Spiritual Transfusion | Neal Frisby’s Sermon | CD #1124 | 12/16/1979 AM
Well, this is a special place to be. Isn’t it? Let’s just throw our hands up and ask the Lord to bless this [message] today. Jesus, we know you are here for a special purpose. A little while do we see you upon the earth to help us and we are going to take advantage of it. Amen? For that special purpose we are here today. Lord, increase the faith of the audience. Increase all of our faith Lord as much as you can. Touch each one in the audience right now, no matter what their problems are in the name of the Lord Jesus. Amen. Praise the Lord. One day, so much faith will come. It’s here now if you take advantage of it. It has to come in such a way that it will unite, and the people united together with so much faith is what we call a translation. Amen? Enoch gathered so much faith upon him from walking with God till he was translated. The same thing happened to Elijah, and the same thing will happen to the church. It is not too far away either. Oh, blessed be the name of the Lord.
This is the strangest message…. I would like to have a whole service praising the Lord and preparing for the revival that He is going to bring. Amen? You know, I was sitting there, and I said, “I will preach a few words,” see? I said, “We’ll praise the Lord,” and the Holy Spirit moved on me and from what I gathered the words came: The church needs a spiritual transfusion. How many of you know what transfusion is? That will take you when you are dying and put you back with energy—spiritual energy. I thought what in the world here? I gathered up some scriptures and the word, transfusion, revives you. Amen. The church, at times, has to have a transfusion from the Holy Spirit. Amen. You see, the blood of Jesus Christ, when He died, had Shekinah Glory in it. It wasn’t just blood; it was God’s blood. It has to have eternal life in it.
Tonight, I am preparing you with this: this kind of transfusion is long-term and short-term. I want the people to prepare themselves to meet God. Now, we are going to go over the message: Spiritual Transfusion. The church body needs new life. Life is in the blood and the power of Jesus Christs. A reviving [revival] is coming, a spiritual transfusion, igniting new faith in the body of Christ. Amen? Watch out how He gave me these scriptures here in Psalm 85: 6-7: “Wilt thou not revive us again: that thy people may rejoice in thee?” How many of you know that rejoicing is in reviving [revival]? The Lord said in one place, “Break up your fallow ground,” the rain is coming. Glory to God! Alleluia! He is coming. Praise the Lord. Revive us again.
“Shew us thy mercy, O Lord, and grant us thy salvation” (v. 7). Salvation will just pour out all over your heart and everywhere. When you begin to revive, the salvation Spirit and a healing Spirit and the Holy Spirit begin to rise. When He does, you begin to be revived by the power of God. That is what does it there. Then Psalm 51: 8-13: “Make me to hear joy and gladness [He will]; that the bones which thou hast broken may rejoice” (v.8). Why did he say that? He [David] described his bones being broken in reference to the troubles, the hardships and the things that he was going through. But then, he said make me to hear joy and gladness that I may rejoice and mend all of those ways. Now, watch the revival coming here in the reviving. It says here: “Hide thy face from my sins, and blot out all mine iniquities” (v.9). You see, blot out all of mine iniquities; you get the revival. “Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me” (v.10). Listen to this: it goes with the revival. It goes with you getting things from God and it is the best thing you can have. Create in me a clean heart…. Here is what it is—a right spirit. It got right down to this reviving. If you want to be revived and rejoice—renew a right spirit within me. You see, that is important for healing. It is important for salvation and it creates a revival.
“Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy holy spirit from me” (v. 11). We see that God can cast someone away from His presence. A lot of people just get up and turn away, see? They think that they practically left, but God cast them away. How many of you know that? David begged Him don’t cast me away from thy presence. See; get the right spirit, David said, hold on to it. The right spirit brings healing and revival. Don’t get the wrong attitude; you will get the wrong spirit. Keep the proper attitude according to the Word of God. Daily you run into all kinds of people that would change your attitude. So, keep your proper attitude before God. “Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation…” (Psalm 51:12). See; some people have salvation, but they have lost the joy in their salvation and then they feel sometimes like a sinner. They feel that way, just like a sinner. How many of you know that? They get into a place where when they get like that, they begin to backslide; then they get away from the Lord. Ask God to restore the joy of your salvation. Amen? That’s what the church needs—a spiritual transfusion to restore the joy. “…Uphold me with thy free spirit” (v. 12). Now, this would bring revival and renewing from the power of the Holy Spirit. You can feel in the audience here, most of you are with me, but I am going to ask you to listen a little bit more because this is getting to where it is going to do some help tonight. I can feel what the Lord is trying to do here. That Spirit will come… and restore the joy of your salvation.
