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Revealing Time – The Unsealing 120


Revealing Time—The Unsealing CD# 2121 12/12/84 PM

The Lord bless your heart. Well, it dried down a little bit, a little raining out there. Do you feel good tonight? It won’t take long to dry. I was there for a few minutes; it’s already drying here. Well, let the Lord rain upon you. The Bible speaks of His rain and glory and power. You believe tonight and all things are possible to you. Whatever you need, problems, troubles, anxiety, mental problems, sickness, makes no difference to Him. He’s ready to serve. Did you know that? Are you ready to obey? Glory, Hallelujah! Lord, touch your people tonight with a blessing, Lord. Guide them in Thy great truths and wonders, and let Thy anointing abide with them, leading them, Lord, in the paths of righteousness that lead to the throne. Glory, Hallelujah! Where there are pleasures forevermore, saith the Lord. Isn’t that wonderful? Why, eternal life will never end. It’s just great. Touch tonight, Lord, the new ones. Bless their heart for a deeper understanding of Thy Word, Lord. Be with Thy people in the name of the Lord Jesus. Give Him a hand clap. Thank you, Lord. It’s really great. It’s wonderful to be here on Wednesday night. I believe everybody here is not shopping. Amen. Sometimes they lay back for that. But it’s really great.

  1. We have some wonderful services on Wednesday night. Sunday night, more people come, it seems like. But on Wednesday night, the Lord really blesses with the same miracles, the same things that He does for His people, reveals His Word and so forth like that. And we’ll be praying for the sick again, I believe. And so, you begin to believe the Lord, God will bless you. All right, you go ahead and be seated. I’m going to speak briefly here and see what the Lord has for us. And, you know, sometimes in the service, we have more services later as God leads. I don’t know how He’s going to lead me and all of the things that He wants me to do, but some wonderful things. And, you know, we have our National Crusades too and how God blesses. We want to keep that kind of thing all the time in the city too, you know. We have so many seats here. It seats thousands that when you have those National Crusades, we want to build it up, amen, and keep them coming because I only have two services. That’s on Wednesday night and then two services on Sunday. You might say two-day services when we have them here. And it’s been doing quite well just praying for the sick and so forth. I believe that if I didn’t have such a powerful anointing to do that praying for the sick and so forth, I don’t think I would have survived, but the Lord has been wonderful, hasn’t He? Because you take from Sunday night, the time the people wait over until Wednesday night, sometimes, you know, they get a little cool in their soul and they run into a few demons and devils and people and so forth. It kind of disturbs them and they kind of get cooled off in there. But if you have the secret of the Lord and you know how to be determined and really praise the Lord and be thankful, He’ll stay right with you until I see you again. Did you know it? And then you can refill and have more energy of the Spirit and power in your heart and He will bless you. There are many different types of blessings of the Lord that He will give to His people if they just seek Him out.
  1. Now, tonight, revealing time, the unsealing. This is the time that we’re living in now that the Lord is unsealing His Word and He is revealing His Word. It’s what we call revealing time of what He is doing. And let me read something first. It says here in the Bible in Psalms 100, “Enter into His gates with thanksgiving and into His courts with praise. Be thankful unto Him and bless His name, for the Lord is good, His mercy is everlasting, and His truth endureth in all generations.” Enter His gates with praising and in thanksgiving. That’s the way to start a service. Just come in and praise the Lord. I took a little note here. Rejoicing and praising the Lord will keep you awake. Did you know, He said many will sleep at the end of the age and they will miss when He comes. It will be like a snare to them. They will miss out upon it, like He will come and catch them off guard. So, you keep from being bored. Now, that’s another thing that strikes the church, different churches, and strikes different people. They can become bored. But by praising the Lord and keeping busy in the Lord and becoming enthusiastic for His power, see, then that boredom has to go. Did you know it? Because it is one of the tricks of Satan. It’s another snare of the devil. And when people become bored, they don’t think that they’re becoming [bored], it can lead into negatives and so forth like that. So be enthusiastic about what the Lord is doing and what He will do and what He’s going to do for His people. And as you praise the Lord, it will keep you awake and keep you from being bored. Did you know when people get bored, they go to sleep? How many of you know that? And that was one of the things that happened at the end of the age. It said half of them were asleep. Of the real church, the very evangelistic type, and the others were awake. He woke some and the others were alert at the midnight cry, and they were taken out from that. So, you want to be enthusiastic about the Lord.
