HomeTranslation AlertsVOLTAGE IN PRAYER 043


Praise the Lord Jesus! Lord, you are touching the people’s hearts today and guiding us closer to your perfect plan and the manifold plan that you have for your people. I believe that you are going to lead them into more joy, more happiness, Lord, and a constant active faith in their hearts where all things will be possible to them when they pray in the hour that we are living in –- the greater works. You are really among your people. Amen. Touch the new ones here this morning, and those that come here all the time, let a blessing be upon them too and the anointing of the Lord. We praise you, Jesus. Give Him a handclap!

I took a little time off, but it doesn’t seem like I left because I am always around here, you see, praying at night back and forth at the house, seeking the Lord about different things. Bro. Frisby shared the testimony of a partner who wrote from the East coast. The winter was extremely cold and the power was knocked off by the excessive snow and ice. They had no way of heating the house. The man prayed with the prayer cloths and read Bro. Frisby’s literature. The Lord miraculously kept the house warm for three days. When the power repair people came, they were surprised at how warm the house was without the use of a heater. We know how the age is going to end—get people to pray more, get them to seek the Lord more. Now, we know that the Christian church was built upon the prayer of faith and the word of God. Do you believe that? Sometimes, people just take the Lord for granted. In the hour we live in, there is going to be more praying. He is a miracle worker. When you pray, with an act of faith, He always moves.

When Paul was on the ship on the way to Rome, there was trouble on the sea; one of the worst storms came up on the sea and it wouldn’t let up. Even though Paul had the gift of faith and miracles, this time he went into prayer and fasting and began to seek God for the lives of the others that were on the ship. You may have the gift of miracles and pray for people, but when you pray for the lost, you must go to prayer. Amen. That’s what Paul did. Even though that great apostle had great power, God didn’t use it [at that time], he had to go into prayer and fasting. Then that great light, the Angel of the Lord, this mysterious Light appeared to Paul and told him, “Be of good cheer.” You see, after 14 days—he put them [the men on the ship] to prayer and they were ready to pray—because he had warned them before this and they wouldn’t listen to him. So, he told them to pray. They left off the food and began to pray and God performed a miracle. Paul stood before them and said, “Not a man on this ship will go down”—200 and something men, and not one of them went down. Every one of them was saved. He said the ship would break up because God had other business on an island. So, there he went into constant prayer even though he was endued with tremendous power. But knowledge and wisdom told him what to do. Then they were cast on an island and the gift of miracles began to go into action. People on the island were healed; many of them were sick. So, God broke up the ship, put Paul on the island, healed them all up and then he went on to Rome. Can you say praise the Lord?

So, those on the ship were delivered and those on the island were healed. Why? Because God had somebody that knew how to pray–somebody who had the knowledge and wisdom of God–and they went to work.

I have had this sermon for a while, but what I want to do is preach it today because it is very important that every great once in a while, besides, preaching on faith, we must preach on this. Voltage in prayer and also voltage in prayer and fasting: that is super voltage. Can you say praise the Lord? Our subject today is mostly on prayer. Someday—some people want me to preach on fasting. The bible says Jesus was led on a long fast, but people sometimes want a shorter fast and if they are led to a long fast–that is their business. But it must be taught right and it must be taught to the people. Not everybody can do this [long fast] or want to do it. But at the end of age—when I was in prayer, the Lord revealed something to me concerning the revival and we will get to it.

Some people, in their minds, they want to reduce God to a human level when they are praying. They can’t even get to first base. It’s almost insanity to watch the modern churches reduce Christ from God to a human or to a man and then try to pray to Him. Remember when Jesus was on the boat, He stopped the storm and immediately the boat was on land in another dimension; yet, He was still creating planets out in the universe. He is more than a man. What manner of a man is this! He is the God-Man. How many of you can say, Amen? Don’t ever reduce Him from what He is. He hears everything you say, but then, He turns His head toward you. Make Him what He is. He is the Almighty, the Great One, the answer to prayer. The bible says it is impossible to please God without faith and He is a rewarder of those that diligently seek Him. We find out that Adam and Eve lost dominion in the garden. But Jesus came back after 40 days of fasting and praying, He restored that dominion to man. He restored that power and then He went to the cross and finished the task. He won back that power that Adam and Even lost in the garden to the human race. It is for you. He has given it to you. Do you really believe that this morning?