“Then will I teach transgressors thy ways; and sinners shall be converted unto thee” (v.13). All of that, that David was talking about—revive us again, Lord, restore the joy of thy salvation, getting a right spirit—as the church gets the reviving spirit that I am talking about here, then people will be converted by the power of God. How many of you know that? That is exactly right. Then in Psalm 52: 8, he said this: “But I am like a green olive tree in the house of God: I trust in the mercy of God forever and ever.” The olive tree will stand great endurance. When you have no rain and there is a drought, you don’t have to take care of it like you do other crops/trees. It will endure. It is stable. It seems to stay the same. It is there. David said that’s what he wanted to be [like]. But I am like a green olive tree in the house of God. Now, to somebody who doesn’t want God, and to the sinner, it sounds crazy—the man wanted to be a green olive tree in the house of God? How many of you know that out of the olive tree comes the anointing oil? That’s David right there! He got you, didn’t he? Amen. Besides all the endurance and it can stand up when the hardships come…David said, not only that, I’ll have a lot of oil. He knew that in that oil is power. Amen. He was anointed with it. He knew coming through the Messiah would be the oil of salvation, the oil of healing, the baptism of the Holy Ghost, the oil of miracles and the oil of salvation. The oil of life is the Holy Spirit. Without this oil, they were left behind (Matthew 25: 1-10). So, he wanted to be like the green olive tree, full of oil. So, it shows the anointing oil of the Lord.
Psalm 16: 11 says this: “Thou wilt show me the path of life: in thy presence is fullness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore.” Here in Capstone [Cathedral], in the presence of the Lord, is where the joy is. It says right here; if you want the fullness of joy, then get in the presence of the baptism of the Holy Spirit, get in the presence of the oil, and it’s here. Amen. It must be, the way God is moving among His people. If you are new here, you want to open your heart. It may sound strange, but you will feel it inside of you. You will feel it right in your very midst. You will feel the Lord blessing your heart. So, open right up, and before we get through, He will sure give you a blessing there. So, it says, “In your presence is fullness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore.” Glory to God! Isn’t that wonderful? Pleasures for evermore in the Holy Spirit; and eternal life is right there.
Now we are going to come to His promises here. Remember, revive us, O Lord, and that the bones which are broken [through the trials] may rejoice again. He will do it. In this audience, if you were to put all your problems together, it would be like you have broken bones. You’ve got this happening to you, that happening to you. In other words, you just can’t seem to get around and do what you want to do. He [David] was hemmed in on the right and on the left, but he knew that by the Lord restoring the joy and reviving him, that all those trials and troubles would be cast away. Amen? After that, he said, “Create in me a clean heart and renew [revive] a right spirit within me” towards God. Many times, the people say they don’t have the right attitude [spirit] toward this Christian or that Christian. Not knowing how cunning satan is and how tricky he is, a lot of people get a wrong spirit towards God. Did you know that? David knew that and he didn’t want to get a wrong spirit in his heart against the Lord. He knew that when he got the wrong spirit it was bad; he had seen that happen. So, keep the right approach.
Many people say, “I don’t see why God wants me to have my sins taken away. I wonder why the Lord puts [forth] the Word of God. I can’t live like that,” they say, “according to that.” Pretty soon, they begin to get the wrong spirit. Some Christians will come in and be converted. If they are not careful, they’ll say, “Well, that’s in the bible? I can hardly believe it that way.” Pretty soon, if you are not careful, you will begin to get the wrong spirit. Then you cannot get to God. You must come to Him in the right spirit. Can you say, praise the Lord? Therefore, he said, “Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me” (Psalm 51: 10).
Now, we are going to get to the promises. Listen to me real close here: Hebrews 4: 6, “Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and grace to help in time of need.” In other words, when you have the time of need, salvation, healing or the Spirit of God; the bible says, come boldly. Don’t let the devil push you back. Don’t let the devil hold you and grip you like that because the bible says, “Resist the devil and he will flee from you.” Tell the devil, “I believe in God’s promises and all of God’s promises.” Then set out in your heart to expect a miracle. Without expectation, there cannot be a miracle. Without expectation in your heart, there cannot be salvation. You must not only expect, you know it’s a gift of God. It is yours. Claim it and go with it. Praise ye the Lord Jesus! Amen. Come boldly in the time of need. Other people, they back off; they don’t know what to do, they are shy. They become embarrassed to even seek God, but it says here, once you seek it in your heart and you seek and expect a miracle, then come boldly to the throne of God. Many nights the Lord has spoken to the sinners and to the people in the audience; He has told them to come boldly to the throne [of grace]. We have seen more miracles than you can count that the Lord Jesus has done; not me, but the Lord Jesus.
