.
  2. You’ve got to allow the Holy Spirit to work through you. Be filled with the Spirit speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart. He’s giving you the secret of a Christian life. Did you know just what I said there, will drive all the doubts out, drive all of the melancholy feelings out of there and begin to give you joy and happiness so that you can actually sit down with the Lord and enjoy everything that God’s got? You can walk right through this world. You can watch them on the left or the right, it makes no difference to you what they look like or what they’re doing. If you’ve got a good viewpoint on God and doing like His word says, you can walk right straight through anything. It won’t bother you at your job. It won’t bother you anywhere. You just go on about your business because you’re the sons of God and you’re being led by the Holy Spirit. You can witness anywhere if you want to. The Holy Spirit moves on you. Paul did it, it’s in the Bible to kings, to princes, to the lowly ones, and everywhere, the ships, the master, to islands, to the heathens. He preached everywhere. He witnessed everywhere that he had a chance. It served as an opportunity in a jailhouse. It served as an opportunity in the palaces of kings. He spoke the same way as he spoke to the others. He did not forbear, but he told them the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. That’s the power of the Holy Spirit. So, speaking to yourselves in songs and singing, making melody in your heart. Isn’t that happiness? Now you say, you know sometimes I don’t feel like singing. Well, that’s why the Lord doesn’t feel like making you happy. Amen. You get your heart and you get to sing in the Lord. Yeah, I know [you have] your problems are real. Now I’m not trying to tell you they’re not [there]. You’re facing them. And the devil is real too. And he comes at you, and he’ll oppress you from every angle that you want to be oppressed. He will come to you, and he will come on every side. I can be right in the middle of a meeting, miracles all around me, and circling me. I’ve seen so many miracles happen one time and you come back to the next service, the devil. And you know what? We just strangled him to death. Go right on and God continues right on down the line. He knows exactly what he’s doing. See there’s a positive, there’s a negative. But blessed is he that believeth in his heart the things that have been spoken by the Lord. Well, he’ll ride on high with Him, won’t he? That is wonderful.
  1. Remember when you have many miracles and you see the Lord doing exploits through you and great victories, there’ll be a letdown that Satan will try to send to you. It happened to Elijah, the prophet, the one that actually listened to the Lord’s voice, saw angels all around him. And yet after his greatest victory, there was such a letdown that he didn’t even want to live after that. And the Lord said, “There are 7,000 of them, Elijah that came out of that, that I’ve got.” And He had his mantle on him, He said, “I want you to pick your successor. I’m going to take you across Jordan, across the river, split the waters and you’re going away with me in a chariot.” Glory to God. Isn’t that wonderful? He was looking, you know he told the Lord he was no better than his fathers, he wanted to die. He was looking for the undertaker and here comes the Upper Taker. The Lord said, “See; Elijah, you are on your way. Fire on Carmel. Horn it out. Fire over here and fire over there, transported around working great exploits. You said there won’t even be dew. They weren’t dew anywhere. And it couldn’t rain. Skies were brass. Whatever you said came to pass. You spoke and the meal just kept coming out. You spoke and created oil. It just kept coming out. You spoke, the dead were raised again and now you’re telling me you want to go the other way.” See, great exploits, great victories by the power of God. None greater as the Bible gives it and as far as we know he’s still alive with the Lord because the Bible said, he didn’t die. The Lord took him up. He didn’t die in that body. He’s got to work for Him. Behold I will send you Elijah the prophet before the great and dreadful day of the Lord. That’s over in the tribulation. Do you believe that? Revelation 11 said, my two witnesses will surely come. He’s one of them. He hasn’t died yet, he is coming again. Anyway, he had such great power, and he got such a letdown, he didn’t even want to stay anymore. He thought the whole thing was a failure, you know. There wasn’t anybody really running to look at all the miracles he had performed. So, he and that lonely fellow that was with him, ran so far and that fellow said, “I’m leaving you, you’re trouble now, boy.” And he ran out through there. Amen. That’s exactly right. He went on a journey there. And he asked the Lord that–you know after the great victories and a great exploit–he didn’t want to stay any longer on this earth. He said, “Let me die as my fathers died.” Evidently the Lord said, you do it very well. You won’t have to die but you’ll be taken up with me. And in the bargain, he [Elijah] said I won’t go through, I’d rather go right now. But the Lord comforted him, cooked him a meal. The Angel of the Lord appeared to him, to Elijah, the prophet, and began to get his mind off his problems and speak to him. And when he did, instead of going to the undertaker he went with the Upper Taker and he’s still going. Amen. Saw him again with Jesus and in the books of Luke and Matthew at the transfiguration. Moses and Elijah stood there looking right there at the disciples. Three of them and Jesus transfigured like lightning. His whole face changed and there they were, standing right there. Elijah, the prophet, he ain’t dead. He’s just looking around there. Oh my, what dimensions! Can you say, praise the Lord? The power of the Holy Spirit and the power to move. So, you can have great exploits, great miracles and turn right back around to be faced with something totally different now. I’m so used to it.