  1. And we read in the Bible here in Isaiah 29 and verse 10, “For the Lord hath poured out upon you the spirit of deep sleep…” They wouldn’t listen, see, when He performed mighty wonders, and the Lord hath poured upon you deep sleep. “And hath closed your eyes, the prophets and your rulers. The seers hath He covered.” They’re not revealing anything, see. That’s at the time of the Old Testament. And it reaches on into the great day of the Lord. For there are different types of delusions. And there are different types of sleeping periods there. “And the vision of all is becoming to you as the words of a book that issealed” (v.2).See, when the Lord gives so many visitations and He performs so many wonders in many different revivals and different ages when they do not accept the Lord, and do not accept the revival, and what He’s doing then, the Lord just kind of lets them go on to sleep. And the book, the Bible itself becomes a sealed book. They can no longer understand it. Not even when somebody is revealing it that has the Spirit. So, it said, because they took it to one that was learned, He couldn’t even do it, you see (Isaiah 29:2). So, the book has become sealed to you. Eyes are closed. Rejection has set in. And it says here, “Wherefore the Lord said, for as much as this people draw near me with their mouth” (v. 13). See, they would draw near with their mouth. And then it said, and with their lips they do honor me. See, one way, but not in their heart. And it goes on down to it said, honor me with their lips, but they have removed their heart far from me. And their fear toward me is taught by the precepts of men. Now, what caused the book to become sealed? Sleepiness comes upon them. They were taught by men of systems, not of the Bible. You need life, power, and deliverance. How many of you realize that? People can’t get well when the church is dead. It must remain and stay alive and keep delivering people. All in the mail and everywhere people write to me. Deliverance is coming. You name it. They’re being healed by the anointing and power of the Lord because the writing and what is being taught to them is alive. It is power, and it is powerful. But they’re being taught, He said, by the precepts of men. And the precepts of men, they cause the people to only honor Him by the lips, but not in the heart for the power, in the soul of the Word, in the revelation of the Word that stimulates, in the anointing that enthuses them and allows their faith to grow. See, that’s hidden from them. They are taught by the precepts of men so; they just go on to sleep and a delusion comes upon them. And then He says this. “Therefore, behold, I will proceed…”(Isaiah 29:14). It didn’t make Him any difference. I will proceed to do a marvelous work among these people. But the ones teaching the precepts of men and the traditions of men, the way that they teach today where they become lukewarm with no deliverance involved in it, He’ll proceed anyway with His people. And He will move right along, He says. And therefore, He said, I will proceed to do a marvelous work. You see, a marvelous work. There will be marvels and wonders and so forth.