So, in the time of need, His promises are really great. Then the bible says here, listen to it real close: in the time of need, come boldly to the throne of God. “For all the promises of God in him are yea, and in him Amen, unto the glory of God by us” (2 Corinthians 1:20). You see, come boldly. You see, after that scripture—come boldly to the throne of grace; He led me to this one—For all the promises of God in Him [that’s Jesus] are yea and Amen. That means they are final. They are settled. They are yours. Believe for them. Let no man steal them from you. They are yea and Amen. They are yours, the promises of God. That is right and that seals it right there. “Now he which stablisheth us with you in Christ, and hath anointed us is God. Who hath also sealed us, and given the earnest of the Spirit in our hearts” (vs. 21&22). We are anointed by the Spirit. We have the down payment of that Spirit in our hearts. We will change and that body will be glorified. But we have the earnest, in other words, the down payment of the Holy Spirit to come into us in the portion that God gave Him to us, only awaiting when the Lord changes us and the translation takes place. The bible says a glorified body; when that change comes, you talk about a spiritual transfusion! Amen. It’s leading to that.
There is [coming] a great spiritual transfusion than we have ever seen. We’ll just undergo a transfusion of Shekinah Glory…then we are changed. Amen. That’s right. So, this is deep in here with those promises. “Now thanks be unto God which always causeth us to triumph in Christ, and maketh manifest the savour of his knowledge by us in every place” (2 Corinthians 2: 14). We always triumph in the Lord. Listen to this close here: this is in 2 Corinthians 3: 6–who also has made us able ministers of the New Testament, not of the letter. In other words, don’t stop by reading the bible, put it into action; believe it. In one place, the bible [the Lord] said, “Why stand ye here all the day idle” (Matthew 20: 6). Give, get up, testify; do something. Listen to this here: men’s traditions can get in on it. Organizations can have their rulings and get in the way. All that winds up in the letter; it quenches the Spirit of God finally because they don’t take all the Word of God. They take only part of the Word of God. “Who hath also made us able ministers of the New Testament; not of the letter, but of the spirit: for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life” (2 Corinthians 3: 6). Behold, saith the Lord, transfusion! Glory to God! Alleluia! Can you say, praise the Lord? A spiritual transfusion; it just comes right on. That’s why we need to walk up to God and say, “Put it on me, all over me.” Amen. So, the letter killeth, but the Spirit giveth life. It is the Spirit that gives it there, and the Shekinah Glory, the glory of the Lord.
“Now the Lord is that Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty” (v. 17). Healing the sick, casting out spirits, people rejoicing and letting the Holy Spirit into their hearts, we have seen these here [at Capstone Cathedral]. They go back to different churches. Nevertheless, it is the Holy Spirit moving in the hearts of the people…they are prayed for and they are healed by the power of God…. The messages–the fullness of the power of the Holy Spirit is so strong that people have to love God to stay. It is God! How many of you can say, praise the Lord? That liberty has caused such power of the Lord. Yet, we are not out of order. All things are done in order according to what Paul wrote, in the spirit. I’ll guarantee I will show you a foundation, a very strong church, a powerful church and one that Paul said would receive a crown. Also, like I said, when the Lord says, come up hither, they are ready to go. Amen. That’s exactly right.
“Rejoice in the Lord always and again I say, Rejoice” (Philippians 4: 4). See, what it says? Rejoice in the Lord always, then you won’t have to tell the Lord to revive you. Rejoice in the Lord always, Paul said there, and again I say, rejoice. Twice, he said that. He commanded them to rejoice in the Lord. “For our conversation is in heaven; from whence also we look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ” (Philippians 3: 20). How many of you know that our conversation is in heaven? Many people talk about earthly things and they talk about everything upon the earth. The bible says you will give account of every idle word that means one [word] that is not doing anything or helping the Lord…. You should talk about heavenly things as much as possible. That’s all I talk about and think about—it’s the heavenly things, the power of God, the faith of God, delivering the people or waiting on what God wants me to do.
“Who shall change our vile body, that it may be like unto his glorious body, according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things to himself” (v. 21). This is a higher transfusion. Now, at the beginning of the sermon, as we were talking about this, here we see that this vile body will definitely be changed for those who love God. There will be a translation; this body will be glorified, changed by the power of God. It will just be like a shekinah transfusion there. That’s where immortal life will take place. Those in the grave, by His Voice He will call them again, the bible said. They will stand before Him. The evils ones that have done evil will not rise at that time. They will rise later at the White Throne judgment. Our bodies will be glorious. Those out the graves in the translation will be changed. The bible said He will do it so fast you won’t even be able to tell how it happened until it has happened there. It will be in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye.