  1. I see it coming and I’m going. We will have probably some of the greatest powers you’ve ever seen in your life even the dead raised up. Should it be possible for the young person to die, God raising him or whatever kind of a miracle of creation? Turn right back around and watch old Satan try to come on. It doesn’t last long because the power of God is getting so powerful upon the earth and He is really calling us into a real one, a real rushing, a mighty wind of the Holy Spirit. So, we find out, it says here [making] melody in your heart to the Lord giving thanks always for all things unto the Lord God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God (Ephesians 5:19 & 20). Now that’s what you’re supposed to do and be healed. Philippians chapter 2 says for it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do all of His good pleasure (v 13). How many of you are gonna let Him work in you? Amen. For it is the will [of God] to work in you for all of His good pleasure to do with you. “Know you not that ye are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you” (1 Corinthians 3:16; 6: 20). There He sees the measure of faith that’s within you. If the Holy Spirit wasn’t in you, you’d be dead wouldn’t you? Amen. Because that is life, you borrow that life. You have it [Him] within you. Then you have a right and the Lord gives you [ life] in your own conscience, in your own heart. Will you choose the life that you’ve borrowed upon this earth and breathing His air and moving around? He gives you a sample of it. You have His life within you. Everything that has life, God is there, or they would be dead and He gives you that. It’s kind of an example of probation. Now do you want to continue and have a change to where it will go into eternal life or do you want to have just the life that has been given you for a sample that you have today? That will go on, the Bible said, into infinite, beyond everlasting, beyond everything but eternity. And eternity there is no end and never will be an end. Some things in forever could end into something else. But eternal is eternal. Forever means the same thing, but the word, eternal means it will never end. How many of you praise the Lord? You’re breathing His air. You’re sitting here with life in you. The moment that life departs, no man can do any more for you. God snapped it. That’s the end of it. None whatsoever. So here we are upon the earth, and we’ve got this in us now that He’s given to us for probation. It is left with us. Will we choose death, spiritual death that is, or will we choose the life here that changes into a life eternal and a body that will never wear out. That is a body of bodies isn’t it. It said it’ll never wear out. It’s a body filled full of light. You still have your type of bones glorified. Your eyes and all of that glorified. But it’ll never wear out, never be sick, always look young. Oh, that’s right. No matter how old you are, He brings you back to your prime. He is Almighty. Can you say amen? Isn’t that great?
