Prepare to soar 1 Meditate about these things.
To soar means, it is time to ascend to a higher and more exalted level in life and finally it is time to rise to a majestic stature. Colossians 3:1-4, “If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. For ye are dead and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory.” The key here is to set your mind on things above. Like the eagle, have a powerful vision of heaven and where your treasure is at; and where you are aspiring to soar to, heavenly places. In a twinkling of an eye, suddenly, the wings of the spirit of God will lift you to be able to soar.
It is important to note that before you can begin to soar in life, you must have faced many difficulties, confronted many hurdles, and overcome many challenges and adversities. When we step out in faith, we are caught up in the wings of the Spirit of God and carried along in the will of God. God is in heaven and you are on earth. To get to God in heaven you must qualify and make yourself acceptable and tested and prepared to soar to a higher place, heaven. The real believer must focus their attention on godly, spiritual things to be able to soar unfailingly. If you are not saved you cannot think of soaring into the heavenly places. If you are saved then you begin to work and walk with faith and in faithfulness and also holiness.
Eagles have vision, they have the ability to see very far. They have power to focus even from unimaginable heights, they have foresight and clarity of vision. As true believers our focus and spiritual vision should have tremendous clarity. Eagles have swiftness, great physical power and their seemingly endless endurance. Remember the apostle Paul said, (1st Cor. 9: 24-27), I run that I might win, I bring my body under subjection, I strive for mastery, to be able to soar for a crown. Eagles are fearless and tenacious, they are strong. Study 2nd Timothy 1:7.
Deut. 32:11 and Exodus 19:4 describe God’s loving care towards Israel. God used and uses eagles as symbolic patterns and representations. God carried Israel on eagles’ wings out of Egypt and through the wilderness. Today, God will call his eaglets and they will flap their wings, beat their wings, mount up at the voice of the Lord and soar into the air and into the clouds that open to the door of heaven. Only the believers that have made themselves ready can partake. It will all happen in a moment. The eaglets have their eyes focused and watching in prayer, holiness, purity and faithfulness. Besides they know the name of the Lord and they know his voice and He will call them by name. Remember today bro Frisby has spent 19 years of earth time in Paradise with Our Lord Jesus Christ and the other faithful saints, asleep in Christ. We shall see Jesus Christ our Lord face to face very soon. Be sure you are really, really, ready.
They shall soar – Week 65