  1. A marvelous work among the people. Even a marvelous work and a wonder that they’ll not even understand. For the wisdom of their wise men shall perish. And the understanding of the prudent men shall be hidden. But I, the Lord, will proceed. And I will do a marvelous work. Even a wonder among them, see; at the end of the age. Now, this chapter takes you through the millennium. He talks about the sleep that He poured out upon them because they would not listen now. They would rather sleep. So, He put them in a spiritual sleep. So, we find out that the book, the Bible, and all the precepts of the book of Revelation have become a closed book. But this is revealing time and those that get woken up, and those that are awakened by the Holy Spirit stay in the power of the Lord because His coming is getting closer all of the time. He is coming and when He does, the book is unsealed. To whom? I wrote a few things down here while I was doing this. See, they didn’t understand, the care of life overcame them to the point the spiritual didn’t matter any longer. It was all in something else, see, and rejecting the Word that they adhered to. The care of this life blinded them. So, we find out there are different types of delusion and blindness. Now one is our age where God’s miraculous is going forth. He said He would work wonderful miracles among the people to heal, to deliver, signs and wonders and so forth. But at the same time there would come a delusion to those that rejected or did not believe. And now we find there are different types of delusion. There is at the beginning of the great revival as it starts and towards the end of the latter rain, delusion will begin to set in upon those that are not accepting God’s power. So, we find out, in our age now, where there is great restoration and revival, there is delusion coming already that will work into something that’s not God’s Word and in the delusion will come a great sleepiness among the people. Those that had once known God, those that had once believed in God will fall asleep the Bible says. A great falling away will take place just before the coming of the Lord to translate His children away. Then there is another. After the translation, the resurrection, God taking His people, then there is another delusion and a great sleep among the people. And that’s going into great tribulation. And it becomes more delusion as they receive and take the mark of the beast, the antichrist, who says he is God but is not. The Bible said he will do that, but it will be false. And great delusion has now swung in upon the earth and then deeper with idols and images and so forth that the people worship him. Even a greater delusion will come in. And then at the very end, the delusion becomes so intoxicating that they’re willing–the Bible said in Revelation 16– to go up to Armageddon, the last great war upon this earth, atomic annihilation and desolation as they never ever had. If He [the Lord] didn’t intervene, He said there would be no flesh saved. That’s what He said, but He will intervene and save a few. The translation has already taken place. And there was such delusion and intoxication until every nation marched to their death. Believe me, that is delusion.
  1. Now we’ve seen some of that in the Middle East. We have seen it in different religions, fanaticism and so forth. Look at what they will do, see, they will march right to their death for their belief which is not according to the Scriptures or the bible. So, we find out what can happen. Such delusion begins to grow and it grows right where the supernatural miracles are taking place just right in front of them almost and everywhere. I can see in the last few years how it’s striking the systems, the different religions. They’re organized to a point; you won’t belong to God unless you have a certain card, that’s not in the Scriptures. He had to get on His disciples one time. They said a man was working miracles, the disciples turned to Jesus and He allowed it. In predestination He allowed it, He said. They said, “Lord, look at him, he is doing wonders, he is not one of us that you have chosen here and he’s healing and working miracles.” And Jesus said forbid him not. See? See, how that spirit had entered them even at that time, but they got over that. They learned. See. And the Lord said forbid him not, no man can do such wonders and things and speak evil of me. How many of you know that? It’s exactly right. So, we found out salvation comes today in the body of Christ. The body of Christ is in the Lord Jesus. How many of you know that? It’s not in systems. It’s not into men or anything like that. But it is in this, You receive the Lord Jesus Christ as your savior and then you’re in the body of Christ. It doesn’t matter, from that point on, God has you. Isn’t that wonderful? Sure. So, we find out, the great delusion will sweep them. In Matthew 25, a great sleep came, and half the church was beguiled and didn’t make it, the others were able to be awakened by the midnight cry. The Lord tarried while all the slumbering took place. And then the midnight cry took place, they were alerted by God, and they were ready. They that were ready went in with Him and they went away. So, a delusion is coming across the earth. They will not be able to understand. Some of them have understood it. Some will not be able to understand the Bible like they should. How many of you know that? But listen to this right here: If you want to read about the delusion, it is in 2 Thess. 2: 4-10. Strong delusion, and more is coming. I wrote about it. Because they believed not the truth the Bible said, but they believed a lie and were damned as they went on into Armageddon. Now the book has become a sealed book to them, God’s words and God’s revelations. The book is about God’s plans. How many of you know that? God’s plan for men that love him over the ages. And they are sealed to them, but they are open to the elect. They are open to the believer and the believer acts on his faith. That makes him a believer. Then truly you say. I am a believer. Yes, you are a believer. You act upon your faith. You believe the Word of God. That makes you a believer. The book is open to you. You are in God’s hand. How many of you believe that?
