The Victor | Neal Frisby’s Sermon CD#1225 | 09/04/1988 AM
A lot of people do not want to hear the real word of the Lord. No matter what people do and no matter what people say, they can never change the real word of the Lord. It is fixed forever. If you receive all of the word of the Lord, you have great peace and comfort. Any test or trial that comes your way, the Lord is going to be with you, if you believe all of the word of God. When I preach a message, you may not need it right then, but there comes a time in your life that what happened in the past will meet you in the future many times.
The Victor: The bible says that at the end of the age, there will be a group called the overcomer—they can overcome anything in this world. I called them the victor. You can look around and see the condition of the nation. Then, we look around and see the condition of the people, that is, many church people today. People are unhappy, they are upset and they are not satisfied. They cannot keep the faith. You say, “Who are you talking about?” Many Christians today. A preacher said that what I preached many years ago is what is happening in the churches today. In the past, you could preach to people two or three times a week and the preaching would carry them though. Now, at the end of the age, you can preach every day and they cannot keep the victory, not even until they get home, the preacher said.
What is happening? They are taking it all for granted. They have more important things to do. It is the condition at the end of the age. There are many things for people to do but God must come first. There is going to be a straightening out. There is coming a real rain from God—refreshing rain—that will clarify and cleanse the air. That’s what is going to come at the end of the age to take His children up. If the people will believe the promises of God, and most important, keep the Lord Jesus Christ in your mind and heart, it will carry through.
A real spark is coming from God. We are seeing the beginning of the spark of God in my ministry. If you preach the word of God the way it ought to be preached and work it exactly as it is, they will say you are false. You are not. Then, somebody will come along and preach part of the word of God—they may even preach 60% of the word of God—then the people will turn around and say that is the word of God. No, it is only part of the word of God. That’s how far people have gotten away from God; they don’t even know the true word of God. We have many fine preachers. They preach very well but they are only preaching part of the word of God. They are not preaching all of the word of God.
When you preach all of the word of God that is what stirs up the devil, that’s what builds faith in the heart for deliverance and that’s what prepares the people for the translation. It wipes out mental diseases and casts out oppression. It is fire. It is deliverance. That’s what we need today. People are not going to be prepared for the translation unless they hear the right sermon about what is going to take place.
At the end of the age, there is going to be a great contest and a great challenge. This challenge is coming upon the people of God. If they are not wide awake, they will not know what is going to happen in the world. So, now is the time to receive the word of the Lord. Now is the time to hold on to it with all your heart. Christians should not be upset and unhappy all of the time. I can see where they have their trials, tests and problems. Nevertheless, they do not know how to appropriate the word of God.
Most people when they receive salvation and the baptism of the Holy Spirit—the young people should hear this—they think that everything in their lives is going to fall perfect. Yes, it will be more perfect than if you did not receive the Lord. But when you receive salvation and the baptism of the Holy Spirit, you are going to be contested; you are going to be challenged. But if you know how to use your faith, it is going to be like a double-edged sword, it will cut on both sides. A lot of people when they get married say, “All my problems are over. I know life is going to straighten up. No, you are going to receive small problems and great problems. Now, somebody says, “I have got the job of my life.” No, as long as that devil is there and you love God with all your heart, you can expect a challenge—a contest. If you do, you are prepared. If you are not prepared, you will be confused and say, “What has happened to me?” That’s the devil’s trick. Believe in God and what He says in His word. If we didn’t have any test, trial or challenge, there wouldn’t be any need for faith. These things are to prove that we have faith. The Lord said we will have to take Him by faith. If everything was perfect day and night, you wouldn’t have what it takes to believe God. He brings His people into unity through faith. He loves faith.
This is a keen insight: “Man born of a woman is of few days, and full of trouble….If a man dies, shall he live again? All the days of my appointed time will I wait, till my change come….Thou shall call, and I will answer thee: thou will have a desire for the work of thine hands” (Job 14: 1, 14 & 15). Everybody that comes on the earth, God has appointed their time. What are you going to do about that with your faith? What are you going to do about that with the promises of God? “Thou shall call and I will answer thee…” (v. 15). When God calls you from the grave or in the translation, there is going to be an answer. Yea Lord, I am coming up, are you?
“Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you….But rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ’s sufferings…” (1 Peter 4: 12). Faith does not look at circumstances; it looks at God’s promises. Believe in your heart and continue on. So, today there is unhappiness and it seems to me that people are not satisfied and one of the reasons is that they do not know the word of God. Faith accepts God’s promises. You know you have the answer within your heart before it is manifested to you. That’s what faith is. Faith does not say, “Show me and then, I will believe.” Faith says, “I will believe then, I will see.” Amen. Seeing is not believing but believing is seeing. When you have prayed and done what you think you can do—listen to me, all of you—you have done what the word of God says and you believe in your heart, the bible says, just stand still. It may take weeks, hours or minutes, the bible says, just stand and wait upon the Lord; just stand your ground, watch the moving power of the Lord on the mulberry tree. One time He told David, just be still, sit there, you are going to see a moving here in a minute. Don’t move in any direction. You’ve done all you can, David. If you do anything more, you will move in the wrong direction (2 Samuel 5: 24). I know it is difficult for a warrior to stand still, but he stood real still and watched. All of a sudden, God began to move. He had done what the Lord said and he had the victory.