  1. Listen to this. So, it says here, your body is the temple of God. “Know ye not that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you” (1 Corinthians 3: 16)? For ye are bought with a price: [It cost something. Jesus comes out of glory to do it] Therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s (1 Corinthians 6: 20). Shout the victory. Praise the Lord. Isn’t that wonderful. And in your spirit which is God’s. Body and spirit belong to the Lord. Isn’t that great? It’s just wonderful. Listen to this here: spiritual power in praise and then we’re going to pray. We’ll pray for you in just a moment here. The glory of the Lord filled the house of God through praise. They were praising the Lord, and they were giving thanksgiving to the Lord. They were shouting the victory and they were glorifying God. And here it took place here. It says in 2nd Chronicles 5: 13&14 they were praising the Lord, and the house was filled with visible glory and it surrounded them. They could even hardly see, the Almighty was there. They couldn’t even minister. It was so powerful, they couldn’t even work. They could see, but they could hardly see through it. It was so thick by the power of the Lord. So, they were praising the Lord. They created an atmosphere for the Lord to reveal Himself in power where the wind bloweth, amen, where the people are praising him. Where the people are shouting the victory, He turns and blows by the power of the Holy Spirit. Then it says here: praising the Lord in advance of the battle brought great victory in the Bible to those that did it. By praising the Lord in advance, they won the battle. Amen. Some say oh but we must wait until we win the battle and then we’ll praise the Lord. You will never win the battle. You must praise the Lord before you win that battle and when you praise the Lord it’s as if you have won the battle and yet the fire seems to be raging. But in your heart, you’re praising the Lord because you believe in your heart. When you praise the Lord, you shall win the battle. You don’t pray [You [praise the Lord]. You praise the Lord after the battle too. You praise the Lord before the battle and after the battle. Amen. That’s really great. So, there was victory in the Bible, in 2nd Chronicles 20: 1 to 24; you can read it.
  1. “But thou art holy, O thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel”(Psalm 22:3). For Thou lives in the praises of Israel. God inhabits the praises of His chosen people. That’s the elect, or the Jew that praises God like it was in the Old Testament. A person who truly praises God from his heart will be more spirit-filled than anybody else if they truly praise him from their heart. For God will inhabit the praises. He will live among those praises. And so, we find out, the way to have the power and the presence of the Lord is to open up your heart. Be very thankful. Praise the Lord in your heart. You shall be healed by the power of His Word. Believe in your heart. You’re not only receiving salvation but at the same time you will be healed. Now believe in your heart and the anointing of the Holy Spirit will move upon you, where the wind bloweth the Bible said, it likens that the Holy Spirit will blow and move around upon His people. So, we find out that spiritual power comes from the Lord by His spirit. Be filled with the Spirit according to His word through the blood of the Lord and through His Name, and the power of divine love will rest upon you and the effectual prayers of a righteous man will bring forth the presence of God. You remember that in the Bible? Never mind at the end of the age, like Elijah the prophet–after great victories and winning the battle–was more discouraged than at any other point in his life. He had created and raised the dead, the Bible said, had performed miracles of nature, and had been transported around. He was the most mysterious man you’ve ever seen and yet after the great victory–he even called fire and it would just come forth out of heaven like great sheets and strike the earth and destroyed his enemies–and yet because so few people really wanted to join God, it discouraged him. At the end of the age, he is symbolic of what will happen to the elect if they listen to people and the devil.
  1. There’s divine intervention. He’s going to come and feed us with a good spiritual meal like He did Elijah, amen? Where he, God, gave him a meal. It said the Angel of the Lord woke him up and took him, cooked him a meal on the fire and spoke to him. He said you’re coming up with me in a chariot soon. Glory to God! And the very hour where you may be discouraged in your life is the hour that God is going to move for you like He did Elijah the prophet. And at the end of the age, symbolizing the elect of God, no matter what they go through, divine intervention will come no matter how much old Satan pushes. No matter how he tries to corner people or corner your life and tries to make it look hopeless like the bottomless pit–some of you may think my God, oh Lord Jesus I’m in a bottomless pit almost with these problems–it makes no difference in the world; divine intervention will move you out of there. He is coming. And no matter how he [the devil] corners the elect or tries to corner them in, with fancy sayings, from people that have just dogmas without Christ or any other way, He is going to come like Elijah just before that chariot just before that going away. He is coming on down for that meal, amen. And that old mantle will be wrapped around that bride looking out like a mystery, like he did. You remember when he fled? He got in that cave and he came out holding his mantle like this. God! Earthquake! Fire! And the Lord said, “Elijah,” there he was ( 1 Kings 19: 11-13). Can you say, praise the Lord? Yes sir. That mantle will be upon us like a mystery. And old satan broke the rocks, the earthquake. That little voice coming by divine intervention. He’ll come the same identical way because the very fact he begins to move that way shows that Elijah is coming back to Israel. Glory to God now. Can you see it running there? Sure. People that don’t know their Bible wouldn’t understand this, read Revelation chapter 11. The last chapter of Malachi will tell you all about it. Nevertheless, He will by divine intervention move in your life. He will move in the elect’s body as a group. He will. And Satan will be defeated no matter how it looks. He will come and defeat him at an hour of discouragement upon the earth surely, with the prophetic events that we have forecasted also, from the Bible and from the gift of God.