The Lord revealed to me in prophecy—as the age finishes, Christians all over the world will begin to fast and pray. They will begin to seek the Lord. He will move upon their hearts. You talk about a revival; He is really going to move in a revival because He revealed it and I saw what was happening. He is going to move in such a way that many of them are going to fast and pray. It would be in their hearts and we are going to have a revival that will come to the elect of God. It will be so great and powerful. It will even help some of the foolish; it will sweep them out of the way as God sweeps His in. Many things are going to happen in the supernatural and gifted ministries and power of the Lord will come to His people. He is preparing them and He is getting them ready there. Some people say, “Does it do any good to pray? What good does it do to pray? Somebody prayed for you or you wouldn’t be here today. Jesus is always interceding for us. When they pray and seek God in their hearts as I spoke about a while ago, then He will answer in fire and power and real deliverance.

What good is it to pray? We are going to get on that subject. Prayer is vital to health. It is vital to miracles. It will push back the strongholds of satan. It will put you on a strong foundation. We find out in the bible that one time Elijah, the prophet—the new Elijah—the old Elijah had performed great and wonderful miracles. His life was one of seeking the Lord all the time. Angels were not new to him. He stood up to Jezebel, overthrew the idols of baal, and killed its prophets. Then he fled into the wilderness because Jezebel threatened to kill him. The Lord appeared to him and cooked him something—angels’ food of some sort. He went 40 days in the power of that one meal. When Elijah came to Horeb, there was an electrical display of power all around him. In the cave, there was fire, power, an earthquake and wind; it was an electrical display of awesome power. Then there was a still small voice in there. But he went in the power of prayer, 40 days and 40 nights, from that one meal. No longer did he run from anybody. He even got into the chariot of fire. You see, dual power coming to him. Although, he was already a tremendous prophet of the Lord; after that, he was never the same again. He would choose his successor, pull the waters back and cross over. There was no argument about it all. There was no fear. He just entered the chariot and said, “Let’s go. I have to meet with Jesus.” He did [meet Jesus] many years later when he appeared at the transfiguration with Moses. It is beautiful, isn’t it? You see; time dimensions, how God does all that. To him, it was just a moment of time before he saw Jesus.

Jesus was in a constant ministry of intercession. He began his ministry with 40 days of fasting. You ask, “Why did He have to do all that if he was supernatural? He was the ultimate example for the human race. He was only revealing to us what to do and to the prophets that He was no better than any of those that He would call; He would stand the test with them. He didn’t just tell Moses to go 40 days and nights, He didn’t tell Paul to do that fasting or Elijah to fast 40 days and nights, but he Himself, He was not too good for it, was He? He was a great example to His church and to His people. Not everybody is called to go that long. I know that and it is not my subject this morning. But it would do you good to see the voltage in the power that Elijah had. What I am trying to say is that when Elijah got into that cave after 40 days and nights [of fasting], there was voltage in the air. It was a display of the elements all around him. God is really real. Forty days and nights, when He [Jesus] began His ministry—He was praying in the wilderness—and He was baptized (Luke 3: 21-23). He started each day with prayer and after ministering to the multitude, He withdrew to the wilderness and prayed. When He would slip away and disappear, that is also an example of when a minister needs to seek God alone or be alone—it’s all examples. Some men on the field, if they had listened, some of them would not have left the field. They are not going to go to hell for it, but they would have been able to time themselves better and be of better service. Some of these men even died because they overlabored their bodies for the cause of the Lord Jesus Christ.

We see in the bible, after ministering to the multitude, He withdrew. When the Pharisees sought to kill Him, He went into a mountain and continued in prayer all night (Luke 6: 11-12). Why did the Pharisees seek to kill Him when He prayed all night? He wasn’t praying for Himself. He was praying for those Pharisees and their children and those children that one day would run into Adolph (Hitler). How many of you can say that God knows what He is doing? He prayed for that seed all night because he was teaching us an example about our enemies and what to do. Pray for them and God will do something for you. And when the multitude took Him forcibly and tried to make Him a king, what did He do? He got away from them at that time because it was all set what He came to do. He was already a King. He prayed for Peter when he was about to fail (Matthew 14: 23). When you see somebody about to fail, begin to pray for them. Don’t knock them all the way down. I believe that with all my heart. Unless, it is in such a way that you are gifted and must say what the Lord tells you—when somebody is given up—somehow, the Holy Spirit intervenes. Otherwise, help the brethren all you can in prayer. He prayed while He received the transfiguration experience (Luke 9: 28-31). He prayed in the hour of His dark crisis in the Garden of Gethsemane. When you are in an hour where it seems like you have no help from anyone–you may be all alone at that time–in that hour, do like Jesus did, reach on out there. There is Somebody there. That is another example—in that hour of crisis in the garden—that the Lord will help you. And Jesus, at the very end, prayed for His enemies while He was on the cross. He was praying when He entered the ministry—40 days and nights—no let up. We found out that He was still praying on the cross when He went on out there. We found out in Hebrews that He is still making intercession for us (7: 25). What a foundation for the church! What a way for the church to build and what power!