  1. Certain churches say they believe, but they don’t want anything to happen. They say they believe this, they believe that, but nothing goes on. Let me tell you something. These signs shall follow them that believe. And you know what the signs are? The sick are healed. The mental [cases] are healed. They are delivered by God’s power. And even at times, the dead will be raised, that drop dead in a meeting. How many of you believe that? Sure, by heart attack or anything else. God said, I will restore saith the Lord. Before the end of the age, in the book of Joel, He said, I am the Lord, and I shall restore. What is it? His marvelous power. I will proceed to do a work, no matter what anybody says, saith the Lord. No matter what anybody does, saith the Lord, I will proceed. There is no hope for the devil to stop Him before that translation, but after He takes out His own at the translation and the people are gone with the Lord then the strong delusion of the great tribulation comes upon the earth. That’s when it really turns into a delusion more than the whole world has ever seen before. So right now is the time to stay awake. Rejoicing and praising will keep you awake and keep you from being bored. How many of you know that? Be enthusiastic. You see. Be rejoicing and thrilled in God’s Word. Happy, did you know when you begin to get happy, spiritual happiness will come to you? When you begin to rejoice, a spiritual rejoicing will come to you. And when you begin to rejoice in your faith, more faith will come to you. Begin to praise the Lord and thank the Lord and all of that will come. Your mind and heart will be clear. You will have understanding. You can make decisions, and you are not in confusion. You know what you’re doing. God is standing with you. He will guide you as you patiently wait and watch. He will guide you. How many of you believe that? Today it’s a mad stumble, bang, bang. See; they can’t stay in prayer long enough to get an answer. They run in, that’s an absolute fact, the precepts of men. They run and pray, and they’re not there long enough to even get an answer back, but God is fast. He is way ahead of them. It says so right here. It said men enter in, you know, with their lips, they might as well be somewhere else. Amen. He said they honor me with their lips, but not in their heart, He says they do not. In other words, there’s no active faith there. And while they’re mumbling or while they’re praying or whatever they were doing, the cares of this life. They had other things on their mind. They didn’t even know for a moment where God was at or if He existed at all, see? So be careful. Come into His gates, enter into His gates rejoicing and praising Him and He will bless your heart. I really believe that.
  1. And they that were ready went in with Him. Isn’t that wonderful? The others jumped up and said, oh, my. Maybe I’ll find a scripture here somewhere if I pinned it down here, that we have in the Bible here. And it said here, and while they went to buy, meaning they had to give of their souls and their hearts to get the experience of the anointing. Now, healing and miracles are one thing, but then there is a deeper walk, a very presence of God, one that supercharges you, one that makes you more confident, makes you very positive, and leads you into the deeper walks of God, where you can handle anything that the devil tries to throw at you. It’s peaceful. And all of these things, they come from the Lord. Now, when they went [to buy], see, the bridegroom came. That’s Jesus. And they that were ready went in with Him to the marriage. That is, to the supper, to His table. That is His group, Revelation chapter 4, around the rainbow throne, reveals the translation type there, around the throne. They went in with Him, and the door, like the ark during the flood, the door was shut (Matthew 25 and 10). Watch ye therefore, lest coming suddenly He shall find you sleeping (Mark chapter 13: 35 and 36). Isn’t that right? How many of you believe that? Well, in the Old Testament, He slipped upon them. Finally, He just poured it [delusion] out upon them because they wouldn’t listen. But then He said they were taught by the precepts of men and left His Word, dropped His word, run here and run there for the precepts of men. And the next thing you know, He just said, I’ll just put you out of your misery, and let you go on to sleep here. But I, the Lord, will proceed to do a marvelous work to those that have their eyes open, and marvelous blessings will I pour out upon them. I believe that. See, in this chapter, it covers not only the Old Testament, but it goes clear over in the millennium, and at the time that the Jews had erred and so forth like that. And it goes clear over there to the end of the age, where there will be periods of time that people will do that, but the Lord will move right along. Can you say amen?
