HomeVideo TranscriptsThe Spider's Web #4

The Spider’s Web #4

Neal Frisby Sermon   #197 4/4/84 PM

1. Alright, now we are going to begin. Everything that the Lord does is a mystery, and we’ll begin this tonight as we listen, for television. We will get it on the cassette too later, audio and video. Those that are listening to this broadcast can write for it. You can send an offering to help us on this broadcast and the Lord will bless your heart, wherever this is shown later. Now the Spider’s Web, the megatrends that are taking place everywhere. Now this message is complex, it’s probably 3-dimensional, maybe 4-dimensional that’s involved with it tonight. You’ll have to listen real close and I feel the Lord will anoint it to bless His children. In the Bible, the megatrend, now just before the coming of the Lord, in chapter 5 of James, the Lord reveals that men begin to heap together great wealth and come together. It says therefore it is in the latter days when this begins to take place upon the earth, see, regimenting men together. So they heap their wealth together, coming together. Now in the same chapter, it said the Lord was heaping together His harvest, the firstfruit He was heaping together his very elect ready for translation. They (the world) are heaping together ready for the mark, how many of you believe that? The antichrist system upon the earth. So we find they’re coming together, it is the mega forces that are uniting against mankind finally. 

2.Now, we find out the oil mergers have been coming together. You know one of the prophetic scripts about twelve maybe fourteen years ago, predictions that came from the Lord, how they would begin to merge and how they would begin to come together, corporation and so forth like that. Then some of the writings, how many will go bankrupt and would cause all these in many various ways. And the Lord just says. Why would He reveal something like that? Well it is showing man merging together, finally it will merge together in a large system upon the earth. Now, we find out the corporations are merging all companies and there will be a merging of a super world church and it will merge together. You mean to tell me all the systems will merge together finally, it may not look like that now but finally it will and it will come together as the antichrist Church. You know Revelation Chapter 13, it says he maketh fire come down, 2000 years ago it was written by prophecy unveiling the future 2000 years in advance. He maketh fire come down in sight of them, forcing them to worship the beast and his image, so forth like that. You know what, that sounds like blackmail doesn’t it? He maketh fire, now we have the atomic bomb, he maketh fire come down. And these signs and miracles that they worship, it looks to me like when they all get together, the nation that will not worship the antichrist, they will wipe them from the face of the earth; with atomic power, are you listening now? See the threat of blackmail to worship. 

3.A lot of things are coming together at the end of the age that men will not be able to handle, but it is coming while they are crying disarmament. At the same time they will use it if necessary. Now, we’ve got that in. Listen, before we get started let’s set this up real good. Like I say it will be a dimensional sermon. Now the world is hastening to a great and mighty union, in preparation for the takeover of nations by one world dictator, the final antichrist to be indwelt by Satan. According to Revelation 13, while he is still manifest, a large number of biblical names and references are given to him. And they just link up with him. I personally believe that the antichrist is already on earth but not yet revealed. No one knows the exact hour that he will be revealed but it is very soon, we know that. Now here’s what he’s called in the biblical names and different ways, here’s just a few of them, there’s many of them. He is the seed of the serpent, you wanna read that? Genesis 3:15. He’s the seed of the serpent when he comes. The beast he’s called, Revelation 20:10. The little horn, Daniel saw him rise as small and become very powerful over the earth. As a little horn, saw him northeast, saw him push heavy towards the South. Push heavy towards the East and the West, leaving the North. Then he moved and circled around joining with the West. He (Daniel) describes him in two different places; and also Revelation chapter 9 describes him in that manner there. So it’s very mysterious and all my other books, prophetic literature and scrolls you can find out just exactly what that means, but that’s not my topic tonight. 

4.He is called the little horn and Daniel 7, the prince that shall come to the people Daniel 9:26, one who makes everything desolate, beautiful at first, one who builds up, restructures the whole world nearly overnight. Beautiful, but he’s called the desolator, in the final end he desolates, the abomination of desolation, with his idols that’s coming. So he maketh desolate, Daniel 9:27, he’s called the lawless one, by using force he comes and rises up out of chaos, anarchy he puts it down with force that he calls peace, he brings to them. Now that’s 2nd Thessalonians 2, for this reason we want to reveal the mega forces, the powerful trends that are setting in together. They are coming together, you know the spider’s web is a network, it’s three dimensional. Sometimes some spiders are different types of spiders, some get some liquid they put on their web. There are different types poisonous spiders that do their work, and the other type spiders they weave a web dimensional, they leave an opening where it looks like you can go in and out and in that opening when the prey get in there, the spider they (prey) can never see him. And when the prey comes in the spider releases that tension string, when it does it closes up, the prey is trapped. And also overnight in some instances they have seen that a spider can, some spiders probably most of them can, early dawn until the sun comes up can weave a net and can weave a web. And I feel at the end of the age as we see the super church coming, merging together worldwide, a super church will come, it’s like a spider’s web. It looks like they can go in and out, but when they pull that tension line, it’s called the tension line in that net, they don’t go in and out anymore. They are trapped, they never saw the spider. She is a spider riding the beast, are you still with me? The whore spider, Revelation 17 and when they pull that tension line, they’re marked, they do not come in and out of that Web any longer. 

