HomeVideo TranscriptsThe Prophet and The Trumpet #5

The Prophet and The Trumpet #5

THE PROPHET AND THE TRUMPET Neal Frisby Sermon DVD #1015 3/31/83 PM

1.The prophet and the trumpet. Now you see the prophet and the trumpet in John chapter 4 there was a voice like a trumpet and he was caught up before, around the throne, rainbow throne. It represented the translation of the church, most prophetic writers know that. And it was a trumpet talking, he was a prophet and it was making a sound. And in the Bible, the Lord when he calls a prophet, he’s a trumpet and he sounds. And sometimes people don’t like the sound from God’s Trumpet, how many of you believe that? And it’s a spiritual voice, a message is the trumpet. It is called a spiritual gathering of the elect, it has power and revelation it is displayed with tremendous power. The prophet will rise in the midst of apostasy, here he will come. You now realize that, as when He calls him. It’s not an easy time when He calls him, and when one comes it’s not long till the world or that dispensation of time is judged. And he will come in the worst kind of sin that has risen and when the cup of iniquity is full. He will tell it like it is, he will tell the truth about their sins, how many of you believe that? Now let’s read a quote here, the prophet and the trumpet, that’s what it is. God gives a sound and people today are saying where is the prophet? And they’re crying out to the Lord. They see evangelists, they see workers but where’s the apostolic prophet? This little notation is a quote, and I like to read it before I start in the message. It says, revival will come in the wake of a prophet sent by God, thundering bold denunciations against man’s sins and his apostasy, and his cold lukewarm system. There is no time for harmless little sermons, there is no time to hide the truth but to reveal, I say, the Godhead too, Amen! The way that the Lord deals, and unification of power in the eternal God: It is time for the flaming messages inspired by the Holy Spirit; preached fearlessly by men who do not fear the consequences. They do not fear if they’re gonna lose an offering. They do not fear if they’re going to lose a friend, they will preach what God gives them Amen! It will cost some friends, it will cost people that you had known but there’s a separation that God says; and the word always wins and the word always rewards and the word always blesses. He will face the consequences, calling men everywhere to repent, the Lord is coming. And then it has a saying here, it says the world will repent when God’s people begin to repent; I say of the shortcomings in God’s program for this hour. Repentance must begin with Christians, who must turn from worldliness, prayerlessness, indifference, you know, souls going to hell. See it is all around them and yet not pray, and dangerous sloth or sleep.

2.It is high time for the pulpit to thunder and to burn with power. And I say of the blue and ancient flame Amen! Allow the Holy Spirit to come. And the thunder of the ancient prophets and the apostles of our Lord. It is high time for God’s people to awake from their Laodicean conditions. And the Lord tells me every friend that you lose He will give you a better friend Amen! Oh glory to God! He’s bringing His elects, some going to another position, some are foolish virgins, some go into the Great tribulation. Who are we to withstand the wisdom of God Amen. But He brings them together to be many friends. You’ll have many friends and the elect of God according to the Bible, they can be no greater than those that love the word of God and it’s really wonderful. Then we go and begin to preach here. Paul the apostle will come to him in a moment here. And in Acts 17:6-7 and then verses 16 and 22,and when they found them they drew Jason and certain brethren until the rulers of the city crying; these have turned the world upside down, and now they have come here, there. The apostles, the prophets, they turned up all around Galilee, Judea and all around the countryside and everywhere and now in going towards Greece; and then apostle Paul he really shook the area, in fact he came from that area, he had to go to Jerusalem. He went back in that direction, he was on his way to Rome. And when it says here, whom Jason had received and these all do contrary to the decree of Caesar, saying that there is another King, the One Jesus is His name. Now to the Greeks that was all Greek Amen. They didn’t know what to do with it, that’s right. Now then Paul, leaving that situation moving over, he had many calls. One time a man stopped and came over here to Macedonia, then he had a vision about Troas, and he was in the middle of everything going on and all the way to his destination.