  1. You know, during that time, after the translation, there’s 144,000 Jews that were sealed. Yes, sir, in Revelation chapter 7. They are sealed while all the delusion is going on all around them, and all of them receiving the mark of the beast and so forth like that, and not able to buy, work, or sell, during that time, as I said before. The translation goes, see, before that. But the 144,000 Jews, they are sealed while the rest are asleep in delusion, and it does not affect them. Nothing affects them but God. How many of you know that? Boy, if I made a statement there! Nothing affected them but God. They had two great witnesses and prophets with them. He turned to the Hebrews, see; at that time in the Middle East, the Gentile church at that time was gone and the translation was over with.There is a time to stay awake. This is the hour that God is going to proceed. That’s what I got out of it. And I said, “I will proceed to do marvelous and wonderful work.” You know, some people say, “Well, you know, [they think] well, He’ll catch me sleeping. I don’t know. You just keep drifting around and you will find out what happens to you. You see, people think that they can, like they’re going to, you know, hold the door from shutting or like they’re going to, you know, drink a hot cup of coffee to stay awake. You know that they can’t. Oh, yes, oh, yeah, you say, but you won’t know what hits you. That’s Him. You won’t know what hits you, you see. His plans are predetermined. They’re all in divine providence. But it’ll never happen to you as long as you listen to how this Word is preached here tonight and how God is visiting His people. In other words, keep Him alive in your soul, for He is eternal. As we brought out in the prophecy sermons, this kind of sermon tonight may be a little hard.
  1. The other sermons may not hit so hard. But I tell you one thing, it will do you some good and it will save your soul. It will keep you close, and God will bless you. Can you say, praise the Lord? So, He will proceed and do a wonderful work. Remember, He says as He closes, “Watch you therefore, lest coming suddenly he shall find you sleeping. That’s Mark 13, 35 and 36 on that. So, we find out the revealing time. Revealing time is here and waking time is here and sleeping time is here. Which do you choose, saith the Lord? Isn’t that wonderful? Men make their choice. Today, as for me and my house and for this church, I believe we’ll stay awake with the Lord. How many of you believe that? It’s just like you see the deaf ears, the blind eyes, things created. They come from all over the world here. And they go back overseas, and you can hear it in the letters. People can hardly believe what’s happening to them. They go back and say, “I can see out of this eye. I can hear out of this ear. I can move my leg. My arthritis is gone.” And they are writing back about it, and how their doctors are dumbfounded. The doctors gave them x-rays; it’s not there anymore and they know a miracle has taken place, whether they want to really declare it or not. The doctors knew something had occurred. It is supernatural. And it is the Lord Jesus. And these promises, like Jesus said, the works I do, shall you do. How many of you believe that? I’m with you always, even to the end of the age. Oh, when He shuts that door, you better be in there with Him. Isn’t that right?
  1. I want you to stand on your feet here tonight. I will tell you one thing: the prophecy messages a lot of people like those, revelation messages, and so forth like that. But I believe in my heart, some of the best messages are the ones that get in that soul and do somebody some good, some good food. How many of you believe it? Give them some good spiritual food out here on Wednesday nights and build you up because you become intercessors, prayer warriors, able to step out and believe God. And in your daily life, you’re going to need power and presence, confidence, and determination. He won’t let you down. Now, somebody, if you don’t understand me, I ain’t talking about going to bed and getting physical sleep. That’s good for you when you want to sleep. That’s fine. I’m talking about a spiritual sleep where you’re still awake, but as far as He is concerned, you’re asleep. You’re alive, but you’re dead, too. How many of you believe that? Now, He is getting it right down where no one can say, that preacher speaks in parables, you know. And we’ll understand His parables, too. Do you know that? That’s in the New and Old Testament. In Revelation, it’s wonderful. God is wonderful. He’s really great. Deep walks of God coming to His people.