5.It is a snare the Bible says, and it shall come upon all of them that dwell upon the face of the earth. Except those that listen to these types of messages. Preparing their hearts and being very watchful. And then if they do these things then the Lord will bring them into harvest revival, translate them. And then the world goes into great tribulation, so forth like that. So we find out the dimensional, the tension line. Now documentation, let’s read some of this documentation, Seattle Post Intelligence, this was done in probably 1982, a new global economy now rules the world, as the nations of the earth move towards a global economy. It is no longer clear who is making what, it’s all mixed up, you got sometimes the Japanese part on a general Motors car, you got a Swedish part on another type car and they’re kinda coming, the

mega forces are coming together. Let’s read some more here and we find out that all this finally, because of the different recessions in and out, back and forth in depression, so forth. The competition of cars, now we’re using the cars, but it doesn’t necessarily have to be this, it is all other things and industries upon the earth, finally coming together worldwide. In Revelation 18, I will touch on that in a moment when we get to it, how they do come together finally there. So we find out and this, it’s leading to World Trade, is what they’re leading to. Now we find out that there’s no… they feel that one of these days there will be just a few companies and in those few companies that some of the rest go bankrupt. And those few companies will be controlling the industries or the alliances of companies like Volkswagen, Nissan, Toyota and GM. This environment is leading to a production of a World car, the world car. Parts coming from different places and put in, you no longer call them, just American cars, Japanese cars when they all come together. They feel that some of this will happen, but it’s already happening like this, yes we know that. But the trend will continue, so they have the car but it will be a world car. 

6.You know one of these days the churches all come together, and all of the systems come together, Revelation 17, the latter part of the chapter 3 of Revelations. They will all come together and have what we call a World church, are you still with me? That’s exactly right. And only and from what you look around and see today. And it will snare those Pentecostals so quickly even more so than the others, sometimes the way they’re handling themselves. To whom much is given the Lord said, much is going to be required, are you listening? You say well they’re the ones that know, they know not anything Saith the Lord. How many of you, this is TV, let them because it’s God’s, keep your eyes open. You know there is a lukewarmness and it said they come, they said we’re rich and full now, we have need of nothing, so you are naked, you’re wretched, you’re blind, you’re Laodicean. I will spew you out of my mouth, on this message here Amen! They’re getting in that Spider’s web, they’ll pull out the tension line. They’ll be trapped in there. It looks like they’re all going in and out but they’re no longer going in and out like they want to. Alright so we find out and so the production and then, alright let’s listen to this here. The companies will manufacture and assemble them around the globe. The Rhine of autos, this is globalization of a major industry. We are seeing a flurry of cooperative arrangements and joint ventures and that is only the beginning, expecting the next round of auto ventures to produce mergers, buyouts, bankruptcies and so forth. Some of that’s already happened since this was written. Automobile, this is news reports here, I am reading here and I’ve only got a chance to glance at this. I have to read it the first time myself but I know where it was headed, I could tell it. Automobiles are becoming the first globalized industry and you know we got what we call. Some of them are getting together in their space program, a Babel, how many of you know that? The mega force is coming together already, several countries are together going up, they are waiting for more countries to come together. And through the fear of the atomic Holocaust, they will come together one of these days. 

