HomeTranslation AlertsRevival of Joy 108

Revival of Joy 108

Translation alert 108 | Neal Frisby’s Sermon CD #774

Feel happy this morning! Do you feel happy this morning? Alright, I think some of you are still digesting those messages for the first two nights. Oh, praise God! But it’s good. Oh, my! You should all be walking bibles as we go through here. Good singing. All the time we’ve been preaching here;—good singing this morning and everybody good. I am going to say just a few words and then I am going to get to the message. I won’t stay long this morning because I have been doing my other work and I am going to rest for tonight’s service. But I will be here a little while after service and pray over you. I am going to ask the Lord to touch you right now. Tonight, we will see what God has for you. Lord, touch them, all of them in the audience, and help them with what is on their hearts. Everybody in the building, whatever is on their heart, do it for thy servant because I prayed, and I believed with all my heart. Touch them Lord right now and bless them. Can you say praise the Lord? Ok, go ahead and be seated. Let’s see if we can get rid of the old nature some more.

Somebody said—I really got it beaten down in these revivals, I beat that nature down. Paul said I have to do it daily. We must too. Now listen to me real close. Some of this I touched on before but not quite like this. As you listen, the Lord will bless your heart. If you are new, it may skin your hide a little, but you need it. Why spend your money to drive down here and not get the real good food, Amen? I want you to get your money’s worth and it only comes from the Word of God. Miracles, sure, they make you happy and so forth, and the people get relieved, but the Word of God gets inside of you and that is eternal life. Oh, praise the Lord! You know you can have miracles and miracles happen, but just watching those miracles cannot get you to heaven. But you swallow the Word of God, and you are bound to get to heaven. Praise the Lord! Amen. But we have plenty of miracles, and I do miracles, and we believe in miracles, but we want this Word. That’s what is going to last right now.

So, this morning, REVIVAL OF JOY. That’s the name of it [the message]. Now, listen real close. You know, a complete restoration of His people is getting near as prophesied by Joel [Old Testament], in the New Testament, and also in the book of Revelation. A fiery anointing like lightning in the clouds will bring a swift rain of restoration. Be ready. Also, with the rain of restoration and power, there would come an uprooting and a separating in there. That’s part of this anointing’s job, the Lord told me to do that. So, the separating [separation] is coming. And when the wheat pulls back and gets alone from the tares then that’s when the great revival would come; Church the Lord told me—that the church has never seen that since he walked in the days of Galilee. It would be to His bride, it would be to the true believers, the wise too, and they are within the bride. And then, of course, the foolish turned back from that you see, and goes in with the plant of another side and they scatter during the tribulation in there. I don’t want to get involved with that this morning.

But let’s start with this right there, Matthew 15:13 -14. Listen to it and we’ll see what the Lord has. “But he answered and said, every plant that my father hath not planted shall be rooted out.” He said every plant [no one can escape] which my father has not planted shall be rooted out. Oh my! “Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.” You have the world systems today, and the blind leading the blind, and deceiving and being deceived. Some of them don’t even believe in any movement of God, but they are all collecting in their various ideas and those plants are Babylon’s plants. They are going into the world’s system to be bundled and to be marked. So, we see, satan sows the weeds and he gets involved in this thing. You see, [those] other plants are going to Babylon. He is uprooting those plants from there.

Now, Matthew 13: 30: “Let them both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of the harvest, I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn.” We are entering the harvest now, heavily. We are getting to it. Now, watch, not before the harvest, but in the time of the harvest. Now, watch this: He said first the tare—that’s the weed system of Babylon there and so forth—and bind them in bundles. That’s your systems coming into the conglomeration first and all bundled up ready for Revelation 13. See; they are getting ready for that, and it said that has to happen first. They’ve got to unite in there. We are seeing it all over the world. Some come into it by saying this is the body of Christ and we are coming in spiritual unity. But underneath that is political; it is dangerous. I know what is out there. They are only going to mount the pale horse in Revelation 6. You see that conglomeration, it starts out white and it turns red, it turns black and all them colors in there. It’s just black and blue and beaten up, it’s just like a livid color and it rises out through in pale or in yellow—pale-looking in there. What we see overseas and everything else gets involved in that and it’s an awful horse. So, God just named him death and let him ride. That plant is going to ride right out. But the Lord has a true vine. How many of you know that? He has a true vine.