3. And it says here in verse 16, now while Paul waited for them at Athens Greece, his spirit was stirred in him, the Holy Ghost began to move around him. He couldn’t sit still. He got up and wondered what was wrong. And he saw the city and he began to go here and there in the city, and it was wholly given to idolatry,completely given to idolatry. And it stirred him, therefore disputed, see he began to dispute in the synagogues with the Jews and with the devout persons and in the market daily with them. He met with them and then certain philosophers began to come to Paul. And they said, what is this babbler got to say? Here he’s babbling about the strange God, strange doctrines and says because he preached Jesus and unto them and the resurrection. And then they took him and they brought him unto the authorities, and they asked him about this new doctrine and to speak about it. Now Paul was at the place where he could really talk if they wanna listen to these philosophers. And they studied all kinds of books. I don’t care what they studied. He probably did read it because when God called him, he was highly educated and he had been a philosopher himself. But yet he counted that nothing for the glory and power that God gave him, did you know it? Listen to this right here, then Paul stood in the midst of Mars hill and said ye men of Athens I perceive that in all things you are too superstitious. Nowadays there’s superstitions all over this earth, warlocks, witches, all kinds of superstitions, and so forth like that, they’re all superstitions. These books had to be read, for as I passed by and beheld your devotions, I found an altar with this inscription to the unknown God. Whom therefore you ignorantly worship, declare I unto you. You don’t even know who He is, and you’re declaring the Unknown God. Then Paul proceeded to go further and tell them that God doesn’t dwell in temples, He dwells in people. In other words you can build a temple but the Lord dwells in the Prophet first, dwelling in the people, then He’ll dwell in a temple. You know you can build a temple but that doesn’t mean God is gonna dwell there. If His word is there, saith the Lord, I will be there; earlier than you get there, glory hallelujah! If you seek me early you shall surely find me. Now where the word is that’s where He’s really at, He won’t be in any other place He’s right there. And all of these begin to happen here, and he said these people, these prophets, apostle Paul had now come there. They had turned the world upside down where they had come from and stirred up everything in every direction, confronting the gods, confronting the rulers with the power of God, and with the power of miracles.

4. Finally, the chapter close by and right along in here. Paul began to tear cloth off and take it to the sick and the anointing passes to the sick, a light from God began to heal the sick and demons and powers would see the light, and the power on the cloth coming from his body and they the demons departed from the afflicted, possessed and sick, and many miracles wrought everywhere. They just couldn’t keep with him, he just sent another cloth, glory to God. He made many evangelists out of his shirt, that’s God. Now who would have thought of such a thing? He did, he couldn’t get in all places as he had a vision of Troas, he had Troas vision, then he had one from Macedonia come over here and help me. Then he had the brother over here, come over here at this time. I was wondering if they didn’t know the area like he did, and all of these were coming, and so Paul along, about in the same chapter here, one or two right in here on the same subject. He said, well I can’t go everywhere, so he just began to tear off his clothes. The anointing that was upon him because he had seen it, God had visited him and so by the anointing. The cloth can do nothing, but the anointing of God, there is a virtue, the woman touched Christ and the virtue from Christ healed the woman instantly by a miracle. And then these men have turned the world upside down, where is the Prophet? Paul was sounding the trumpet of the Lord, calling a spiritual gathering. And at the end of the age, the prophet, his message will be the trumpet of God because it’s going on up into the translation. And then it said, he said on Mars Hill, today you call it computer Hill, all the learned had gathered in Athens, all of them had come together. All the idols that they had, all of them that were learned and Paul began to contest with this one called Jesus Christ that was superior to Caesar. And He (Jesus Christ) was the unknown God to them, He was the living God. And he began to preach and baptize the same way that he taught (about), the Lord Jesus. And he spoke to them and had them do it in that manner.

5. So we find out on Mars Hill where all the learning was, today is computer hill and their education, they’re gone so far, education is alright but they’re found to educate themselves right out of God: not even knowing who He is like they did on Mars hill, can you say Amen! It is wonderful. He’s great, we move around along here and then it says here at all the things that they were doing, and it says, and the times of this ignorance God winked at, but now commandeth all men everywhere to repent. Then Paul began to travel, he ran into Priscilla and Aquila. They had just departed from Rome, Claudius ordered all Jews to go home. God had a reason for that, he’s mentioned in the book of Acts. Paul met them then, he headed over to Diana the goddess and he’s moving on over into the territory, let’s begin to read it. Now this is strange, how this affected the world. At the end of the age as we move towards the end of the age, this system will grow. They will have what you call actually woman worship, like queen of heaven but it will be more like unto the queen of hell, are you still with me? Now he’s going to confront some pagan idols that run clear into Rome, into idolatry. And we’ll see how far we can go with this tonight. And well he was Demetrius, the coppersmith, they have silversmith and all of them. They were stirred up by Paul and while we’re talking, if they could find the temple that he went to, we still got the picture of it. They take it today, and the theater and all the grounds where Paul had the big argument and the great uproar. I’ve got a five minute recording on it, perhaps we have time in the broadcast we will go into that. It’ll fit right in here but anyway he was around this temple and the arena and he began to contest, and he began to talk about the Lord and God’s power. And then these people that had crafts, these gods of Diana and they were everywhere, all into Asia and all clear into Rome. And the people began to throw them down and to listen to Paul and while they were listening to him, the coppersmith was stirred up. Finally, Paul got into the great arena, those thousands in the arena and they were surrounding him. If he had any brother, that was his friend, he woke them up there didn’t he?

