HomeProphetic ScrollsProphetic Scroll 82

Prophetic Scroll 82

THIS SCRIPT WILL EXPLAIN some very important and significant information! In Heb. 3:9-14, “it warns of the generation of Jews that tempted, and proved God and saw his work 40 years, but the Lord was grieved with that generation because they always err in their heart and would not obey His ways! – The same can be said of this last generation that we are living in now; His heart is grieved because of following other gods and false doctrines and not His ways!” – Verse 12, “He warns of unbelief in departing from the living God! And reveals we are partakers of Christ if we hold the beginning of our confidence steadfast unto the end!” – “Now in Heb. 5:11, Of whom we have many things to say, and hard to be uttered, seeing ye are dull of hearing! And verse 14 reveals, but strong meat belongeth to them who are full of age. Meaning experienced in the Word of God! And so the rest of our subjects are for those who are maturing in the Lord Jesus!” “NOW THESE SUBJECTS ARE VERY VITAL and important and we are exhorted to be steadfast in the faith and in the principles of the doctrine of Christ.! – “In II John 1 :9, 10, the apostle referred to this as the doctrine of Christ! – “He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son! If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed! In other words when you have Jesus you have all three in one! (I John 5:7) Whom the Scriptures claim, The Eternal One!” . . . Now let us return to our subject in Heb. 6: 1, 2 . . . “Now here are the principles of the doctrine of Christ! – There are 7 statements for fellowship and practice, as follows.” “First, Repentance from Dead Works! Belief in Jesus is not enough, it takes true repentance! He said unless you repent ye shall likewise perish! (Luke 13:3) Heb. 9:14 says to be purged from dead works to serve the living God! – We must be active in these principles and doers of His Word! – In Rev. 2:4-5; it gives a depiction of those losing their first love and warns unless they come out of their dead works He will remove their candlestick! So without true (REPENTANCE) one will have no basis for fellowship with God!” NOW THE SECOND GREAT DOCTRINE IS OF FAITH TOW ARD GOD! – “It is faith not of dead works, but of active faith toward Jesus!” Heb. 11 :6, “reveals it is impossible to please God without faith!” – “No matter what the body, eyes and ears, see, hear or feel to the contrary (ver. 1-3) everyone must have complete faith in the Lord Jesus and they will be rewarded!” – “It means the just shall live by faith!” (Heb. 10:38) – “No doctrine in the Bible is any more vital than this, ‘Faith in Jesus’!” – The doctrine of baptisms we will do last because it is complexed. – So let’s go on to the doctrine of the Laying on of Hands! Now that we spoke about faith, the laying on of hands will not work unless the anointed faith is in the individual!” “Jesus spoke of this doctrine! – They shall lay hands on the sick, and recover!” (Mark 16:18) – “It mentions by the hands of the apostles were wrought many miracles!” (Acts 5:12) – “There is also the laying on of hands to receive the Holy Spirit! – In Acts 8:14-17, “after they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus, they laid hands on them and they received the Holy Ghost!” Acts 19:1,6, “others received the Holy Spirit when Paul put his hands on them! Also the doctrine of the laying on of hands was to use the anointing to call, to separate for a work and to stir up the gifts!” (I Tim. 4: 14 – II Tim. 1 :6) Acts 13:2-3 “Also in this doctrine one does not just suddenly lay hands on anyone indiscriminately! I Tim. 5:22, lay hands suddenly on no man! . . . But be in agreement! – Also the giving of the gifts belongs to God!” (I Cor. 12:11). NOW THE NEXT WONDERFUL DOCTRINE is Resurrection of the Dead! – “This is an essential principle! One that does not believe in the resurrection has no hope at all and you might say does not even know the Lord!” – “This is a must in our belief, it is a glorious event! And the resurrection of the righteous takes place at the same time as the translation of the living!” (I Thess. 