Now listen to this real close here. But let them bundle together first–now you are getting ready for a revival. Let them bundle together first—then the outpouring. Now watch this right here: He has timed this in here and the tares—bundle [gather] them together first in there and then He said bind them in bundles—that is organized [organizations] but gather the wheat into my barn. Now that’s revival. It’s all stacked up, all over. The job now for us to do is to get it in the garner. Jesus is the garner, and we are headed out. Can you say praise the Lord? Exactly right! Anybody that has traveled around and knows, and watches can see what I am telling you about. Watch what is happening in the news and everything else. It is there. So that’s the foundation kind of this message.

Here we go to the major part of the message. The Lord came step by step and gave me the scriptures leading into this. Listen to this, Jeremiah 4: 3: “For thus saith the Lord to the men of Judah and Jerusalem [which is speaking to us today too], Break up your fallow ground, and sow not among thorns.” You see, people get tied up. Oh, we don’t believe in miracles and they all—God of Jerusalem and Israel is gone now and where is the Lord God of Elijah? And so forth like that. And the Lord, all of a sudden, He started talking and it’s thus saith the Lord too. He said break up your fallow ground. Glory to God! Now watch this next move. He said break up your fallow ground and sow not among thorns. That’s what we just spoke about in the other two verses [Matthew 13: 29 & 30]. They are thorns [tares].

You know Paul said in the bible and he prayed three times. Some thought it was sickness, but it was persecution that he was praying about. He had seen that he was persecuted more than any of the evangelists that had come. He saw that on every side the great apostle was turned in. His education, wisdom and power, and wisdom from God, his great gifts and all that he had—with all of them, he was still persecuted. There was no way that he could wedge his way in there like he wanted to. And then the Lord because He had given him so many revelations and put so much power upon him, He just kind of buffeted him. When He did, it kept Paul down until he was crying nearly. He [the Lord] just kept him to bring this message that had to come to the church that has set the people free from ages and ages. He [Paul] set up the first foundation to the early church there. He was the messenger to the first church age. So, God has put a thorn to him like that. And what that thorn was, was that Pharisee thorn. They were after him. They put him in prison. They beat him. He was left naked. He was dying, in starvation. It kept his body beaten down and he prayed three times for the Lord to lift that thorn that was on his side. And the thorn today—the real Christians of God, the ones that believe in God with all their heart—that persecution has got to come too with that great revival. That revival is going to stir up satan. Boy, it’s going to move him! When it does, that thorn is coming at them, the real true people of God.

There will be persecution all over the world. I don’t care if you are a millionaire. I don’t care if you are poor. If you really love God and you really love this Word, and you really believe in it, I tell you they will persecute [you]. It’s going to come. Can you say praise the Lord? Even David did at one time own most of the world and he was persecuted for the very Word there. But oh, what a glorious thing it is to have the real power of God! Of course, with people they are in a position, they a peculiar people and they are royal. They are a kingly type and God is right there with that anointing. He said so, and they are the lively stones in the bible, a real treasure of the Lord. So, He has a royal type people coming at the end of the age. That’s the bride and He is coming for them. Mix with the system? No, because that would be fornication to mix up there. He is coming for a bride that is solely in the Word. Can you say praise the Lord? So, that thorn—that was Paul praying there. You can get that any way you want to read it, there out of the bible, but that is mostly the way that it came.

So, we see the organization or system’s thorn digging like they did Paul and buffeting that church because she is getting these revelations and she is going to get the power of God and the manifold wisdom right from His mouth. It’s coming. We are going to set up and do a great work–but mixed with divine judgment and crisis—is what is going to bring them together that love God and the others are going to go the other way. What is really going to get to the church—and I told you over and over—would be the wisdom of God. That will gather them in among the miracles, and the power, and the Word of God. That cloud of wisdom, when it begins to move then those people are going to know their positions, and miracles and healings are going to be right in the midst of that. But it takes that divine manifold wisdom of God, and that church will be put in such divine order and position. You know how He created the stars and all of them just coming and going like that in their own courses and positions. In Revelation 12, it showed the sun-clothed woman, the moon under her feet, with the crown of seven stars there and the positions of all of them there—Israel, the church, and the new church today, the Gentile bride with that moon and all that there—the sun-clothed woman [in the Old Testament]—everything is right there, in Revelation 12: 5—the man-child. So, we are coming into position and that thorn will try, but the church has not received the revelation. Can you say praise the Lord?