Let me tell you something: if you need healing, sometimes, people get a gradual healing; the healing doesn’t come instantly…. But you can be healed in a twinkling of an eye, in a moment’s time by the Holy Spirit. You can be saved in the twinkling of an eye. The thief was on the cross. He had asked Jesus to forgive him. Even there, the Lord showing His great power, in the twinkling of an eye, in a moment of time, Jesus just said, “This day thou shalt be with me in paradise.” That fast. So when you need healing and salvation, get your heart prepared. You can get it in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye. I know some things require a long-term faith—according to your faith—be it according to your faith. But it can be in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye. He is like cosmic light. He is powerful, travelling at a tremendous speed to heal the people. Not travelling as we know it, but what I mean is in a swift movement, He is already there. How many of you in the audience have a need out there today, amen, and you need something in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye? He is right there. You don’t have to delay any longer; salvation, healing, He is right there to give you a miracle by the power of the Lord.
We will be changed and glorified. He will fashion our bodies like unto His body. Now, these scriptures cannot be broken; they are true, they will take place. It’s just a matter of a few more years. It’s just a matter of a few more years. We don’t know the exact time. No man knows the exact time or hour, but we know the signs of the times and we know by the seasons that we are graduating closer to that great day. So, in an hour you think not, the Son of man cometh. We are getting closer to that. He can subdue all things to Himself. Amen. The Lord will give you a new spiritual transfusion in the twinkling of an eye. The thief was on the cross. He had asked Jesus to forgive him. Even there, the Lord showing His great power in the twinkling of an eye, in a moment of time, Jesus just said, “This day thou shalt be with me in paradise,” that fast. So, when you need healing and salvation, get your heart prepared. You can get it in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye. I know some things require long-term faith—be it according to your faith—but it can be in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye. He is like a cosmic light. He is travelling at a tremendous speed to heal the people, not travelling as we know it, but what I mean is in a swift moment, He is already there. How many of you in the audience have a need today? Amen…renew your faith.
Revive us, O Lord. Amen. Put your hands up like trees blow in the breeze and revive that Holy Spirit [in you] this morning. I don’t know what kind of a sinner you are. He can revive you by just a matter of turning to God and acceptance in your heart. It will take place. Praise ye the Lord God! Let’s praise Him. If there is anybody new this morning, you just open up your heart. Get it ready and let Jesus bless you. Whoever listens to this tape let a special anointing—revive the ones that listen to the tape, heal them and bless them financially, Lord. Revive them in all departments of thy promises. O Lord, make them like a green olive tree, always containing the oil of the Holy Spirit. Let the glory of the Lord come upon them in their homes or wherever they are. Let the power of the Lord be with them. Oh, praise ye the Lord! How many of you believe that? He is going to do it and I feel the Cloud, the Presence of the Lord, even on the tape to bless His people, heal the pain, cast out the spirits, set them free [the people] and revive them that they feel a revival in their hearts. Rejoice and rejoice evermore. The bible said, ‘restore the joy of my salvation.’
Behold, saith the Lord, I will revive now, not tomorrow, now. I am reviving. Open up your heart. Don’t wilt like the flower, but let the rain of the Holy Spirit come into thine heart. Don’t shove it aside. Here I am, saith the Lord. Thou art revived. Thou art healed by the power of the Lord and restored. Thy joy is restored. Thy salvation is restored. The Lord gives these wells of water of salvation. Glory to God! There He is! Anybody listening to this can turn to this part of the cassette and rejoice and get themselves out of the depression, oppression, debt; no matter what it is. I am the Lord that giveth, Amen. Receive ye the bible said. It is a gift. It is good and even now we are healed, saved and blessed by the divine utterances of the Lord beforehand. Glory to God! Accept it. It is wonderful.
Well, that little message of [is about how] reviving and spiritual transfusion in the heart bring a new glorified body, just a complete presence of the Lord. I know we are still in the body, you might say, but with the oil and the baptism of the Holy Spirit, it grows in such a way in that department where the Lord begins to speak there. It’s a kind of anointing that will loosen and break the chain. At the moment the Lord is speaking there, it is coming in such a way that your faith will be increased right there on the cassette. Your faith will begin to grow because it is the Holy Spirit doing it. When your faith begins to grow, you automatically receive what you need from the Lord, and you go with it. He gives you the determination. He gives you the boldness. You are at the throne of God now. He is blessing your hearts. Amen. Go ahead and praise the Lord. Praise ye the Lord! Alleluia! Come on and rejoice. Revive us, O Lord.
Spiritual Transfusion | Neal Frisby’s Sermon | CD #1124 | 12/16/1979 AM