When you pray and seek the Lord, there is an anointing. Sometimes, if you get into the spirit of prayer, even when you are asleep, the Holy Spirit is still praying. There is an unconscious part of your mind that is still reaching out for you. Some people never do get into the spirit of prayer and they don’t reach on out for God to perform miracles for them. There is definitely a way that you can seek God to where after you are through, it will continue in your heart. I know what I am talking about. He will do that. When you are praying and seeking the Lord daily, then when you speak and when you ask for something, just accept it. You’ve already prayed about it. There is something besides just asking when you pray. Prayer is really made up of worshipping the Lord and being thankful to Him. He said pray that thy kingdom come; that His kingdom would come, not ours. He commanded the church to pray and there must be a time when each of you must pray and seek the Lord before the end of the age. Listen to this—here is a quote that I got from somewhere: “Many people never the real benefits of prayer because they do not have a systematic plan of praying. They do everything else first and then if they have any time left, they pray. Usually, satan sees to it that they don’t have any time left.” I felt that was really wisdom there.

The early church set a regular time for prayer (Acts 3: 1). One time, they healed a man on the way to prayer [at the temple]. Peter and John went to the temple together at the hour of prayer being about the ninth hour. Every believer who would make a success of praying must set a regular hour of prayer. You have to have a certain time set aside. There are other ways while you are working that you can even pray. But there are times that you must be alone with God. I feel that in the great revival that the Lord is going to send to His people, there would be a tremendous force –an unction from the Holy Spirit– wanting to get a hold in such a way that the people will be in the spirit of prayer at the coming of the translation. I believe that they will be in a way that they can ask and they shall receive. You know; always in the bible, when great miracles were performed, someone had already prayed. When the test came See; you pray, you worship, you praise God, it builds a voltage of power within you and super voltage if you fast, that’s in the bible. It’s up to the people to do that [prayer and fasting]. to Daniel, he had already prayed. When the test came to the three Hebrew children, they had already prayed. But you build it up, you build up the power. Then when you come for prayer, it’s like lightning. You stir the elements and God will touch your body, and the Lord will heal you. Many times in prayer, coming here, praying for the people, they would absolutely begin to get into that dimension and I mean it is full of faith, and it is full of power. It is revelation. It is a dimension that God is going to come and translate His people. We are coming into that.

There is no substitute for systematic prayer. If you want something to grow, you have to keep watering it. Can you say, Amen? Those that have systematic prayer, the treasure of heaven is at their call—it is at the call of any man or woman who learns how to systematically get into the presence of the Lord in prayer. Paul received his ministry after he was blinded for three days without anything to eat at all. He received his great ministry from the Lord. The Lord had called him—“Don’t touch anything till they prayed for you”—to get his heart in tune with the Lord. We find out in every instance in the bible where great exploits, great deliverance took place, prayer and fasting, and sometimes, just prayer took place before the event. Some people pray right at the time when they want something. They should have been prayed up. Then when they ask, they shall receive. What does prayer do? What would it do with faith? The Lord is a rewarder of those that diligently seek Him. Prayer gives one power over demons. Some would not come out unless it is coupled with fasting (Matthew 17: 21). That’s why in the ministry, as far as my part, when somebody has a little faith or somebody brings someone—I have seen the insane healed. I have already sought the Lord in that manner. The power is there for them, but they still must have faith. I have seen many insane people healed in California and it has to come through super voltage, super power or they [demons] wouldn’t leave. Prayer alone won’t do it. It has to come from an anointed ministry from God.