“…be content with such things as ye have for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee” (Hebrews 13: 5). Things may not go right everyday of your life the way you want them to go, but if you are content, you will find joy and find contentment of the Lord in His promises in the days ahead. The consecutive favor of the Lord has been on me. There have been many days that are good even though satan will press at times. You have got a profession and faith; don’t back off, just go on with the power of God. You are not a good Christian until you have knocked the devil out of the way a couple of times. You may be happy and have all your needs met today, but I tell you, there will come a day in your life when this message will sound good to you.
Our citizenship is in heaven (Philippians 3: 20). “Great is our Lord, and of great power: his understanding is infinite” (Psalm 147: 5). His understanding is infinite. You may not understand your problems at all. You may be in confusion, but He is infinite. All of the infinite is at your disposal. He is going to work out a way for you if you give God the credit of His power; accept it in your heart and believe you are going to win. All of the infinite power is at your disposal and you can’t work out your problems? If you hand it to God and believe, you are going to win. You are the victor. At the end of the age, in the book of Revelation, He talks about the overcomers. No matter which way the world is going, no matter what the other churches are doing and no matter the amount of unbelief creeping all over the world, it doesn’t make a difference. The Lord has a group that he has called the overcomers–sounds like the prophets in Old Testament and the apostles in the New Testament. That’s how the church is going to be at the end of age. He said in that group, that’s where I am. He will unite the people that He is going to translate. I tell you, He’s got a group of believers that He is going to take out of here.
In Revelation 4:1, there was a door open in heaven. One day, the Lord is going to say, “Come up, hither.” When you go through that door—it is a time door—you are in eternity. That’s your translation. You are no longer under gravity and you are no longer under time. No more tears and no more pain. When He says, “Come up, hither,” you go through the dimensional door, you are eternal; never again shall you die. Everything then will be utter perfection. Glory to God! Alleluia! Now, millions of people today, they have to keep liquor, drugs or pills in them to keep them happy, but the Christian has the joy of the Lord. I have this scripture: “But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned” (1 Corinthians 2:14). When the word of God gets into you by the anointing and you believe the word; you are no longer a natural man, you are a supernatural man.
Here is another scripture: “The entrance of thy words giveth light; it giveth understanding to the simple” (Psalm 119: 130). Jesus was the body, soul and spirit of God. You, yourself, you are triune body, soul and spirit. When you begin to work with the spirit instead of the body—as you work with the Spirit of God–the power comes. Allow the Spirit of God—the inner man—to work; when you say something, it will have power behind it. It’s going to have something from God behind it.
Now, God’s direction: “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding” (Proverbs 3: 5). That is one of the scriptures the Lord gave me when I went into the ministry. Lean not to your own understanding; lean on Him. Something will happen that you do not understand. If you go looking at it from your own standpoint, you may be a million miles off of what God is going to do in your life. You say, “I want it this way. I think it ought to be done this way.” Don’t lean to your own understanding. You must trust in the Lord. I have always waited on the Lord. I tell you it works a hundred times better than anything you try to do. You young people listen to this; take time to believe the Lord and acknowledge Him in all your ways.
End-time revival: Man has many answers about it than God has got. They manufacture it up to get people. They have all kinds of organizations doing all kinds of things in all kinds of ways. God has the proper way. He has a group of believers that He is going to take up. “And the Lord direct your hearts into the love of God, and into the patient waiting for Christ” (2 Thessalonians 3: 15).
“How shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation…?” (Hebrews 2: 3). We know that scripture: but how shall we escape if we neglect so great promises He has given us and so many miracles He has done for us? How in the world shall we escape if we do not put the whole word of God into effect? The Lord is not slack concerning His promise (2 Peter 3: 9). The people are slack. Anytime something gets in their way they want to forget about God. Stay right there–steady. If you are in a boat and you get out, you won’t get to land. If you quit paddling and turn the motor off, you are not going anywhere. If you keep paddling, you are going to bump into land. In the same way, don’t give up. Stay with the word of God, He is not slack concerning His promises. “Be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only…” (James 1: 22). Act upon the word of the Lord, tell about His coming and tell about what he has done. Be a doer of the word; don’t just do nothing. Testify, witness, pray for souls; move for Him.