4: 13-17) “Jesus spoke of this doctrine! (John 5:28-29) It will be a most beautiful occurrence! – Evidently in spectrum of living colors and glory clouds, seen only by those caught up!” – “The next important principle is of Eternal Judgment! Now this is one we can not assume, but must let the Scriptures answer it!” – Rev. 20:6, “calls it the second death after the Judgment Throne! (Read Rev. 2: 11) “Evidently after eons of time it may change into a form of eternal death! Because in Ezek. 28: 14, 18-19, reveals this about satan! That a fire in the midst of him will destroy him and then says, never shall thou be any more! – It says turned into ashes!” – “What ever God’s plans are belong totally to Him; and this doctrine of eternal judgment should not be argued, but left in His omniscient wisdom!” – “Jesus said in Matt. 10:28, Fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell!” – “The Scriptures speak of an everlasting hell and only God knows if this will only what the Scriptures reveal, anything else would be guess work, it is best left in the hands of God!” NOW BACK TO THE VERY IMPORTANT DOCTRINE OF BAPTISMS! – “Notice there is more than one kind of baptism; it says baptisms! – One baptism is of water and the other is the baptism of the Holy Spirit! (Acts. 1:5) For we are all baptized into one body by the spirit.” (I Cor. 12:13) – “Jesus is the head of the body, and the spirit sets members in the body! The doctrine of proper baptisms will unite all believers for the outpouring, preparation and translation!” – In St. John 3:5, “it says, except a man be born of WATER and of the SPIRIT he can not enter into the kingdom of God! – We just spoke about receiving His salvation and Holy Spirit! Those who have the proper doctrine of water baptism will be His called out ones, chosen to be in the true body by the revelation of this! They will not be as the foolish virgins, but they will have the true apostolic doctrine which is evidently hidden from the others and the lukewarm systems! Without argument here is the proof!” In St. John 5:43, “Jesus said, He came in the Father’s name, the Lord Jesus Christ!” And in Matt. 28: 19, He said baptizing “In the Name” of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost! He said in the “NAME” and that is exactly what the apostles did! . . . “Acts 2:38, Everyone was baptized in the name of Jesus Christ! – Acts 8:16, they were baptized in the NAME of the Lord Jesus!” In Acts 19:5 they were baptized in the NAME of the Lord Jesus, and they spake with tongues and prophesied! – (Now in combination with the proper baptism is the doctrine of completeness! For in Him dwelleth all the fullness of the God head bodily! He is the head of all principality and power. Col. 2:9-10) ¬”All things were created by Him. All things were made by Him. (St. John 1:3, 10) – Matt. 28:18, “reveals ALL power is in His hands in heaven and in earth!” – “He was before all things!” Col. 1:16-17. AND THE OTHER PRINCIPLE DOCTRINE is let us go on to Perfection. (Heb. 6:1) “Although the elect is not perfect we should strive toward the mark, the prize of the “high calling” of God in Christ Jesus!” (Phil. 3:12-14) – “So let us press towards this calling!” – Without these 7 doctrines of Christ the Church would on¬ly be a dead system of human government! How truly we need the Holy spirit to lead and perfect us in the gifts and calling of the Lord Jesus!” – “There will evidently be other sheep not of this Bride fold! (John 10: 16) . . . For those who do not practice and believe all of the doctrine of Christ including the baptisms evidently go through Great Tribulation!” (Rev. 7:14) – “The elect are seen in Rev. 12:5, and again the tribulation seed are seen in verses 13, 17.” SO AGAIN HERE ARE THE INCREDIBLE and the very most important doctrines of the living Christ! The 7 Principles are as follows, – Heb. 6:1-2 . . . Repentance from dead works; Faith toward God; doctrine of baptisms; laying on of hands; resurrection of the dead; eternal judgment; the going on to perfection! With these Godly ordained principles we need no Organizational system to tell the body what it must do.” . . . For it is the only True Doctrine of the Bible for a basis of fellowship in God in unity of His true people! This doctrine of Christ is the True Doctrine that we must have above all others!” ¬ “We are also warned if one denies or forsakes them, he falls by the wayside and jeopardizes his part in the body of Christ!” “Many statements of faith and various doctrines have been drawn up by men and will fail, but now we know the true doctrine of Christ is for every church member! And those ignorant of these doctrines of Christ will fall away and enter the apostate circles! . . . “There are some more minor doctrines in the Scriptures, but these are the major and sufficient ones!” – And is what the Bible calls the Capstone doctrine of the Lord Jesus! And it is not of man, and is the supremacy of the Holy Spirit’s final authority over all of manmade doctrines! . . . (Plus here are also some valuable principles, Luke 22: 17-20 – I Cor. 10: 16 and rewarding! Heb. 7:8 – Mal. 3:10. HEB. 6:19, “AND IS AN ANCHOR of the soul, both sure and steadfast and that which entereth within the veil!” – “And let us not forget the commandment of divine love and in finality this Scripture Jude 1:25, To the “Only” wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever! Amen!” – “Use this Script often for a reference and statement of belief! Jesus has blessed it! “


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