Prayer and intercession secure the salvation of the lost (Matthew 9: 28). How many of you believe that? You say, “What am I to pray for?” You pray that the Lord would send laborers into the harvest. You are even to pray for your enemies. You are to pray thy kingdom come. You are to pray for the outpouring of the Lord. You are to set your heart to pray for the deliverance of the lost and the healing of the lost. With more systematic and regular prayer, you will be a new person in the Lord. I believe a lot of times because there is a supernatural gift and the power of the Lord in delivering the people, they leave it totally up to the ministry, but they themselves need to pray. It’s too easy. You say, “How do you know?” He spoke to me many times. And when you can just walk into it, that’s fine if you want to do that, you can just get your healing. But how about the things on your own that you want from God, something that you are praying for, for yourself? How about your own spiritual life and how about the power that you want from the Lord? How about the ones you want to pray into the kingdom of God and the ones that you want delivered by your prayer? How about others that you can help by your prayers? People don’t think about that, but as long as there is a gift of power, many times, they let the other things go. We know that in the book of Acts, even where there were many gifts and many miracles, the people were taught to pray at a certain hour. A little more time as the Lord deals with me, I would love to have those people that we can leave here sometimes, where they can come and go into prayer. We need that. My ministry, sure, God would take care of it. The Lord would move; but He wants to move on His people too and He wants to bless them. You are praying yourself right into the translation, saith the Lord. Oh! That’s what it is!

Once you get a regular start, once you get systematic in working with the Lord, then when you are asleep, you continue to pray. You wake up with an angel by you. Elijah did. Amen. It’s really great. Remember after he had gone 40 days in prayer and fasting, he was bold and powerful. He marched back there to Ahab and Jezebel; put a curse on them because of a man that they killed for his vineyard. He marched right on out and picked his successor. He was no longer scared. He was there and did that, and he went into the chariot and left. I believe that God, at the end of the age, is preparing us so we can go away with Him. Often, systematic prayer will anticipate and prevent tragedy (Matthew 6: 13). It will give divine guidance at the hour needed (Proverbs 2: 5). It will provide financial security and move the burden that oppresses so many people today. If you learn how to pray and you are systematic with what you are doing with God, it will work for you. Around the gift of power, coupled with prayer, it’s just voltage, all the voltage that you can handle. And I pray; I have sought the Lord many times and they know that God is with me. I stay right with it. On the Day of Judgment—and I [the Lord] would say, “You preach and bring it right down there and even the people know that it is the power of God, but why don’t they stay with you in there?” And He said their kind of anointing –He said “they do not pray, neither do they seek me. Therefore, they cannot stay here with me.” Their faith works for that [healing], but there is no constant communion with God. They don’t live close to God to stay around the power of God. But there is coming a move and a change among God’s people and He is going to bless them.

Those that would take this sermon in their hearts today—if they can’t even find the hour of prayer, but they can find any time at all, systematically, each time praying either getting up or going to bed or whichever it is—if they would just set some time as an act of faith, they are going to be blessed and rewarded. He said seek and ye shall find. That means each time you set aside to seek Him in your heart. When you get through seeking Him in your heart each day, no matter what it is—those that listen today, the Lord told me would be blessed. Isn’t that an awful handclap for God telling me to come over and say that? You have to have your heart set. The more you have your heart set on God, the more you believe in your heart, and then it begins to come to you. You magnetize off of that and then you begin to speak and things begin to happen. I am only trying to show you why there have been failures and why some of you haven’t gotten what you wanted. You have to be systematic; you have to have an hour of time with God and you must believe the Lord. I believe this with all my heart. You’d be surprised what would happen at the end of the age. Those that listen to this cassette overseas and everywhere, they pray quite a bit over there and in different places on my list, and miracles are performed, things happen to them. And out of the cassette—this goes to people that will listen to it and they will begin to pray. I will receive letters from here and I can tell you by the power of the Lord within me, I will receive letters from this cassette and they will tell me what God has done for them. You see, we are reaching on out, not just here; we are going to help all of the people that want to listen to the voice of the Lord. I believe that with all my heart.