No watch this, here is another part of this in Hosea 10: 12: “Sow to yourselves in righteousness, reap in mercy; break up your fallow ground….” Now, He said it again. He said break up your fallow ground. Here He comes again, but He has a different approach to it this time. You break up your fallow ground in praising the Lord and you break it up in prayer, and you stay close to His Word, and digest that Word. It will break up your fallow ground, saith the Lord. Oh my! Did you see Him drop that in there? You digest that Word; it gets in your system; it will break up [your] fallow ground there. Now, watch right here: “For it is time to seek the LORD” He is going to break it up too among that bride there. Now watch this: “Till he come and rain righteousness upon you” See; revival is coming, and it is going to break up that fallow ground because it says the rain of righteousness is coming and that Word of God and miracles inside there are going to break that fallow ground up. That rain is coming on the elect of God. That restoration is coming, the translation faith is coming, and [at the end of] the age is going to be a quick short work, and the Lord is going to take His people. Amen. That is exactly right. So today, break up your fallow ground and let the Lord bless your heart. Digesting that Word, getting that anointing in will certainly break it up there.

Then we come down through here: You know, Jesus said look on the fields, they are ripe and ready for harvest already (John 4: 35). And at the end of the age, how much more now? See; He spoke that in a miraculous age. He spoke that in a prophetic age. He spoke it in Matthew 21and 24 and He spoke it in the age of all those great miracles. So, more than any other age, among the miracles today, in the prophetic utterances today, that scripture is more to us than any age since He spoke it because the same things are happening in our age that were happening in His age. So, He said, look on the fields, they are ripe for harvest already. So, right in the midst of these miracles and the Word of God, we can say now the fields are ripe for harvest. Let’s bring in the bundles. Amen. Let’s bring them into the garner of the Lord and let the weeds go out in the world there. How many of you feel Jesus in this? Do you? Zechariah 10: 1. Now watch: “Ask ye of the Lord rain in the time of the latter rain….” See; you think you have rain, but it makes a pronouncement here. It says ask ye of the Lord rain in the time of the latter rain, so the Lord will make bright clouds [we photographed those clouds]. During that latter rain, He will make bright clouds. See; it’s a spiritual thing He is speaking about here. Further, it goes down here, it says turn back from your idols. Get loose from them and ask ye the Lord for the latter rain in the time of the latter rain so the Lord shall make bright clouds and give them showers of rain to everyone in the field. Glory to God! All you have to do is say, “Here I am Lord,” and follow this sermon when it comes out in cassette, and He will bless your heart.

He told me to read this. I wrote this, listen to it real close. And this came, I was writing real fast when I did this. And He said, “Now put this in there.” And He had to remind me right then when I read that scripture “Break up your fallow ground.” Now watch: Plough your old nature under and let the Holy Spirit fall on the new nature and you will grow to maturity.” Oh, praise the Lord God! Did you catch that? Alright, listen to Romans 12: 2, “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” That means plough up under your old nature, get a renewing of your mind, and you will be in the perfect will, the acceptable will of God. Isn’t that beautiful there? Now plough up [under] your old nature. Let the rain fall in the new spirit and the new heart. You will be a new creature. That is revival. Plough out the devil and all, and let’s get on to business. Praise God! Are you still with me now? He is coming to plough up and we are going to have the latter rain. Glory to God! Amen. Isn’t that wonderful! In Malachi 3, it shows a purge in there and it says He will refine as silver is refined and He will refine as gold is refined. He is purging His church. He will first bleach that church out, and on with the great revival. See; He wants to prepare a people, one that is full of faith, one that believes in the Word of God, and one that does exactly as Paul wrote it in the bible. That is the church. That is the jewel. That is [the thing] that He is looking for and that is [the thing] that He is producing.

Behold, saith the Lord, the bride shall make herself ready as I give her the equipment. Glory to the Lord! Amen. That’s wonderful! He’ll do that. Paul said it this way: I die daily to get rid of the old man. Let me tell you, today, when the church dies daily, we are headed for a great revival. In my estimation, the church will never die daily all over the world until the persecution and the crises set in to just the way the Lord wants it—that causes the wheat to bundle on the one hand. And when that comes in the crises—it will come—and I have predictions all around it. I stand firm behind them. I know exactly what is ahead concerning that, maybe not every word, but I do know what the Lord has shown me, and when it comes that other will bundle in there—and a great rain. That fallow ground will be broken up in such a way through those crises, and the type of persecution, and different things that will come upon the world. Then that bride is going to get down to where a revival—she will die daily in the power of God. That old nature will change, and it will become dove-like full of the wisdom of God. The old raven nature would be gone! Can you say praise the Lord? That is the old carnal nature in there, that old raven nature in there. When that sets in, it will just be your nature—will become like a dove with manifold wisdom and those powers that are set up on the church. We have even seen the glories of God, all of that is happening by photographs.

