HomeWe Shall SoarSome Checklist for Translation 035

Some Checklist for Translation 035

Meditate about these things.

Some Checklist for Translation

According to John 14:1-3, Jesus will return for his bride. He told us in the Bible how we can recognize the time of his return through various events. His bride is very much looking forward to Jesus’ return. The wait will not last long. The beauty of the translation is that the bride can finally join Jesus in her new home. This earth is not her home. No, her new home is completely different.1st Thess. 4:13-18, Rev. 21:1-8.

In order to be the bride of Jesus Christ and to be admitted we will have to examine ourselves. This checklist will be hard for you if you are not a faithful Christian. God’s word is difficult for most people to accept because people put their own opinions first. This checklist has to do with the marriage supper of the Lamb, and the conditions below must be met to ensure that you will be admitted to the occasion. Jesus already paid the entrance fee for you when he was crucified about 2,000 years ago for our sins; only believe.

1.) You must repent and believe the word of God, the Bible 100% and put your opinions aside. 2.) You must have been baptized by immersion in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ and have received God’s Holy Spirit.Mk.16:16.

3.) You have confessed your sins, are repented and converted. Acts 2:38

4.) You have forgiven everyone that sinned against you, Matt. 6:14-15.

5.) You believe that Jesus has healed you from all your diseases and evils by His stripes.

6.) You believe that there is only one God and Lord and that Jesus Christ is the Almighty God and Creator of heaven and earth. John 3:16.

7.) You expect the translation continuously, Matt. 25:1-10; and love the brotherhood.

8.) You do not smoke and do not drink alcohol but are always sober, Luke 21:34.

9.) You believe in hell and heaven, and casting out demons, Mark 16:15-20.

10.) You must abide in Jesus and love his appearing, John 15:4-7, 2nd Timothy 4:8.

It is our responsibility to study the Bible and learn more about it. But if you do not have the above mentioned conditions, that is an indication that you have to work on it today because tomorrow might be too late. People who do not meet all the conditions of this checklist cannot, according to the Bible, belong to The Bride of Jesus Christ.

Listen, hard times are coming for this world because they have not listened to the many warnings of God’s word.There is a huge financial credit crisis coming. Prices will be recalculated according to a new currency. Make sure you make it right with Jesus and escape with him in the translation before hell breaks loose and people get a mark on the right hand or forehead, to be able to buy and sell. Repentance is now. Hurry and check your list for departure.Remember your personal testimonies with the Lord as you prepare for the translation. The flight can be any moment, as the twinkling of an eye, suddenly, in a moment; in an hour you think not. Remember His goodness and mercies towards you, as a Father who watches over his children and His faithfulness to you. Meditate on his precious and unfailing promises, such as; I will come again, (John 14:3).

Some Checklist for Translation – Week 35


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