  1. Future events that tell us things to come and what’s going to happen in the 80s and so forth like that and the crises and the upheavals and all that the Lord revealed to us. It looks like a dark hour. But in there, we’re singing songs and being happy and a melody is in our hearts, amen, because there’s an intervention. A divine intervention is coming. And He is coming to that because pressure will come from every direction as she gets together and unites, as the bride gets together and unites by the power of the Holy Spirit, it’s gonna thunder. As the old servant said, I see a hand amen. It’s gonna thunder. And pretty soon Elijah, when he saw that little (the cloud in the shape of a hand)—yeah, but he [Elijah’ servant] said just a little [hand], and Elijah quit praying. It was good enough for him. Can you say amen? He got up. And it thundered and a great sound came, and the rain came (1 Kings 18: 42-45). Revival was on. I believe that in my heart, don’t you? When they [you] unite together in prayer, unite before the Lord. And first thing you know it’d be just like a little trickle. And that’s what we’ve been going through really. And it’s coming. I can hear the sound. Yeah. but he (satan) said, “Elijah just don’t be intrigued now. It’s just a little hand up there.” Ah, that’s good enough for me. The Lord God heard me in that cloud beginning to get bigger and bigger. It was the very Hand of God. The fellow (servant) was looking at it and didn’t even know it. It didn’t matter how small it looked; Elijah was through praying. God had come and it just lit up everywhere. And the rain came, and the famine was over with. And the prophet had called back rain because he said there won’t even be any dew on the ground, oh king, by my word (1 Kings 17:1). And for three and a half years there wasn’t even dew on the ground. That’s power isn’t it? And he called back the rain. So, at the end of the age, that shows you, he could not do it until the exact hour that God told the prophet to get on his knees and bring it back. He couldn’t do it until God said so. So, at the end of the age by divine intervention He is going to visit His people at the exact hour. And when He does, He is going to come and we’re going into a revival. No matter what the world says about it. They might say, yeah, but it doesn’t look like too much. You just watch, it will keep it’ll keep thundering, it will keep rolling. I believe we’re in it right now. I can feel those torrents of power. I believe that we’ve moved back the forces tonight, amen. I believe the forces of the Lord Jesus Christ are going to bless you. He has broken that through. There’s a dual blessing here tonight if you believe in your heart all of these things that the Lord spoke here. When I touch you or pray for you tonight in the baptism of the Holy Spirit, you’ll receive it. If you have pains in your body or sickness, you believe it in your heart, and He will make you well.