7.The antichrist listens to this, they become a globalized industry. The false prophet will cause the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the beast Revelation 13:12. The global economy will be in his hands at the proper time. Now all of the forces that we’re seeing working, you’ve got megabanks, you’ve got the financial centers, you have all of the food one of these days will have to come into centers of a kind because of famine, drought upon the face of the earth. All the systems beginning to merge together, at first it may not look that way, sometimes just before something’s happened, it looks like it’s going the opposite direction but it turns right back around according to the scriptures, there will be a uniting. And it will be coming at the very end of the age, read James chapter 5 as they keep it together, it most certainly will come. So we find out at the proper time. Now the system that is here now has worked in such a way because of communism, because of Apostate Christianity, because of apostate democracy you might say, they’re not standing up like they used to be and standing up for that because of the system: social systems all of it together and financial system so forth. What we have now merging into is a forerunner and building towards the antichrist system. It is only one more step and when they get it, just like they want to, just like it says here. When it comes to just what it is, then it’ll put it right into the hands of computers and electronics into one world ruler, a dictator. How many of you’re following this? This is exactly in chapter 13 of Revelation, and you can read in the Bible of these things taking place. And all through the book of Daniel, the Old Testament apocalypse, and all through the book of Revelations everywhere you can see how God is guiding. 

8.But God’s elect will merge together but this is by the Holy Spirit, and they will come together as one Army. They will be Pro Jesus, they will believe in the Mighty God, can you say Amen! , it’s exactly right. This part I wrote in the power of the Holy Spirit, but God’s elect will merge together as one Army of Pro Jesus the Mighty God Amen! Can’t you see how it’s coming. I believe it’s really great, the trends. Now listen to this right here, I wrote this. The mega trends and forces leading to world trade, Revelation Chapter 18. This is the mark, I touched on some of this right here and then we have what we called the master of iniquity, the spider riding of the beast, the entrapment, the snare. You want to read about that you have to go to Luke 21:35-36 of all them that dwell upon the earth shall it come as a snare upon everyone of them and when it’s fixed just like they wanna fix, then they will be in a trap. So we find out about that, you have the tower of Babel. Our space programs coming together, you remember, let me bring in a point, something similar. You know in Lebanon, that was predicted in the Middle East and those wars to take place by prophecy given years ago and it took place. There will be some more that’s been predicted over the world that will take place. But did you notice, finally they call them what they put together as a multiforce, the mega forces coming together in the Middle East and Lebanon trying to bring peace there. And they were different armies from different countries, the United Nations you see. But at the end of the age those forces will come together under one head and the Bible said, still in that chapter 13, it says then who can make war with him? You’re annihilated if you try it because it comes together, that’s the way it gives it as it rises to power, blaspheming the God of heaven, it says. With such confidence from demon powers and blaspheming. 

9. It says here who can make war with him upon the earth? Who can, and because everything is tied together, and put right into one hand. He gives the word and whatever was destroyed. And whatever he says it happens finally: but the Lord Jesus is bringing His together with the forces of the Holy Spirit and I mean they’re really moving. This is the hour for the people of God to come together in spirit not in names but in one name “The Lord Jesus Christ” coming together in the body of Christ, you believe that? It’s exactly right. It’s where we are headed. Now we said, that talking about the dimensional sermon, all those things happen. We could go on and mention many different things but now we’re going to change and see what the Lord does for his people and I think it’s wonderful. Now opportunities for the elect, prosperity, peace and power. There will be times that we’ve never seen anything like it. You know in the predictions of how this economy would happen, the last 3, 4 years were perfect. It came just like that, there will be other times before God will send us a large type, it will come as prosperity to his people and He will bless His people because why, the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. He’s going to do that, there will be times when there’s a greatest opportunity and I’m not taking up any offerings, this has been preached tonight so loosen your own strings Amen! In your heart, that’s right. Television too cause a lot of times you know I’m doing this for the help, for God’s people so that they can prepare. But there will be great, some of the greatest opportunities before later we know more crises are coming and in between those crises will come the opportunities of a lifetime for the elect of God. And there will be opportunities as never before for the people of God, because the Lord is going to publish the Gospel, can you say praise the Lord to that. You know what the Bible said, the Lord gave the Word and great was the company that published it. And then it says I am the God of all flesh, is there anything too hard for me to do overnight? Oh, praise God, all right. Electronics, any other ways He sees fit mostly and we talk about how that God is reaching and the very different dimensions of His work in all kinds of ways and publications, radio, television, every which way He can move. The best way that He moves, listen to this, it is like you see nature gathering sometimes, when they know they have to go south from the north, the duck, the geese, and how the animals migrate so forth. 