The prayer of faith will bring healing when everything else fails. Doctors fail and medicine fails. Where everything else fails, prayer will bring healing. Hezekiah, when there was no hope—even the prophet said there was no hope, prepare thyself to die. Yet, he turned his face to the wall and sought the Lord in prayer. He believed God in prayer. What happened? The Lord turned the tide, restored his life and added fifteen years to his life. When all else fails, prayer and faith will bring the deliverance. Seeing these many promises of rewards to those who pray, it is a sad thing so many people are in a state of spiritual distress, without victory, even in despair. What is the answer to this? The answer is that people have to come to a decision in their lives to make prayer a business. Daniel, the prophet, of all the men in the bible that you can see, he had a systematic plan, the bible brought it out. It even told us that three times a day, he looked in a certain way [direction], he looked there and he prayed. He made prayer a business. The prophet so touched God’s heart that when the angels appeared to him, they said, “Thou art greatly beloved.” You are regular, old boy! Can you say, praise the Lord? We found out in Christ’s ministry which was an example and Paul said follow what I do, too. Each time, they had a regular time. No matter who came or how many came to be prayed for or however it was, they had that time of prayer. I have the same habit. No matter what’s going on or what is happening around me, I don’t care what is taking place. It seems like at a certain time, I just come up missing somewhere and I am over here [Capstone Cathedral] at night praying and in my room at the house. It is such a habit and it becomes easy. You know what? It just becomes like—you don’t have any trouble getting to the table [to eat], do you? Boy, it would be wonderful if you had to pray an hour before you even got anything to eat. Boy, we would have the world’ greatest church! Can you say, Amen?

This message that God gave me—I didn’t go off and fast this time. I wouldn’t even say this if I did. I do it whenever I want to and if it is very long, you will notice it. What I did was to pray and seek God for many things, some of them I just touched on today a little bit. But I do know this: we are not just talking here. What I am talking about is the elect church, the church of the Living God all over the land. God is going to raise up a standard, but He will not raise it up until prayer begins to move among the people. If you have a systematic time like you do going to the table, I guarantee it would work. Daniel prayed three times a day and the angel said you are greatly beloved. He saved a nation, see? You have to have someone that is faithful. In this revival, you must be faithful and after you have prayed, you must act. You don’t just pray, you must act. You must put legs to your prayer. You see; the Lord has a way to help you. For each individual’s life, He has a pattern and a plan. You weren’t born for nothing. When you really find the will of God and learn in your heart that plan, truly there is joy untouchable [unspeakable]. The people that come here, if they would continue to pray in their hearts, they would begin to see the ministry—what God is doing everywhere and what would take place in the kingdom of God.

There is a scripture that says be anxious for nothing, but by prayer and supplication, make your requests known unto God. There is only one way in the world you can be anxious for nothing, that is by prayer, giving and thanksgiving to God. Jesus said cast your burden upon me for I care for you. He said learn of me, my yoke is light. Now, do you see what the sermon is about? Some people may say, “Prayer: that is kind of hard on the flesh.” But in the long run, it is the lightest burden you will ever carry. The Lord said the reason why you have so many burdens is that you have not been carrying His yoke. Do you know that a yoke is something you put around you and pull? Therefore, the whole elect together is in a yoke with God and the ministry of the Lord, and they are pulling together. That’s what a yoke is. He said cast your burden upon me and what I will give you is the yoke so you can just pull your way on through. And you pull in unity, you pull in faith, you pull in power and God will bless your heart. That is what is coming at the end of the age. I would rather have a burden of prayer—and it becomes light—than no prayer at all and get into a situation where you are completely beaten down. Can you say, Amen? So it pays.

Like I said, Apostle Paul had the gift of miracles and the gift of faith. Many men in the bible had the gift of faith and the gift of miracles. But there was a time when they didn’t use that. God wouldn’t allow it to be used. There was a time when prayer was used and afterwards, it was incredible. I know in my heart and I will always believe in my heart that there is something wonderful for the people of God. But those that have gone to sleep and those that have quit listening to this kind of message are going to be given a delusion. He told me. They would be given a delusion and there is no way in the world that you would be able to talk to them. You will sound like an insane person to them even if you have the most perfect mind God has ever given. You say, “How can He do that?” Look at what He did to Nebuchadnezzar.

When you are in prayer, there are many things to pray about. If you are only going to pray for fifteen minutes one time and fifteen minutes the other time, that is fine. Try to get a regular time of it [prayer] in and He will really bless your heart. This is for the end of the age totally. At some point at the end of the age, you have to be praying anyway, because He is going to put a spirit of prayer on the elect. You talk about revival and all the things that go with it and the benefits, they would be here, saith the Lord. He that listens to this message is more than a wise man for God will really bless Him. I believe that. What would be more than a wise man? It would be that the very elect of God will do that [pray]. It would be the spirit of a prophet. It would be something if you would follow and act on what is said here today. I believe this: you will be healthy, wealthy and wise if you would carry that through. You believe that? I really believe it. We can see, sometimes, why there are shortcomings. Why are there failures for some people? We can go right back. Remember, if you want something to grow, you’ve got to water it. You can’t just throw the water hose there and come back a week later. I don’t know why it would come back to me to talk about this now. I had four nice, beautiful trees behind the house—weeping willows. You had to keep the water to them. I had a crusade and during the crusade—the keeper of the grounds misunderstood what I said—this is nothing against him, it can happen to anybody. I said to him, “We are going to have a crusade. I know you are going to water the trees, why don’t you just skip every other day? I don’t remember how I said it. He thought I didn’t want him to come around the house during the meeting. He probably thought I would be praying or something. So, he took off. Every one of those trees died off. Just like God’s people if they don’t pray and seek the Lord. At the end of this message—never in my life did I believe that this would come back after all those years. See; it is God bringing up a point, do you know that?