  1. I want you to stand on your feet tonight. Wasn’t that strong? Amen. I believe with all my heart. You know, this is going to do you people good. There’s never been an hour like this hour in the history of the world that people need help, and it will happen just like the symbolism of that prophet. He will come again, and He will bless His people. Here is what I want you to do tonight. Now Sunday night like I said, if you come in here late, we will be back, praying for the sick individually where you see miracles. These last two nights we have just seen it, left and we’ve seen it right. And tonight I’m going to pray for you as you come by, because I have two services tomorrow. And these are heavy sermons and anointings that the Lord is putting on me. Jesus, may you bless every person over the world that gets this cassette because it goes into Africa, Canada, and all over the United States. It goes everywhere you will send it. Later there’s no telling us how many people you will send it to later in the age. And every one of those people, Lord that’s listening to this, the cassette, let the wind of the Holy Spirit blow on them and bless their hearts. All the diseases are gone, and salvation is all over them. Glory, Hallelujah! And the anointing protects them, pointing them towards the Lord Jesus Christ because the end of the age is closing out. Bless this anointing. Bless the cassette and the people that listen to this cassette Lord. Bless them. I believe He stopped me to pray that way. And now believe there is a blessing in these words. Oh, praise the Lord! body? Do you believe Jesus is going to touch your body? I want about 25 or 30 people tonight. You get over here and get to praising the Lord. We will get some more of you probably tomorrow, tomorrow night. You get over here, praising the Lord. If you have pains in your body, get in the line tonight. It’s for the Holy Spirit rally. But we’ll return to praying for the sick tomorrow. Get over in the line. And we’ll be praying for it tonight. So, you believe in your heart and he will bless you. How many of you feel good in your soul out there? Amen. As hard as I try, sometimes I go over more than I want to. But I believe that’s good food. Go ahead and sit down and bless your heart too. We’ll be here in the morning. Most of you want to get in right now because when I finish, I’ll be going to rest because like I said before, I have much to do this week besides this meeting, a lot of things I’ve been looking up for in the future and what I’m going to do. So, you get in and enjoy this as I pray for these people. And let the Lord bless your heart. If you’re sitting in the seat and you’re new here, just reach up and see how it feels. Amen.
  1. He’s a great comforter. You’re welcome in the building, but worship the Lord Jesus. See? While you’re here. Get all you can, drink. The Bible says drink in all you want of the Holy Spirit. Let Him bless your heart. As these people are being blessed, we want the audience to be blessed. I’ll tell you I can feel it. Can’t you? Oh, it’s like electricity. God bless your heart. Amen. Move in the room. Feel good? Do you want to stand up? Glory to God. I should have you come down here too. He is moving by His spirit. People are being healed. The Lord is blessing them. Of course we don’t know how many tonight because we didn’t know how to do it, like we did the other night. But they are being blessed by God. Now how many of you want to come down here? And the Lord bless your heart. You know last night I was talking about the other man who said you know you have to die. What he meant was if you live long enough in this world over the last 6,000 years you will have to die. But let me tell you what I meant, if you live long enough you’ll either die or go into translation. Let’s put it that way. You don’t have to die if you get into translation. Can you say amen? Sure that’s exactly right. And no matter what there’s one thing, don’t fear death, amen, but fear the Lord and you’ll go up with him. Glory hallelujah. So, we’re looking forward to it and I am. Of course, anytime the Lord would like for me to go see Him, that’s good enough, for me even though I’m not very old yet. But you know it doesn’t matter to me what, just so the Lord is satisfied and what He wants. Nevertheless in my heart I believe this and we’re looking forward to the translation. Amen. And that would be wonderful too. And you know, just to see how that takes place it would be worth just waiting around, wouldn’t it? Glory to God! One thing, I don’t want to see the bad part of that tribulation. Amen. I know a lot of people might, but I don’t.
  1. I want to see the change, dramatic appearance before the throne and the King of kings before anybody else on the earth sees Him. Isn’t that wonderful? What a prize. You know there’ll probably be more people and different types of people you ever dream of that will be in that translation, when He gets through where the wind bloweth. Amen. It’s coming. Are you ready tonight? All right. One last time. And the rest of you will be here tomorrow. Tomorrow night we’ll be praying for the sick individually on the platform. You’ll be here. Tomorrow morning I’ll be here and see what the Lord has for you. And you should feel good tonight if you enter right now with the same presence of the Lord. He is moving isn’t He? It will probably be greater than a prayer that we prayed across here tonight. Come on. Let’s unite. Let’s shout the victory. Come on. Let’s believe in the Lord. Thank you, Jesus. I believe in Him. I believe in Jesus. Thank you, Jesus. Oh my, thank you Jesus. Oh my, just rise up and praise the Lord. Oh my! Thank you Jesus! Oh, thank you Jesus. Thank you, Jesus. Bless your heart. Thank you, Jesus. Oh my, come on! It’s really good. Praise the Lord. Thank you, Jesus. Just reach out there. He is going to bless your heart, just as sure as anything. Oh my!


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