10.At the end of the earth, we have these things such as preaching the gospel and so forth. But it says angels will begin to intervene with that net Amen! And when they do, the Holy Spirit is the One that moves on the hearts and I mean He can sweep the earth in such a way to practically be done overnight. How He’s going to do it: Men may labor long in many many hours and they may labor but God overnight with that Holy Spirit can step in there and that harvest is finished. I believe that you know Israel, it just went on and on and all of a sudden in one night they went out, glory! Hallelujah! They went on towards the Promised land. So the opportunities of power and so forth, it will come and will go, but this is an opportunity, don’t let it pass by, prepare your heart, believe God for what you need and what you want to do for Him. Now to preach the everlasting gospel until the last part of the age closes out, and then of course the translation, you see and there will be no need. Now until the last part of that close out. In the 80’s is harvest time, be wise as the evangelistic ants that Proverbs talks about, how their comings and their goings and they work like that and so forth. They call them like evangelists to come in and go in, they get their job done, they work together. Now working together, each doing his share in evangelizing and prayer, God will move upon the heart so we have that in there. So we find out, but to be blessed you must use understanding and you must be careful of the snares that satan will try to place. Listen to this,if you want to do well and you want to do good and you want God to prosper you, get you out of debt, place you where you should be, where you can do more for the Lord and where you can do more for your family then you must be careful, you must listen to the Lord in order for you to be really really be super blessed

by the Spirit. And listen, rejoice and rejoice evermore, 1st Thessalonians 5:16, do not lose your joy, whatever else you lose don’t lose your joy. 

11.Keep the spirit of spring in your heart Amen! We’re getting to something here. Rejoice evermore again I say rejoice, Philippians 4:4. Now listen, the loss of Canaan began in the spirit of murmurings, the loss of Canaan when they began to murmur. When people murmured, it displeased the Lord. Some of them murmured against the Lord but they didn’t stay around long, Amen! Out there in the wilderness. They just kept on and kept on but anyway murmurings, that displeased the Lord. The first break in their fellowship came because of that. The first fault in their advance came when they began to doubt and they began to grieve, and they began to fret, see. The Bible said have patience therefore brethren in the very chapter we started with, chapter 5 of James, for the coming of the Lord as He waiteth for the precious fruit, the former and latter rain as He comes for the fruit of the earth. Be patient therefore brethren for the Lord will bring great things to his people. Fretting, I know human nature,  no one is perfect, I know that, and the devil will try you in that manner every way he can but didn’t we say if you wanna be super blessed then be careful, be not trapped or ensnared by satan and you lose your victory you see. So we find out to keep the heart From the trap of depression, from the trap of discouragement. Now I am talking about depression of the mind and so forth that satan puts on you. Keep you from the trap of discouragement, distrust, and gloom for satan cannot crush a rejoicing and praising soul, Well that’s worth the whole sermon isn’t it? That’s boy! You really got him up against the wall. And David used to do that, he got in all kinds of traps and snares, it looks like he’d never get out of them. But we find out that he was rejoicing and praising God. He said of thy mercy, thy gentleness he said has made me great because you had patience with me or I would have been wiped from the face of the earth. And thy patience and gentleness has made me great, isn’t that wonderful, He’ll do the same thing for you. He’s been gentle with the people of the earth. But there’s calm before the storm. So we find out, thus to the trusting heart in the days of calamity, there will be calm, in the trusting heart in the days of perplexity there will be peace Amen! In the days of sickness there will be solace and healing that God will give. 

12. In the days of temptation there will be triumph, in the days of bereavement there will be blessing, how many of you believe that? He’s close to a broken heart and a contrite spirit and those sometimes that are poor in spirit, they go through quite a bit and it seems to be lacking in spirit but He’ll energize that spirit by the power of the Holy Ghost and He will bless them. Then it says here, by the raven then there will be blessings. In the days of gloom there will be gladness, in the days of sorrow there will be song, in the days of sorrow in the heart. The abiding presence of Him who is invisible to mortalize (negativity) will impart to us the joy unspeakable, for the joy of the Lord is your strength, do you believe that? How many of you believe that in your heart? Remember God gave the Word and great was the company that published it. He said I am the God of all flesh, is there anything too hard for me? I am the God of the miraculous, not of human reasoning but of supernatural glory! Hallelujah! Touch that cancer and it will disappear, He’ll take that pain away just like that. He will prepare you no matter how many mega forces unite together and ride the beast, the Revelation 13 will unite together. They (elect) will go up in the

wings of God in the translation. Whatever you need, television watching this right now, lift up your hands and your heart and He will bless you! 

I feel right now, we got a 5 minute broadcast that I would like to add to this, evidently prophecy. So still be watching, we’ll be praying for you. (Come out to Tatum and Shea Boulevard) we will pray for you at Capstone Cathedral. Lord Bless your hearts Amen! 