He is coming like wings of an eagle. He is going to lift her [the church/bride] right on up. You shall set [sit] in heavenly places with the Lord God. In this next revival, that ground gets broken up and that rain falls on it. That old nature changes in there more and more, and then you are going to sit in heavenly places saith the Lord God. You shall surely sit there. Oh my! Look at that woman in Revelation 12 with the sun covering her, twelve stars, and the moon under her feet over there. And then the man-child is translated, taken up to heaven. Then of course, left upon the earth—if you read down below there (Revelation 12)—the chaos and all that are happening upon the earth. They [the church/elect] will enter a certain stage for preparation, but He will protect His church and He will bless His church. It doesn’t make any difference through hard times and good times—you have that amount of faith that is required and that anointing—He will bless you. And joy that we have never seen before—God is going to bring the greatest joy. This mental problem, and the depression, and the oppression that is plaguing the church—the world is getting full of them, you know, and it reaches and overlaps into the daily businesses where you are working, and it tries to get a hold of your mind–the Lord has got a special anointing. It’s in the building now. So many letters have come to me about being set free, but we need to get to all the rest that are coming. He will set you free and that anointing will break that bondage in there and push back that oppression because it is coming heavy upon the nation there.

And you say about this persecution, “Why?” One of these days, the man of lawlessness will surely come. First, he will come like a peaceful man, and he will seem to understand and be like a reasonable man, but suddenly his nature changes into a Hyde and I mean, it sets in on him there. So, you see what happened there all of a sudden [Bro. Frisby referred to the 1980 American hostage situation in Iran]. But first, we will have an outpouring. It’s coming from the Lord. So, Paul said I die daily; get rid of the old man, and he had revival wherever he went. So, through the crises, the great miracles, and the manifold wisdom of God—these are three things that gather that church, capstone that church, full of light and gone! Those are the Lord’s Words. He put that all together for you. You go back and listen to the cassette there. So, we see how the Lord is moving. Ask ye of the Lord rain in the time of the latter rain. And the Lord said in Joel 2, Blow ye the trumpet in Zion and sound an alarm in my holy mountain, whew! Can you say praise the Lord? Then the Lord said this, Fear not, O land, rejoice and be glad for the Lord will do great things. Be glad then ye children of Zion and rejoice in the Lord your God for He has given you the former rain [we just went through that] moderately and He will cause to come down for you the rain, the former rain and the latter rain in the first month. Now some of this revival is speaking to the Jews, and that will finally go over to the Jewish age. But it is also speaking to the Gentile age because in the book of Acts the same things were spoken to the Gentiles, as it happened during that time there. He will pour out His Spirit upon all flesh and we would see many different things taking place there.

Listen to me right here John 15:5, 7, 11, and 16: I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit…” Oh, oh, that would be in the revival too and the fruit of the Lord would come forth. Listen to this: “For without me ye can do nothing.” I have always in my life, and everybody that is around me knows this, that I just stay by myself. The Lord told me, He said I will bless you. He told me if you go listening to this one and that one, He said your downfall would come. I heard His Voice and I say, hey I am going to stay right with Him. This was way back in the early part of my ministry. And so, I just kind of—because without Him I can do nothing. I have always settled that in my heart. Then everything happens that He wants to happen, and it comes, and it is truthful. Now, all ministries are not like that, but me—I don’t mind listening to people. Sometimes, they have got [good] ideas, but in the finality, I have to go to the Lord and stay right there with what He wants me to do. And believe me, He has never failed. Isn’t that wonderful! He’s been a brother to me, a father, He’s been everything. I have got a real mother and father too. That’s wonderful! But He’s been everything and He’s stayed right there. His promises to me have never altered. I mean He is true. Boy, He has stayed with me! They have cut at me left, they have cut at me right, but they are hitting a rock and it’s just like a flint. Amen. I mean they come through, they go through there and everywhere else, but He has been right with me. He has stood right there. So, I love Him for it and His Word is true. It is [true] to His church. He will not falter. Get it off me right now and get it on the Lord Jesus. He will not falter.

