“Jesus told us to let not our heart be troubled. He said, My peace I give unto you, My peace I leave with you that your joy may be full!” – “The Scriptures say, He will comfort and give a sound mind and heart to His people during these perilous and uncertain times approaching the populace.” – “Jesus said, fear not; lo I am with you always even to the end of the age! He said, Be of good cheer, thy sins are forgiven, rise up and receive thy healing or whatever you may need, saith the Lord!” – Jer. 33:3, “Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not!” – He certainly will in the coming time ahead. – And vs. 6 is for us today. “Behold, I will bring it, health and cure, and I will cure them, and reveal unto them the abundance of peace and truth!” – “Behold, saith the Lord, do ye not remember the Scriptures I spoke concerning you? Mark 9:23, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth! – This Scripture is for each one of us! – And by faith it is ours!” – “The possibilities of faith and what He will give us is incredible indeed! – As the Scriptures say, nothing shall be impossible to them that act upon My promises!”

“Many of my partners on my list are receiving the very things we are speaking about, plus also the knowledge and revelation of the end time! And others will be receiving more also as time passes! – My partners and you are on my list because God wants to help and guide you. It is by divine providence that he calls His people and reveals Himself unto them by His Word and powerful anointing! – So you are receiving literature because God is providing a way to guide and prepare you for the Translation and for heaven! – And He wants you to trust Him and believe Him with all your heart and you will not be disappointed! For surely in the days ahead you will need His guidance as never before, because time is closing out!” – Here is a promise that people read right over, but it means exactly what it says. – Matt. 7:8, “For every one that asketh, receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened. It says for every one that asketh, receiveth! – That is exactly right, but you must work with it and believe it, then the manifestation of it will appear!”

“The Scriptures say, Believe that ye receive, and ye shall have! (Mark 11:24) – The Scriptures say, Believe and ye shall see the glory of God in action!” – “Jesus gives us power over all the power of the enemy.” (Luke 10:18-19) – Jesus has made you free, you are free indeed. Accept it! (John 8:36) – The children of faith has been set free, accept all of His promises in your heart and they shall come alive, as we pray together! For it says, “If any two agree, it shall be done!” (Matt. 18:19) – “All things ye ask believing, ye shall receive!” (Matt. 21:22) – “The Scriptures say, Abide in Christ and it shall be done. Whatever your need confess you believeth, trust and hold firm! You may be surprised what Jesus will do for you as you practice your faith and exercise your position as a believer, because by faith He has given you dominion over any type of confrontation or sickness that comes your way. Jesus has defeated Satan, sin and for us sickness, but one must believe it for it to be manifested!”

– “Jesus said, These works and greater works shall ye do! (John 14:12) – And if you find out who Jesus is, like Phillip did, you will increase your anointing and faith many fold!” (Read vs. 8 and 9.)

Many times here we see miracles take place very quickly, just like this Scripture in Matt. 8:3, “And immediately his leprosy was cleansed!” – Luke 13:13, “And immediately she was made straight and glorified God!”  “And in one hour He cured a multitude of diseases and plagues!” (Luke 7:21) – “Start accepting and believing now, and each day continue trusting. Remember whither you receive instantly or slowly it is still considered a miracle! – Sometimes it is gradual, but very often it will be instantly!” – “It is according to how one uses their faith. Also we can believe in creative miracles. Jesus revealed His power to do this when He created a new ear that had been cut off.” (Luke 22:50-51) – Praise Him!

“Let’s take a look and see how wonderful faith is, because your faith can be infinite! – When you believe and receive salvation, you have eternal life and live forever in eternity! – So you see your faith is infinite! – Learn how to use it concerning the promises of the Lord and you will surely rejoice!” – “Jesus said, Whatsoever ye ask in My name, I will do! – He continued, Ask anything in my name and I will do it!” (John 14:14) – “In fact the Old Testament shows us the abundance of His promises. And it also said, Don’t forget all of his benefits!” Ps. 103:3, “Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases! – And for those who really trust and believe and can receive it there is divine health, and renewal of energy and youth!” (Verse 5) – “Paul said, I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me!” (Phil. 4:13) Verse 19 says, “He will supply all of your needs!”

“By acting and believing you too will be victorious. And for all those who need or who have friends wanting salvation, the Bible says He has wells and waters of salvation! And Jesus said, take of the waters of life freely!” – In this Scripture He shows us His great compassion. I John 1:9, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness!” – And He is also faithful concerning all of his promises to you, but you must be faithful and trust as He is!” – “So we see, the possibilities of faith are infinite! And let us pray and believe together that God will pour out His blessings upon you and all His people who trust!”

In His Abundant Love,

Neal Frisby


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