Five minute broadcast of prophecy 

Neal Frisby: Now Dan, on the scale of inches, we’ve entered the Triple veil Chamber. Dan Allison: We are inside (talking about) the great pyramid in Egypt, I’ve got to reiterate that. Neal Frisby: That’s right. 

Dan Allison: And we’re talking about pyramid inches, and each inch indicates, you said something like a year. 

Neal Frisby : Yeah. 

Dan Allison: Okay, I know we’re at the Enoch Circle and the Triple veil. 

Neal Frisby: Right, we just left the Great step in the Pyramid, now we’re come to the Triple veil. Now that means automatically an advancement in revelation, spiritually speaking and an advancement of knowledge. Well, so that also means an explosion of more knowledge and scientific wonders and weapons for the world. Now it has to be their electronic age, it speaks mostly of the revelation to God’s people, the final revelation in the triple veil is coming to His people at the end of the age. It’s gathering His people together so that He can reveal the final things to them before the great translation. You know in our pyramid here we have a Capstone, we’ve got a triple veil over here, you know in symbolism. 

Dan Allison: Right. 

Neal Frisby: But nevertheless in the pyramid, it gives it, now inside that they have a circle at 666 that denotes the antichrist system coming. It shows the beast system Revelations 13 and Revelations 18 speaks of this. It’s the fiery tribulation in this passageway that’s in there. Then it’s gives across diagonal 365 per inches, the Enoch cycle they call it, denotes the translation. So the translation is associated somehow in this movement. Now the next one is the King’s Chamber, where I feel is the entering of the translation that we know upon this earth here. But let me read. 

Dan Allison: Okay.

Neal Frisby: Many crossing lines in here that we have, prophecies that I have given; and I believe through the crossing lines the pyramid doesn’t say this, but in my own prophecies I believe through the lines as well as say the years 85 through 88. We’ll have some wars as we know of some more in Asia, the African continent, the Middle East probably it will have that. And then we will have prosperity returning, but more trouble before we get out of the 80’s. Evidently it goes into another hang up there. But there will be prosperity and then as we’re getting closer to the 90’s there’s a restructuring of the whole earth because we’re entering a new department and of course the King’s chamber speaks of some titanic forces meeting. We’ll get to that in a moment. 

Dan Allison: Okay, uh let me take you back to the pyramid itself,though the construction of it. What about the plane of the Capstone(of the pyramid). 

Neal Frisby: Well that’s where this is at now. We’ve reached the plane, almost we will be getting to 6000 pyramid inches from the creation of Adam that were on there. Of course the base of the pyramid goes back beyond prehistoric time. It goes back to the fall of Lucifer. But we’ve been all that distance from the bottom to the top. So the plane of the Capstone is directly in line with the Capstone, if it would have been on the pyramid. And so will it be. Our next broadcast will be giving prophecies clear to the end of the age. 

Dan Allison: Alright then you have the corners and other dimensions. 

Neal Frisby: Oh so much it would take years. 

Dan Allison: Okay, (Dan makes some remarks) Neal, getting back to the pyramid now you got some advancements and some revelations here to talk about, why don’t you continue. 

Neal Frisby: Well,see when you’ve come out of the Grand gallery into the Great step, then the inner chamber then the next step is the King’s chamber. And you know when Napoleon went to the pyramid, he went into that chamber. It was open at that time. 

Dan Allison: Yeah. 

Neal Frisby: But he found in that chamber there’s an empty tomb. This is the only pyramid that has no Pharoah or nothing. It was built by God and the empty tomb shows forth the resurrection and translation of the saints. And it shows that Christ was resurrected. And that’s how far it went up in there and there’s an empty tomb showing that I am alive and live forevermore. That’s what He (Lord Jesus) said, you know. In the book of Revelation chapter 1 in there. But next we go to the king’s chamber. It tells about the end of the age, the translation, Armageddon and the cycles of war. 

Dan Allison: This is all indicated by the timeline. Yes, by the pyramid entrance. 

Neal Frisby: Yes.The Bible gives 6,000 years, pyramid gives 6,000 years till a dramatic change comes in the Millennium that we really believe.

Dan Allison: And we’re not too far from that right now. 

Neal Frisby: No. 

Dan Allison: We’re almost out of time so let’s invite everybody to come and visit us here.(Made other remarks about visitation to Capstone Cathedral then). We have our own pyramid here too. Neal Frisby: Yeah that’s a pyramid too. That’s right!

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