HomeWe Shall SoarThe door was shut 041

The door was shut 041

Meditate about these things.

During the midnight cry is when God does a very unusual thing, since the history of all his creation. God carries out a conscious separation of those whoever came into this world. He will separate the living and dead righteous, from the living and dead unrighteous. This separation emanates from the contents of the Lamb’s book of life, from the foundation of the world. The elect of God have their names in the Book of Life before the foundation of the world, (Rev. 13:8). Also the foolish virgins who came through tribulation also have their names in the Book of Life, (Rev.17:8) The phrase the foundation of the world is very important to the believer, because it has a serious connection to the names in the Lamb’s Book of Life.

Some names are blotted out, (Exd.32:33; Rev. 3:5). Yet there are others who worshiped the beast whose names never will or never have been written in the Book of Life. We will also touch on those who have had their names removed. One might wonder, why did He put their names there if He later removes them? One reason is that He has a record of them and the lost too. Those who went back and never repented again, also those of the world system of churches who fight the Bride will have their names removed, (Scroll # 39).

When the midnight cry is given and suddenly Jesus Christ (the Bridegroom) calls on arrival, millions of those that sleep in Christ and those who are alive and remain, (the Bride elect) will be changed in a twinkling of an eye; and shall put on immortality, to meet the Lord in the air. And the door was shut. If you are still on earth you have been left behind. The good news is if you can go through the great tribulation without taking the mark of the beast, his name or number or worship him, even if you lose your life there’s still hope for you. But what guarrantee do you have on surviving the great tribulation? Why take such a gamble with eternity? Believe, Follow and worship Jesus Christ today, before it is late.

After the door is closed, the antichrist will have an open day to commit the unpardonable; as he begins to declare himself the solution to the world’s problems and later claims to be God. Have you imagined the sheer panic, confusion, denial and bitterness that will engulf the world when people realize that those who have come up missing will never be found here on earth again? The change of laws will come into effect almost immediately. A state of emergency will be declared and freedom will begin to disappear. A family of five may find 4 missing from the dinner table, their clothes abandoned on their empty dinner chairs.This is about to happen. You will either be translated or left behind to face the great tribulation. This is the moment to think things over before it is too late. Prepare to meet thy God (Amos 4:12). Jesus Christ said, “For then shall be great tribulation such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be”, (Matt. 24:21).

The door was shut – Week 41


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