Electronics, super technology, science and inventions will revolutionize and make this planet a new place to dwell in by 2001, but not for the better. It will worsen into sensuality, pleasure and chaos. The anti-Christ by using the god of electronics in combination with other magnetic inventions will control the population. In fact the machine that men invent will finally control them in a society of illusion.

Bible students are watching computers because they represent an integral aspect of the mechanical functions of anti-Christ systems during the great tribulation period. They are sharply aware of the stark fact that anti-Christ could never perform the predestined and prophesied tasks without the aid of the computer age. Artificial Intelligence: We know the anti-Christ will reveal how to do many things that will occur over night: In fact in the next few years in science and technology as never seen before. A little after this civilization will meet its down fall because of using science and technology in a negative way. Also, inventions of war will be beyond comprehension in the next few years. Satan will use all of this to destroy most civilization, then God begins Millennium, (Dan.9:27; Rev.20:2-3).

The prince of darkness will use electronics, computers and new inventions of science to control the minds of the people until the final deceiver arrives on the scene. A true spellbinder of astonishment: His presence will intoxicate them into false worship. And very soon a false Christ, a world dictator will stand up. I predict that he is even alive at this time, but is not yet revealed openly. Who will be the very picture of the abomination of desolation (2nd Thess.2:4). According to this prophetic utterance he will be seen over satellite T.V. in the near future. He will be a commercial wizard and will finally have undisputed control over the world’s wealth.                                          Scroll 261

Man will use an electronic system to control all commerce, banking and business. Plus new satellites are being put into place that can literally see all of the earth and keep track of all movements. So the nations are rapidly preparing for the new global society which will be inhuman, godless, devilish and short lived.

For the Holy Ghost will show us things to come and prepare us for the escape into the heavenly arms of the Lord Jesus at the Translation. The problem that will face mankind will be his inventions, foolishness and his own deception.                                                                              Scroll150

The Great Restoration

There is a powerful influence of the spirit, like a cloud moving across the earth. We are in the midnight cry and the mighty outpouring. We may now be in the beginning of the quick short work. We are in the hour of speak the Word only and it shall be done. So at any moment God could touch you. Be awake spiritually. I never felt the urgency of God’s power as strong on me in my ministry as now. So we are nearing some very, very vital and important events of the age. Take note be alert because on the other hand, Satan is going forth as a roaring dragon of apostasy. We are living in wicked and days of extreme madness in our society. Despite all the tragedies forth coming, God’s angels, lights and spirit is all around His elect and will comfort them. Keep Him on your mind daily and he will give you peace, and the anointing will help you tremendously. Indeed this is our hour to be ready to depart. Be prepared, my prayers are with you, Amen.                                                                             Scroll 260


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