Here He comes: every one of us is called a tree of righteousness and we are planted by water and should bring forth fruit in due season. If you have no water, you are not going to bring forth fruit. We are the planting of the Lord and the trees of righteousness. At the end of the age, the bible says they shall flourish. If you are a tree of righteousness, these services will really help you, but you need to pray too. You need that added power at the end of the age. See; the whole world is going to be taken over by such a temptation and such sins will come upon the whole world. Such a cloud of all these things will come upon the people and a strong delusion. Some of you will say, “Oh, I am not going to be a part of that. That won’t happen to me.” But it will, if you don’t pray. Can you say, Amen? We are called the trees of righteousness. Therefore, we must water them with the Holy Ghost. When you don’t water, as I told you, the tree dries up and dies off. You must keep watering it. That means in more ways than praying. You must come in faith, believing God in faith, testifying and if God moves on you and you see somebody, bring them to church. I really feel too, as we are coming to the end of the age, that each person in this building—I am praying about it—that God would move on your heart that somebody would want to go to church with you and you can bring them.

It is essential that this message has come at this perfect time. Who knows if some of the ministers here and those that are going into the ministry would get a really strong ministry from this and be able to pray for people and have results by the power of God? Sometimes, what people think is just a message going forth to the few here—they don’t realize what can take place—people are being led through this concerning what to do. Jesus set an example. The first thing He did was to seek God 40 days and 40 nights. He turned around, defeated the devil—it is written—and showed us what to do. I have had people that read my book—Creative Miracles—two ministers, one is overseas, they read the book and got a new lease from the Lord on what to do. Remember, when you really believe and pray in your heart, there would be something happening to you and those around you. I got two sermons in one here. How many want the Lord’s yoke? It is light. It is the easy way out. Prayer is not hard at all. The bible says it is the easy way out because it will come to your rescue. We are the trees of righteousness. Therefore, let us keep the water flowing. Remember to thank the Lord. When you get tired of praying, praise the Lord. Then, when you ask for something, you are likely to get it. Most of all, prayer and praise will keep you full of voltage.

Sometimes, people don’t know how to pray. They leave it up to the priest, they leave it up to the church—the modern church—they leave it up to relatives, and they leave it up to this and leave it up to that. They don’t understand. Let me tell you something, there is really something to prayer—the prayer of faith. You just get really determined in your heart and there is a Presence, and there is a change that will come upon you. There is something to it. I believe it with all my heart. Those that learn to get into the spirit of prayer [in these services even] and learn how to do that, I tell you, it is heavenly. Amen. I don’t want any burden. I want the yoke. Can you say, Amen? That is exactly right. We’ll pull together. The people of God need to feel the impact of the Holy Spirit like never before. I want the people to get into the same shape that Elijah got into before he crossed Jordan. There was a wind of the spirit. There was a shaking of the spirit. That same thing is coming on His people before they leave here with the Lord because he [Elijah] symbolizes the translation, the bible said. Enoch did, too. They were translated away.

When God says something to help you, old satan will try to take it from you. But he can’t, though, I believe that my prayer is going to hold in your heart and I believe that the Lord is going to bless you. As some people begin to act, doing something for the Lord, do you know that God is a rewarder of that? I believe that everything that the Lord has given here this morning is by divine Providence. I believe that it really has something very important for His people. How many of you can say, praise the Lord? Oh, praise your holy name! I believe that already you are answering the hearts. You are uplifting the hearts, Lord and you are working for your people. You are activating among your people and we thank you for what you are going to do. You are going to bless your people right now. Give the Lord a handclap!

Voltage in Prayer
Neal Frisby’s Sermon  CD #985
01/29/84 AM

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