People in the church today, you have to get this straight: You can’t have faith in your heart and say, “Who do I pray to? Do I pray to God? Do I pray to the Holy Spirit? Do I pray to Jesus?” There is so much confusion that you can’t get through to God. It is like a line that has been disrupted. When you cry out, the only name you need is Jesus Christ. He is the only one that’s going to answer your prayer. This doesn’t deny the manifestations; He moves in the Father and in the Holy Spirit. The bible says there is no other name in heaven or earth that you can call upon. When you unite that, you know who to pray to! When you unite that in your heart—the name of the Lord Jesus Christ—and mean it in your heart, there is your shaker and there is your mover right there! There is one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all (Ephesians 4: 6). Jesus was the body, soul and spirit of God. The fullness of the Godhead dwells in Him. You can’t get healing but though the name of the Lord Jesus, the bible said so. “And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is in the mind of the Spirit, because he maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God” (Romans 8: 27). He is making intercession for you. No matter what you need, God is standing right there for you.
You can say what you want. I have seen so many cancers die than I can count and I have seen so many miracles more than I can count. When I pray—I know the three manifestations too—when I pray in the name of the Lord Jesus, you see that light flash, that thing (sickness or condition) is gone from there. I believe in the three manifestations, but when I pray in the name of the Lord Jesus, boom! You see that light flash. When you get that tuned in—the name of the Lord Jesus Christ—you have the greater works and miracles; you have the greater satisfaction and happiness and you are sure of making it in the translation. No one can go wrong with the name of the Lord Jesus. He didn’t make it hard. He didn’t make it a million ways. He said salvation is only through the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the One.
People that know God are going to be ready. At the end-time, there is going to be a great challenge and a contest. Remember what happened before Moses led the children of Israel out of Egypt. Look at the contest and challenge that went on before they left for the Promise land. The same will happen with us going to heaven in the translation. People in the organizations will say, “I will never believe the sorcery of the magicians in Egypt.” They already got you! Organization itself is sorcery. There are some good people in the organizational system but God Himself called it Mystery Babylon in Revelation 17. Jesus said if you remove one word from this book, I will plague you and your name won’t be there. The bible says Mystery Babylon, the head of the religions in the world—that’s the system from top to bottom. It will come right down to the Pentecostal system. It’s not the people; it’s those systems that take away the power of God. It’s just like they use magic on the people to keep them from the word of God, just like they did to Moses. Pharaoh was organized. The magicians imitated everything that Moses did for a while. Finally, Moses pulled on out from them. The power of God won out. Finally, the magicians said, “This is the finger of God, Pharaoh!”
At the end of the age—with the great systems–there will be a contest (Revelation 13). The Lord will move to help the real people of God. I am not talking any longer, the Lord is. Also, people will be in different groups. It doesn’t matter the group as long as you have the Lord Jesus Christ in your heart. At the end of the age, you will not only go up against the religious system but against the real occult—the challenges from satanic forces. At the end of the age, there will be things that will take people’s minds further and further away from God. Satan will try to imitate the word of God but at the same time, God’s people will pull on away. Finally, that salvation and the anointing, and the message I have preached this morning will pull the elect away! The Lord will bring them out. The other bunch will go to the antichrist system. But the ones that listen to the word of God and believe in their hearts, they are going to be prepared for the translation.
Now, we see Elijah the prophet, he was challenged by the Baal prophets before he went on into the translation—a type of the elect. There was a great contest on Carmel. He called fire. He won that contest and split away from them. At the end of the age, even as Elijah—who was symbolic of the church elect—the elect will be challenged. Many people will not be prepared for it. Those that hear this message this morning will be prepared. They will expect satan to do anything in all kinds of wizardry. Just as Elijah pulled away, the children of the Lord are going to pull away from that system. Before Joshua crossed over into the Promise Land, there was a great challenge but he won the victory. As long as Joshua lived, they served the Lord. That is a type of us in heaven– when we cross over– as long as you are in heaven, you are going to live for God.
If you The challenge and the contest will come just before the translation. are prepared in your heart, you are going to be able to get out of here. Praise God! I have a scripture, the bible says, “A new heart will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you…” (Ezekiel 36: 26). If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature (2 Corinthians 5: 17). Behold, I am a new creature in Christ Jesus. Old sicknesses are passed away. There is victory in Christ. So, with all the contest and problems, there is the greatest joy in the Lord Jesus Christ. If you can overcome and do what I say in this sermon, you are the victor.
In this age, it is hard for people to stay spiritually up. The devil tries to beat them down but I can tell you one thing, according to the word of the Lord; this is our hour and this is our time. God is moving. Do you feel like you are the victor this morning? This is the real word of the Lord. I will stake my life on it. The word of the Lord has something in it that cannot be shaken. It will never change. I am just one man but He is everywhere. Glory to God! Thank the Lord for the message.
The Victor | Neal Frisby’s Sermon CD#1225 | 09/04/1988 AM