That church—He has made those promises–yes, struggle—He even said there would be travailing in Revelation 12 and that church would come out of that great travailing there because He is going to purge it. He is going to bleach it. He is going to make it just what He wants and boy they are going to be what God has called. He can form it. No man can form it. Jesus can form what He wants. Oh, can you feel that going through your system. You’ve got a connection already. He is going right through you out there. God bless your hearts. Then He said if you abide in me. Remember, the church can do nothing without Him. If ye abide in me and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what you will, and it shall be done unto you. But those words must be as He tells you there. They must abide in there and He will bless your heart. Surely, He will. Now, these things have I spoken this morning saith the Lord. Oh my! He is talking right to you there. These things have I spoken to you that my joy might remain in you and that your joy might be full. He knows how to do it. Doesn’t He? As He gave me the scriptures, they followed a pattern and they are for His church, and they are for me to listen to too. They are for His church today. And I pray that they bless everybody that is in the audience, and that the whole Word will be digested and that that old fallow ground will be broken up ready for the rain that is coming. And boy, we are going to get them. We are going to let the Lord bring a great harvest. He is going to bless your souls too.

And so, we see this, and He said, “Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain” (John 15:16). Now fruits—travelling back and forth and going here and going that way all over the world it is happening, but He is going to speak the Word only and that fruit is going to remain in the particular spot that He has chosen for it to remain. No longer will they go here and there, but the fruit will remain where God wants it to remain. Believe me, there is revival! You know, a rolling stone can gather no moss, but God can get that [the fruits] in different situations where He wants them. And let me tell you something when He shakes [sends] that lightning out, that cloud, rain is coming. Amen, praise the Lord! And it says here in Psalm 16: 8, 9 &11, “I have set the Lord always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved” (v.8). Isn’t that wonderful! The church, even now, the church is going to put Him—and He is going to be at the right hand—and that church will not be moved, saith the Lord. I have told you the gates of hell shall not move against you. Glory to God! They shall not prevail against you. That’s wonderful! Now He is going to set that church on that positive strong foundation Rock and when He does, that faith is going to come in such a way, it is going to be wonderful there!

Then it says, “Therefore my heart is glad, and my glory rejoiceth: my flesh also shall rest in hope” (Psalm 16: 9). Now, his glory rejoiced. God had put a glory around him. And in this audience here, it’s been photographed, there is a glory, and that glory [is] in you. You know I often told you that it’s He who is in you that is doing these things. You know what I mean. I am standing here but it’s the glory inside me performing the miracles and as you praise the Lord, that anointing, believe it, is for you. The flesh will profit you nothing, but that anointing bubbling in there adds anointing to those Words. Then lightning takes place. It’s like a wire that has no—you are wired up, but if they don’t put electric current to it, it goes nowhere. But inside you, you seek for the anointing and that anointing gets inside of those wires, you might say, and that anointing does the believing. See; as you cooperate with it, then great things are spoken. You can speak and have whatsoever you say because God is in there in such a way that He is speaking, see? And He is doing these things and we rejoice in glory. Some of you people, sometimes, you hold that glory back instead of letting your spirit go toward God.

Tonight, or this morning too, if you to see and feel good, you let that spirit—don’t bind it—let it go towards God. Let that glory go back towards God. Oh, praise God! It’s wonderful too! Therefore, my heart is glad, and my glory rejoices, and my flesh will rest in hope. Then he [David] said, “Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fullness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore” (v.11). Isn’t that wonderful! One scripture following the other scripture there. We want that. And that anointing, He said the anointing is in His right hand. And that anointing, and that pleasure, and that joy is in the anointing and Word of God. Praise God! And the Lord is a Wonderful, Wonderful Savior to each one of you here. Get that inside of you and He will bless you. You know Numbers 23: 19, it says, whatever He says, He will perform it. I am not a man that I should lie. What I have spoken, I will perform. He said I will not alter the thing that is gone out of my mouth. I promised to take all the sickness from the midst of you according to your faith. Let it be according to your faith. The bible says I am the same, yesterday, today, and forever. I change not. He said I am the Lord. How many of you know that? He’ll stay right there with those promises. But be it according to your faith, let it take place.