Amen, there were a few with him. Later they all forsook him, I believe he was going on further out, but they gathered around and they would have tore him apart. But somehow he got out, His brethren took him out there.

6. He was the one that found the great church of Ephesus. He cried, when he left and said thieves or wolves would slip in, in sheep’s clothing and finally get you. And John later on the isles of Patmos said, God will remove that candlestick that Paul put in there. Repent because you’ve lost your first love and they become like Laodicean nearly at that time. And the Lord only threatened them during that time there. Now here Paul’s confronting the craftsmen and all of the people, and here’s what it says in verse 27 (Acts 19) it says, so that not only this, our craft is in danger to be set at nought but also that the temple of the great goddess Diana should be despised and her magnificence, see worshipping and her magnificence. She was the sex goddess, and here they said Paul was despising, he had the power of God in him, where is the Prophet! You know people ask in that little note we read there, where is the Prophet? See, God’s hand is not short that it cannot save or deliver, but their sins in the United States and sins around the world have hidden the prophet and you cannot find the prophet, the prophet is here, but you must look according to the word. He is hidden just like gold, you have to move tons of rock, tons of dirt. But the prophet is revealed to God’s people. Where is the prophet they keep saying, God sent us a prophet, as soon as he thundered who God is, as soon as he told them about God’s Word in revelation and their sins, they looked for another prophet. One day I said Lord, sometimes you know you have empty seats other times you have good crowds, great crowds that come you know. And I used to ask the Lord, I pray you know, not all the time just once in a great while, and the Lord said to me, this is the truth. He said, they don’t like to hear the sound of the trumpet. That’s when I knew I had a message from Him as a call, as a trumpet. See, they cannot receive the sound of the trumpet, that’s a spiritual message, did you know it, gathering God’s people. But the elect on the other hand has spiritual ears and let him hear what the spirit saith unto the churches. He that hath an ear, see, and they love to hear the sound of God’s trumpet, rallying them together for the translation Amen!

7. Paul’s trumpet was sounding, he was a messenger to the church age. John was a revelator, on the isle of Patmos later. Paul had the spiritual trumpet and he was sounding it from Mars Hill clear over here to the goddess Diana’s magnificence. He said that she should be destroyed when all of Asia; and the world worshiped her. Look at what happened here, all of Asia and the whole world worshipped her. And Paul went up in confrontation there, he witnessed to kings, to queens and people that worship God, he was everywhere with the gospel, clear to Rome. Infact one of the Roman Emperors put a statue upon the outside of this great temple of Diana the goddess. And at one time during that time in history, it recorded even on their coins that we made broadcasts on, over a thousand prostitutes coming in and out of that temple. Snakes worship everything else in there. And their tithes and offerings went into prostitution and that’s what it is all about. Diana the goddess, they called them her ministers and that’s the way they would minister the pagan gods, the sex goddess of love. Paul was going up to contest them. And then it says here, and when they heard these sayings they were full of wrath and they cried out saying, greatest Diana of the Ephesians and the whole city was filled with confusion. He had the whole city in utter confusion, and that’s when the thousands began to gather there finally. And listen to this right here, ripening for judgement at the end of the age, we will see the Babylonian religions come together, we will see the apostates come together, the lukewarms, the Laodeceans, Protestants, and they will actually have what they call the Queen of heaven worship. It will be coming like that, it will come one of these days, Revelation 17, tells you all about it. Mystery Babylon and the two get together Revelation 3, combine together. And then you see the image unto the beast, whereas one a religious political state beast and the other one ecclesiastical and civil power, Revelation 13, the latter part of that chapter, two horns one beast.

