Behold, saith the Lord, in the beginning was the voice, and the voice was with God, and the voice was the Word. And the Word was manifested among us through the Lord Jesus! And the voice shall call My people up again unto me! O little children beloved listen unto me. “As the fire needs wood, My people need my spirit! As the earth needs water, My children need salvation! As the eagle needs wind to soar, mine elect need My presence to sit in the heavenly places with me! As the earth in its fullness and growth needs the sun, so My own need the anointing to grow in wisdom and understanding! It is now coming upon you in the former and letter rain! Ask, and ye shall receive! I will spread love, knowledge, love and wisdom among My people like a glory cloud!” – Confirming this prophecy, note, He is the Word and He is the voice! (St. John 1: 1,14)
Yea, as the body needs the eyes to see, mine elect body needs My spiritual eyes to guide them into all truth! The mystery of the ages shall come upon them and they shall be led and know how near the season My return is!
The dove knoweth when evening darkness approaches; the owl knoweth when night cometh! So shall the real people know of My coming, but those of the Tribulation have forgotten My Word! Read Jer. 8:7, Yea, the stork in the heaven knoweth her appointed times; and the turtle and the crane and the swallow observe the time of their coming; but my people know not the judgment of the Lord. – They will not be as the people of old times, but they will be forewarned! Dan. 12:10 says, the wicked shall do wickedly and not understand; but the wise shall understand! – I shall call her forth in glorious power and faith preparing her for Translation! – Song of Solomon 6:10, Who is she that looketh forth as the morning, fair as the moon, clear as the sun, and terrible as an army with banners? (Church) – Read Rev. chap. 12, it confirms this! – I am Jesus, and My testimony is the spirit of prophecy! (Rev. 19:10) – As the lion roareth, the 7 thunders shall utter their prophecies and secrets to mine elect. (Rev. 10:3) – Note: We are in the midnight cry! Soon we which are alive shall be caught up with those who are raised from the dead to meet the Lord in the air! We are living in a momentous hour! And as the Lord has already spoken the world will go through the most tremendous undertakings and structural building and new things, and the thinking of society will be completely changed and different. “But the collapse of civilization will not be far off saith the Lord! For My judgment shall come from above, the earth and out of the sea! Now is the hour of salvation and deliverance, it is harvest time for my chosen people! We must work in this immediate hour for tomorrow will be too late! The Church Age is closing out and Rev. 8:8-10 will begin!
In this world of apostasy and some departing from the real faith, I said one might think their labours have been in vain! Not so. One evening, I said, Lord, so many Christians think because of so much carelessness, luke-warmness in the churches, shall our work be in vain? And the Holy Spirit said, Yea, the work of the saints shall endure and last forever into eternity. He takes account of our witnessing, efforts and etc. Plus the ones who receive salvation! Praise ye the Lord! So no matter how much apostasy and departing from the truth, our labours will last forever!
This letter was given under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. It’s a little different than some of the other letters. “The Lord wants to inspire us to do all we can for Him at this present time! Not only watch, but pray for souls, the nation and especially our youth!” – Let us continue the prophecy quote: – “Even Satan knoweth his time is short. Would not I warn My own people? – My people are Holy Watchers, they are wise and not like the foolish! I am their shepherd, they are My sheep! I know them by name and they follow Me in My presence! For My testimony and sayings are the spirit of prophecy that shall lead and shew forth things to be!”
As a lion goeth forth out of his thicket after his prey; so the Lord goeth forth in power to meet His people! And those who love My appearing I will keep and they shall see Me as I am! As the sun measures the time of the day into night, as the clock ticketh the time, as the pendulum swings to reveal its hour, so the season of the Lord is displaying itself! As thou shall watch, ye shall see the sign of all these things! Yea, summer is nigh. Be full of praise! This generation in Matt. 24:34 is near finishing and fulfilling! Be ye also ready and expecting! Ye are the chosen generation!
Here are some encouraging promises – true to the last Word! Trust! – The Lord is with you. Amen! Ps. 1:3, And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper. – Ps. 91:1 -2, 16, He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust. With long life will I satisfy him, and shew him my salvation.
Your Friend,
Neal Frisby