This is building faith in your hearts this morning and God will do great things for everyone here. Let that old religious nature go. Let that old dove of love come down there and let God bless His people like He has never blessed them before. So, we see—out of His mouth, whatsoever, He said He will perform. He will heal and He will bless His people. It doesn’t make any difference during hard times or at prosperous times, He will bless His people because He said I am the Lord, I change not. Times change this way or the other, but I never change. Remember that promise in your heart. Now listen to this and we have got it right here, Hebrews 1: 9: “Thou hast loved righteousness, and hated iniquity; therefore God, even thy God, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows.” That is what is in this audience today and God is rejoicing in your heart. He wants me to bring that scripture at the end. Every one of you that believes that in your heart, that scripture is prophetic. The blessings of God are Yea and Amen to those that believe. And again, He would say let it be according to your faith as the anointing works here and there within you in blessing your soul. He will make you a witness with anointing. He will help you testify. God will lead you and you will not be as the blind leading the blind and goes off in bundles, but He will take you in and you will be a part of that wheat. That’s where you want to remain because let them grow together, see?

We are at the end of the age now. He means business. He is serious and oh, with all that seriousness in the Word of God is blessings of God. The church has waited for this in travail and travailed. Believe me, it seems like sometimes the promises are long in coming, but a great moving is coming. The translation is near. God is talking to His people like never before. Can you say praise the Lord there? This morning, you can rejoice. Salvation is near. You can just feel the water. You can hear it bubbling. My! Wells of salvation, chariots of salvation, the bible says! All kinds of it, healing is here this morning for you here and the baptism of the Holy Spirit is here for you. Why, you feel the dove, and the eagle, and the lion, and all of those symbols here this morning. Glory to God! It is true. He is here to bless His people. The cloud of the Lord, the blessings of the Lord, and let it be according to your faith. Just reach out and touch the Lord and the anointing is right here to bless your heart. Break up your fallow ground until the Lord rains righteousness upon you there. He is going to bless you. Ask and ye shall receive, saith the Lord. You ever read that in the Bible? And then it turned around and said, everyone that asketh, receiveth. But you must receive it in your heart. Everyone that asketh, receiveth. Isn’t that beautiful? And some people ask, and they turn around and say, I didn’t receive. You did too, but you just said you didn’t. See; hold on to the promises of God. Do like David; anchor those things there and stay right with them. If it’s not in the will of God, He will soon tell you about it, and [you] go on to great things. Praise God! He will bless your heart. Isn’t that wonderful there!

Oh my! We will plough that old nature. Plough out your old nature under and let the Holy Spirit fall on the new nature and grow. Plough up your whole nature and let the rain fall on the new spirit, and the new heart, and the new creature. That’s revival! Praise the Lord! Break up your fallow ground. Get ready, revival is coming! It’s coming and it’s going to sweep His people in there. Just open up your heart and say praise the Lord! Come on, praise ye the Lord! Glory to God! Amen. You know, I don’t have many stories to tell the people. Very often because He just kind of brings that Word of God to you there. Can you say praise the Lord? I believe He is going to do a quick short work. It’s time to do it. I want you to all just sit there a second and praise the Lord. Some of you need healing in that audience. The healing is in the audience now. The power of God is out there. Just start raising your hands. Just open up for that rain. Let that old nature be broken up now. My! How many of you want to go to greater things with God. How many want the Lord to just guide you? He will be right there with you. It’s coming to that. He is going to bring that church—and the Angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear Him and love Him, and that Angel of the Lord is there.

Now, I want you all to stand to your feet here this morning. You go home and digest all of this and see what it comes to. Amen. Every one of you here this morning, if you need salvation, I want to tell you that God loves your heart. He sure does. I have always said this: You are not too great a sinner that God won’t save you. That’s not what the thing is. Paul said, I am the chiefest among sinners and God saved me. But I tell the people that it is the old pride, the old nature, the old raven nature. It won’t let you come on to God. It’s pride that keeps you from God. He will forgive your sins. Some people say, “I am so sinful. I don’t believe God can forgive that many sins.” But the bible said He will do it and He will do it if you have a real serious heart. So, if you need salvation this morning, He will forgive. He is merciful. How shall we stand before Him if we neglect so great a salvation that man has cast aside! It’s so simple. They just cast it aside. You just say, “Lord, I repent. Be merciful to me, a sinner. I love you.” You will never love Him as much as He loves you when He first created you. He saw you before you were ever here as a little seed. He knew all about everybody. He loves you and He wants you to love Him back. God is a great God. Isn’t He? I want you to come down and just turn that nature and let it go this morning. If you are new, get salvation. If you want healing, come down. I will pray for the sick tonight on the platform, and you’ll see miracles. Come on down and rejoice! Oh, praise God, praise God!

108 – Revival of Joy


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