8. Civil power and ecclesiastical power has joined and made an image unto the other power, which is the same way. And they will use a true woman and she will ride the beast, and they will worship her until they get tired. She will be burnt with fire and so forth, we haven’t got time to go into that. Ripening for judgement but that reached Asia and into all the world. They worshipped Diana the goddess hidden in history, but just recorded in the book of Acts; and they were really mad at Paul. Now ripening for judgement, blow the trumpet Paul, and the trumpet of the Lord. Hear the trumpet of the Lord, ripening for judgement. Be not deceived for God is not mocked for whatsoever a man soweth that shall he reap, do you believe that? Where is the prophet they say? He will be fully revealed to the elect, the prophet is in the United States. And the Prophet will be going into many homes, telling them the time is short. We are at the end of the age, do you believe that? And many more evangelists, and many more powerful men of God will be preaching the coming of the Lord. It says here, for he (the prophet) is needed in such an hour as this. And we find out in Galatians 6:7 and now Hosea 8:7, they have sown the wind and they shall reap the whirlwind, do you believe that? You know, so they told Paul, Diana the goddess magnificent in the temple. You know the other night, I believe I’ve got time to go into here. Where is the Prophet? Let it thunder, let the message come from God to His people, and that’s humbly I say, it has to come together to his people and it is coming by the power of God. Paul confronted, now Ephesus, Diana the goddess. I thought that it was terrible that there were so many prostitutes around a temple. But a while back, a person I believe was on paid television, they filmed a documentary about nightlife in Paris. And you remember I made a video cassette, people came and wrote to me and said, “What is a homosexual? What is a lesbian, what is a trans-sexual, what is a transvestite, what are all of these things in a pervert, what are all these things. I made a video cassette showing them what those things were. So they would understand, Christians are the last to understand anything it seems like. But let it thunder Amen!

9. He (the prophet) comes in the midst of apostasy, he comes in the midst of sin, Ezekiel the same way all around him. Hosea the same way all around him, the prophet Isaiah and Jeremiah the same way and what I filmed for the people later will be released, only a few were, and they I guess liked them alright. What I made was just a mild mannered consent compared to what a true documentary that was taken in the nightlife of Paris. They’re the ones that gave us the statue of the woman with the flame remember? Now in that city it was a documentary. True fact and the camera went at night and during the day time too, and in the city they had it look like to me over half of them were prostitutes. Then they showed a temple that looked like Diana the goddess only probably larger up on the hill, it had been there for a long time. It was a beautiful temple that they built, and all of the prostitutes, remember Mystery Babylon, they go there to worship. They go there to ask forgiveness, repentance, they have their priest. And thousands come in and out of there, while they have their trade in the city. I thought about Diana the goddess, and they have their unions there and so forth like that. And they are everywhere, and the tourists can walk right along, and look in the windows and they can see sex and love in any style that they want to see, as they walk through there. In the evening on the intersections, they showed women that are married they would come out and stand with real short dresses on the intersections to what we call freeways here where they join in the freeways and go off of the freeways. And they would stand there and by late evening at night they would work as a prostitute. Then they would go home to their family at night. I have never seen anything like it in my life, and then they had what you call transvestites and transsexuals, I have never seen anything like it in my life. It was men with female bodies and female voices, and they would stop the car, seeing France nightlight everything is legal nothing has stopped. And just look at the wine and look at the country, look at the suffering coming there. Almost all Roman Catholicism, even turned from it nearly in their socialism and everything else. And they would go out and stop the cars at night and have the films and they would be from the waist about up here, female voices and female bodies. And men and transsexuals, transvestites stopped working both sides of the street in that shape. See, courting out the others. And then they have their own clubs, it said what you’re seeing is men, everyone of them looking like women. You’ve never seen anything like it in your whole life. It was a true documentary, by a well known actor that decided to do it. He’s been in Paris.

10. Then they went from there, you can’t believe to a place where they showed hundreds and hundreds of men lined up on the block after block. And they would line up at three or four white girls in these rooms and they didn’t know this is white slavery. And they opened up with those three or four girls and it showed hundreds lined up for half price I guess. And it said that each girl does a hundred a day or more, like a machine, the guy said it’s like a machine working and they’ve never seen anything like it and it sets here in this city. They said they don’t even take off their clothes, it’s all done in the mouth and they’re gone. Everywhere tourists, the whole thing. They have their own big temple up there. And the priest said, well they are in another situation. I believe it was that one, he said well you know it’s kind of a haven for us to be around to help them. And I never saw such a city wholly given over to idolatry, wholly given to what Paul said, and in Paris they set the clothing styles and the things that occur and it was a documentary that was incredible of what is taking place. You see it was like Sodom and Gomorrah, the same as before the flood. They didn’t even know what they were, how many of you are catching all of these. I’m doing it in such a way that the children will not be able to catch all of it. If I did it where grown ups were, it would be much different, but how many of you get the story. I don’t want to leave any of that out, but we got about everything here. So we find out where the Prophet is. I’ve got letters going to France now. They’re going in there. I mean they’ve been going for a long time. People write and say you’re telling the truth, we see it here. You couldn’t imagine a city given over to night life. The United States hadn’t sunk that far quite yet, but it’s getting that way. I’ve never seen anything like it in my life, so we find out, ripening for judgement. Be not deceived God is not mocked for whatsoever a man soweth that shall he reap. They have sown the wind and they shall reap the whirlwind. Now we have a five minute broadcast, we can show in this territory some of the places that we were showing, I will try to do that. Let’s give the Lord a great hand clap! Glory to God.