  1. Keep your eyes open now. So, it is a spiritual sleep, see, that will come upon the people. But yet, the Bible declares that there will be a good number that are wide awake because He has a number of them. They’re wide awake and they’re looking for Him to do more astounding things, marvelous things, amazing things, and startling things. And believe me, they are coming. We are getting ready for some real moves of God. Do you really believe that tonight? How many of you want to be involved with it? All right. Okay. So, we find out in just a short period of time tonight, it just feels like that, that everything is just lifted up like this and just went up high. And the people feel good. Do you feel good now? Oh, He is great! See, all the time when we have our Sunday services, many people are healed and delivered on Sunday services. And He comes out here on different nights here and He wants to keep the people and the ones getting saved, the ones who are just being blessed by God on Sunday nights, to keep them moving so the devil doesn’t try to steal whatever God gives to them. How many of you believe that? If you want to stay and receive and keep salvation and so forth like that, you’ve got to keep inspired.
  1. You’ve got to praise and thank the Lord in your heart. Remember, He is real, He is eternal, and He has that eternal life. It’s wonderful! There’s no way to describe it. It would take me all night to describe His wonders; just eternal life alone, never die again, the Bible said, never. You just change from this body into a glorified one. And you will be known as you’re known. People will know you. How many of you believe that? Will you know your family? Sure, you will. The Bible says you will know them up there. It doesn’t make any difference. Let me explain this tonight. If a woman was 100 years old when she died, God will bring her back like a young woman. Glory! Oh, yeah, oh, yeah! There will be no wrinkles up there. No, sir, they will come back to an age of life and somehow by the Holy Spirit, no matter what they’ll be recognizable as if you had known them just like they were. It’s the truth if I ever told it. He has amazing, amazing grace. Isn’t it? How wonderful it is. And He said, it hasn’t even entered your heart or in your mind what the Lord has prepared for those that love Him, those that love Him not by the lips but in the heart, that love Him in the heart. Isn’t that wonderful? How many of you believe that tonight? Great. You know, look over here in about 25, 26 minutes, you know, I got all of that said, and I just have to say a little bit more. I can’t quit too early tonight. Amen. That rain refreshed me. Praise the Lord! You feel like singing? Yes. All right now. I want all of you already standing up. Amen. I’ve been preaching. I know where you’re sitting down. I guess I told you to stand up here. All right now, did you get anything out of this tonight? I know you did. Now, we will have some of you coming for prayer out here tonight, we’ll be praying again probably this weekend or whenever He tells me, on the platform again. And we’ll be doing that. But tonight, I’m going to pray a mass prayer for everybody in here. And you rejoice and draw closer on that sermon, see; and stay awake with the power. This anointing will put you out. It will keep you awake in the spirit. Awake in the spirit is what you want to be. I will pray, and I believe that God is going to bless you tonight until we meet again over the weekend. Amen? Come on down here.
  1. Praise the Lord. Hey, I see the brother that was healed right over here. God bless you, brother, Amen. And see another one that was healed. He’s wonderful, isn’t He? He is really great. I, too, rejoice and rejoice and rejoice. And you will get a miracle too here tonight. Are you ready? Amen. Isn’t that wonderful? Can you raise your hands up? Look at that, folks. You had your family with you Sunday night, didn’t you? I didn’t get a chance to talk to you very much. And I looked back, and he had his family sitting over here. Are they happy? See, that whole side was gone. God put it, boy, she is happy, isn’t she? Well, you stay that way, and you can have that all the days of your life until God calls you on here and He will bless you. Later, on the big screen we will show the miracles, the different people. And he can get to see on the screen the miracle as it takes place. That will be coming too. They will put it here. They’re working on it now, worldwide events on pictures like the age closing in prophecy where you’ll see how it is moving right along on a movie as I’m preaching. And we put those pictures with it, and you’ll just see it going and coming in worldwide events as they take place. And then we will have nights where we will show where the miracles took place. As we have been praying for them since I’ve been here, you know, we’ve had miracles and people traveling here and everything. You will be able to see it up on the big screen here. And afterwards, as God moves on, we’ll pray for the sick. And I think wonderful things are coming, don’t you? Praise the Lord. All right. Praise God now. God bless your heart. Thank you, Jesus. Praise the Lord. He’s going to bless your heart now. Thank you, Jesus, it’s really great! It’s really great, God! Praise God now. He’s going to bless your heart now.


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