Five minute broadcast with Neal Frisby.

Neal Frisby: Oh we’re going to take a break now Dan, between the going of one emperor and the coming of another, rises the Apostle Paul the Champion of Christianity.

Dan Allison: That’s right, who was Paul and where did he come from?

Neal Frisby: He was a philosopher, he’s probably more educated than any of the Romans and any of the Greeks or the Jews. Christ appeared to him in a light and said, I’ve called you Paul, you will stand before kings, before queens. He said on the road to Damascus. And He told him he’d appear to many different people including the imperial side and he did with Christianity.

Dan Allison: He was Greek, wasn’t he?

Neal Frisby: Greek Jew, yeah.

Dan Allison : Right, Paul was.

Neal Frisby : Yeah

Dan Allison: Okay now he, incidentally we’ve got a lot of pictures to show here.

Neal Frisby: Oh we’ve got history here that people don’t wanna miss this. This here is a reconstruction of the temple of Diana. And that’s where Paul runs into trouble.

Dan Allison: Right!

Neal Frisby: Down in Ephesians, they felt that she had fallen out of heaven from Jupiter and they made a statue. She was sex goddess, a love goddess in the temple, of course they had affairs right in the temple with their worship rituals. Well Paul began to preach against their idols, and when he did they begin to throw down the idols, and the coppersmith got mad and there was a great uproar. And we see the arena next.

Dan Allison: Right!

Neal Frisby: it shows the very arena outside the theater, 15 or 20 thousand people gathered around to get Paul. He tried to tell them about Christianity, and that idols were not to be worshipped. And he got out of it though. The uproar quieted down and he went on out and he didn’t minister there anymore. He’s been there for quite a while. And then we show the pictures of Diana the goddess, it’s not too clear on her but the famous Greek goddess named Aphrodite that was another temple and Aphrodite of the Corinthians. Now there were 1,000 prostitutes at that temple at one time Aphrodite and Paul went over to the Corinthians you know and wrote two books from there. It’s (Aphrodite) a Greek goddess that they had there, plus we have some coins of that age and you would see Aphrodite, and this coin on the far left (pictures displayed on the screen). And then it shows different Congressmen like Claudius and Tiberius and Drusus, the son of Tiberius and various parts of the temple on these rare ancient coins. The emperor sometimes would strike up a coin and put Aphrodite on one side and they would be on the other side. So it shows the age and splendor of Rome,and the Greek god.Of course Rome was Pagan you know, pagan gods also. And so history, as they see it on the film there is incredible, Paul rising during that time ready to go in the book of Acts when Claudius is about ready to come on the scene.

Dan Allison: We’re going to hear more about Apostle Paul in just a moment. (Dan made a remark and information about cassette sermons).

Neal Frisby: (Also made remarks on the cassettes)

Dan Allison: Now how did Paul get caught up in Christianity? This is right after Christ appeared to him?

Neal Frisby: Well you know, he persecuted the Christians.

Dan Allison: Paul did?

Neal Frisby: Yeah, he is really in this forever, and then Christ called him and appeared to him in the Light. He told the vision to the governors of Rome and everywhere he went, you know and they stood before him. You know Agrippa said, almost, Paul persuaded me to be a Christian, Bernice was sitting there on the side of him in that famous statement in the book of Acts. And so when the Lord appeared to him, and told him that he was working against Him, that He had called him to be a great champion of Christianity and to go forth with salvation. And bring that salvation today; that’s one of the reasons that we in the Western world and Europe have the gospel. Paul carried it clear to Rome, the gospel, and spread it everywhere later.

Dan Allison: He at one time made an appeal to Caesar though, didn’t he?

Neal Frisby: He appeared to Caesar, he was a lawyer type guy, they couldn’t do anything with him. And he could get out of what they were gonna do to him, you know. They were gonna martyr him, he would always say I appeal to Caesar. And he was a Roman citizen too under the Greeks and of course that he had to go to and we’ll take that in later.

Dan Allison : yeah we’re gonna have to leave all that to a later program.( Dan makes a remark about the cathedral).

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